Low Carbon Life Tips Essay 800 Words

My Low Carbon Tips

Low carbon, in English, means lower (lower) greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide-based) emissions. With the development of the world's industrial economy, the dramatic increase in population, the unlimited rise in human desire and unrestrained production and lifestyle, the world's climate is facing more and more serious problems, carbon dioxide emissions are getting bigger and bigger, the earth's ozone layer is suffering from an unprecedented crisis, the global catastrophic climate change has repeatedly appeared, and has seriously jeopardized the survival of mankind's living environment and health and safety, even if mankind was once proud of the high speed of growth or expansion of GDP, but also to the extent that it has not been possible for the world's economy to grow. Even the high growth or expansion of GDP that human beings used to be proud of has also been "greatly reduced" because of environmental pollution and climate change (also for this reason, countries have called for "green GDP" development model and statistical methods).

Last year, the Chinese government made a public commitment to the world to quantify its emissions reduction targets, deciding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40-45 percent by 2020 compared with 2005 levels. In the trek to address global warming and the energy crisis, the era of low-carbon economy, marked by low energy consumption, low pollution and low emissions, has arrived as promised and is profoundly changing our lives.

Despite the fact that the Copenhagen Climate Conference has already been held, many people still don't know much about "low carbon". In fact, "low carbon" is all around us. Below, I will briefly introduce some of my tips in "low carbon living".

In life, it is not very difficult to do low carbon, many times as long as you do it yourself can be done. For example, the average family has a lot of discarded boxes, such as soap boxes, toothpaste boxes, milk boxes, etc., in fact, a little tailoring, you can easily waste them, such as making into a storage box, you can put tea bags, cosmetics and other items; you can also use the instant noodle boxes, cans and bottles, yogurt bottles to make a beautiful lamp; drink the tea dregs, drying to make a tea pillow, both comfortable but also to improve the For those of you who do shop by car, please plan your shopping and buy as much as you can in one go. Driving can also be made greener if you do the following. Avoid cold starts, reduce idling time, avoid sudden acceleration, choose the right gear, avoid running at high speeds in low gears, use the lowest viscosity lubricant, change the oil regularly, don't open the windows when driving at high speeds, and use proper tire pressure. People can also buy small-displacement cars that are low-priced, low-fuel-consumption and low-polluting, while the safety factor is constantly improving. Walk or ride bicycles more often, and take the light rail or subway.

At the same time, it is also very good and wise to plant more flowers and plants. Plants can purify the air and also add a touch of green to your home. On the balcony, a few trays of flowers, watering them in your spare time and observing their growth is also a good pastime!

Using more electricity and less coal, whether by using hydroelectric power, solar power, or wind power, will save more energy and be more environmentally friendly. Of course, this is not something we can do in every household, but saving energy consumption should be within everyone's reach!

We can also take online shopping, which can reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of transportation; shopping with their own environmental shopping bags is also a good choice ......

Short time not to use the computer, to enable the computer's "sleep

With laptop computers, we should pay special attention to: complete discharge of the battery; try not to use external devices; close the equipment and interfaces that are not in use; turn off the screen saver; and reasonably select the shutdown mode: the need for immediate recovery using the "standby", the battery to use the "sleep" option, and a long time without using the "sleep" option.

Advanced Mode
Advanced mode provides a more comprehensive UEFI BIOS environment that is designed specifically for overclockers and power users who want maximum control over their PC's hardware.

This is my low-carbon tips, not bad, right ...... everyone also try a low-carbon life.

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