Why did the hospital do this? A number of industry insiders told Henan Business Daily reporter that the equipment weight is large, is the cause of the above equipment is placed in the underground floor of a large part of the reason.
The above insiders told the Henan Business Daily reporter that the linear gas pedal is sold for tens of millions of yuan, and its weight is about 10 tons. Hospitals spend so much money to buy a piece of equipment, certainly more than anyone else to pay attention to care, maintenance, but if you put such a "big guy" in the upstairs, it is not realistic, and not very safe.
In addition, in order to better avoid radiation, linear gas pedal placed in the room walls also have requirements. "The wall needs to be thickened, after thickening the wall also sinks, the equipment also sinks, so the vast majority of hospitals will try to put the linear gas pedal in the hospital's bottom floor." Industry insiders further explained.
Reason two: the need for protection
Henan Business Daily reporter visited the hospital to learn that the use of many valuable equipment, precision instruments, the surrounding environment are put forward very high requirements, that is, there are corresponding restrictions on the placement of the conditions are not placed at will.
As the Provincial Hospital of Henan Province Multidisciplinary Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment Center (MDT) radiotherapy group doctor Gao Hua said, the linear gas pedal will produce high-energy x-rays during operation, although it plays a therapeutic effect on the tumor patients, but the ordinary people can not stand the radiation, so the room where the linear gas pedal is placed, "the walls should be thickened, the main wall should be 3-5 meters thick, and if poured with concrete, it needs to be poured at once. If the concrete is poured, it needs to be done in one pour".
Henan Business Daily reporter checked the information found that, according to China's "medical diagnostic X-ray machine health protection standards," the machine room in the ray beam toward the wall, there should be 3 millimeters of lead-equivalent thickness of the protection (the main protection), the other side of the wall and the canopy (multi-storey building) there should be 2 millimeters of lead-equivalent thickness of the protection (sub-protection), and in addition to the walls, doors and windows, vents, threading holes, transfer boxes, observation windows, etc. are required to have protective measures. etc. are required to have protective measures.
In this way, if the linear gas pedal is placed in the middle layer, it will have to be six sides of the protection, if placed in the bottom layer, at least one side of the radiation hazard can be reduced. Of course, in addition to being placed in the subterranean layer, you can also choose to be placed in a separate building, if the two conditions are not available, then it is placed on the bottom end of the floor. This is the case with the first floor of the third building of Henan Cancer Hospital.
Reason three: to reduce interference with the outside world
Some people may say that the nuclear magnetic **** vibration examination has no radiation, why some hospitals also want to put it on the ground floor?
In this regard, the relevant person in charge of Henan Provincial Hospital explained that when the hospital introduced the nuclear magnetic **** vibration equipment, it was installed with a crane. Several tons of heavy equipment, is a lot of people took a lot of effort to transport to the underground floor of the room, if placed in the high floor, the difficulty factor can be imagined. Therefore, the sinking, and one of the reasons for placing the device in the underground floor.
In addition, although the nuclear magnetic **** vibration equipment does not have radiation, but it has a strong magnetic field and strong noise, must be shielded with special materials to the magnetic field and noise, in order to prevent interference with the outside world, so, from this point of view, it is also more appropriate to place this large-scale equipment in the underground floor.
It is understood that when the hospital was being built, it had already reserved space for large equipment.