Details of the Russian Air Force's "Aerial Scalpel" incident, which was a sensation back then

That was during the Soviet era. During the Soviet era, the Russian aerospace industry was fine.

But nowadays, Russia's aerospace industry is a sham. Last year in Russia, its own domestic aircraft crashed many times, the launch of satellites also failed many times, and even dragged down China's Mars exploration satellite "Firefly 1", due to the Russian state-owned enterprises serious corruption and institutional ossification, the Russian political system ossification and the upper, middle and lower levels of serious corruption, the economic structure of the deformity (and can only rely on the military and natural resources, and in the field of military industry). and natural resources, and the advantage in the field of military industry is also shrinking), and now in the civilian light industry, heavy industry and electronics, IT, biotechnology and other high-tech areas have been fully behind the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea and other developed countries, and even in some areas are still behind China.