Seaport Hospital has thirty-three departments, with more than 300 professional and technical personnel, and more than 200 titles above the intermediate level. Urology, ophthalmology, neurology, cardiovascular medicine, obstetrics and gynecology are the key specialties. It has GE double-row spiral CT machine, 217 z100 excimer laser therapy instrument and ultrasonic emulsification cataract therapy instrument made by Dr. Sun Yat-sen Company of the U.S.A., German-made Siemens G60S-type and U.S.A.-made XP128-type, GE-LOGIQ7-type, GE-LOGIQ3-type color ultrasonic diagnostic scanner, and GE800mA electronic remote-controlled scanner made by the U.S.A.. GE800mA electronic remote control digital X-ray machine, C-arm X-ray imaging system.