Pig farms generally need what pig equipment

Pig farm equipment are: pig pens, leaky floor, feed supply and feeding equipment, water supply and drinking water equipment, heating and thermal insulation equipment, ventilation and cooling equipment, cleaning and disinfection equipment, manure treatment equipment, monitoring instruments and transportation equipment.

The general term for specialized machinery, tools and internal facilities used in pig farms in the process of raising sows, piglets, breeding pigs and meat pigs. Pig farms need equipment varieties and types, due to the direction of pig farms, scale size, production level and mechanization level of different, mainly including pig pens, feeding equipment, automatic waterers, dung removal equipment and pig manure treatment equipment.

Pig pens are the basic production unit of mechanized pig farm. Commonly used types of pens have the following categories:

1, isolated septic pens. The lying area and manure discharge area are separated by partition walls and equipped with movable doors that can be opened and closed. In the fecal discharge area set up waterer, usually open the movable door, using the pigs in the water have the habit of feces and urine, the feces will be concentrated in the fecal discharge area, easy to remove.

Closing the movable door can make the fecal area of each pen to be connected into a channel, and use the scraper to remove the feces. This kind of pen can keep the lying area dry and clean, reduce feed waste, but because the fecal discharge area is located in the hog house, it is easy to cause air pollution in the hog house, and the ventilation of the hog house should be strengthened when it is used.

2, open ditch in addition to the fecal column. There is no partition wall, but in the manure discharge area set up ditch, with scraper manure board in addition to manure. This is easy to clean and help to improve labor efficiency.

3, part of the gap floor type pigsties. In the manure discharge area set up a deep ditch, in the ditch on the slit floor, ditch feces and urine regularly flushed away with water.

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Pig Farm Construction

Pig farms have a large amount of transportation, and generally The pig farm is required to be more than 200 meters away from the main transportation line and more than 100 meters away from the general highway. The design of pig house should be based on the biological characteristics of pigs, according to local conditions and scientific design, to provide a good environment of fresh air and suitable temperature for pigs. The general pig house is divided into breeder pen, sow pen (breeding pen), delivery pen, nursery pen, breeding (fertilizer) pen, etc. The pig house is designed according to the biological characteristics of the pig.

1, boar pen: boars are mostly raised in a single circle. Boar pen area of 6 to 7 square meters, front height of 1.05 meters, with a door, 1 meter high, 0.8 meters wide.

2, sow pen: gestating sows are generally raised in a small pen single limit, this feeding method has a small area, easy to observe the sows in heat and timely breeding, a single pen limit width of 0.6 meters, length of 2.1 meters, height of 1 meter.

3, birthing pen: birthing pen is a single column, birthing pen width of 2 ~ 2.2 meters; which sows limit frame width of 0.6 meters, 2.1 ~ 2.2 meters long, 1.1 meters wide, piglet enclosure height of 0.6 meters, both sides of the placement of piglet warming box.

4, nursery pen: more high-bed nursery, can keep the high bed clean and dry, piglets are not contaminated by feces and urine, nursery pen area is generally 3 meters × 2 meters or 1.5 meters × 1.5 meters.

5, fostering (fat) pen: fattening pigs occupy an area depending on the overall layout, generally 0.8 to 1 square meters per head of the circle area.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Pig Farm