The peace elite signal supplies how to choose the situation encountered all-powerful medical box

Peace elite believe that we are no stranger to the game, we also need to utilize a variety of signaling supplies, the following I bring you signaling supplies selection skills, take a look together.

Signal supplies "omnipotent medical kit" and "signal battery".

1. The Medkit

The Medkit is the only signaling item that can restore the maximum signaling value, except for the elimination and collapse cases, which can't be used. It takes only 8s to use the medicine to restore 100% of the signal value.

The weight of the omnipotent medical box will account for 15 frames of the total capacity of the backpack, and we recommend that if you encounter the omnipotent medical box, try to pick it up, after all, according to my experience, unless your luck is very good, in general, a game of the race will only encounter 1~2 omnipotent medical box, and even the bad luck of the players, a game of the race, but also can not be encountered.

2. Signal Batteries

Signal Batteries can restore 50 points of signal value directly after use, and the time to use the medicine is only 4s, no matter how low the signal value is, you only need 2 Signal Batteries to restore the full signal value.

We compared the pack weights of the All-In-One Medical Kit and the Signal Battery. The former has a pack weight of 15, while the latter has a pack weight of 5. In comparison, if you only consider signal recovery, two Signal Batteries can recover as much as a full medkit and reduce pack weight, but why did I mention above that you should pick up more medkits?

In fact, the reason is very simple, the signal battery can only meet the signal value of the recovery, if the time to the victory area, the body of the signal supplies more than medicine, it is a little bit of chicken ribs, because the two types of supplies add up to the weight of the backpack, not more than a number of all-around medical kit backpack weight add up to the weight of the much heavier, and to the later stages of the competition, the health value of the recovery needs more than the signal value, but we can prioritize to keep the all-around But we can prioritize keeping the all-in-one medical kit, which can satisfy both health recovery and signal recovery, so we can give up some signal items in the deciding zone appropriately.