Which measuring instruments need to be calibrated? Which only need to be calibrated?

Measuring instrument state mandatory inspection catalog on the gauge, if used for trade settlement, safety protection, medical and health, environmental monitoring, and if used as a measurement standard, these must be mandatory verification;

Industry standards rarely require mandatory verification; in addition to all can be calibrated; of course, the calibration is required to establish a measurement standard and obtain the measurement standard calibration is also required to establish a measurement standard and obtain a measurement standard qualification certificate, can only be carried out.

The preparation of a clear calibration program, which must be written in the content of the test, the determination of the method and standard. And the measurement of the standard can be traced. That is, the need for a higher level of standards for calibration.

For example: 1, calibration vernier calipers; 2, the national standard to check the verticality; 3, the tightness of the fit and so on.

For the calibration of internal and external card, according to the national standard is to compare with the standard block for calibration. But if there is no standard block, you can also use a caliper as a standard, other calipers and it for comparison. That is, a caliper external school, other calipers and external caliper caliper comparison, thus realizing the internal school.