How to read the k chart to analyze the market trend

Here are some basic K-line patterns

Large positive line (long red): the opening price is close to the lowest price of the day, and then the price rises all the way to the highest price to close, indicating that the market buyers are enthusiastic, the upward trend is not yet finished

Large negative line (long black/green): the opening price is close to the highest price of the day, and then the price slides all the way down to the lowest price to close, indicating that the market is strongly downward, especially the high price area is more dangerous

Lower shadow positive line: price once fell sharply, but was supported by buying forces, the price rose again, and closed at the highest price. appeared in the high price area, more dangerous

Lower shadow positive line: price was down sharply, but by the buying power support, the price and back up, closed at the highest price, is a strong pattern

Lower shadow negative line: price was down sharply, but by the buying power support, the price back up, although the closing price is still lower than the opening price, can be regarded as a strong. But in the high price area, the price of the retracement requirements, should pay attention to sell

up shadow positive line: the price of the high back down, the upward trend is blocked, although the closing price is still higher than the opening price, but above the resistance, can be regarded as a weak

up shadow negative line: the price of the high blocked, the upward trend of the blocked, the closing price is lower than the opening price, above the resistance, can be regarded as a weak

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