CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Customer Relationship Management is a new management mechanism aimed at improving the relationship between enterprises and customers, which is implemented in the enterprise's marketing, sales, service and technical support, and other customer-related areas.
The goal of CRM is to attract and keep more customers by providing faster and more considerate high-quality service, on the other hand. CRM is a concept, but also a set of management software and technology, the use of CRM systems, enterprises can collect, track and analyze the information of each customer, so as to know what kind of customer needs what things, really make 1:1, but also to observe and analyze the impact of customer behavior on business revenue, so that the relationship between the enterprise and the customer and the customer's business. The company can also observe and analyze the impact of customer behavior on the company's profitability, so that the relationship between the company and its customers and the company's profit can be optimized.
This paper analyzes direct marketing and customer relationship management, combining the two to achieve the improvement of marketing efficiency!
A What is direct marketing
Direct marketing is also known as direct marketing, direct marketing, English DIRECT-MARKETING . It is the product of personalized demand, is the best channel to disseminate personalized products and services. The American Direct Marketing Association (ADMA) marketing experts define it as "a marketing system that uses one or several types of advertising media that interact with each other in order to produce a measurable response or reach a transaction at any location. The main features that distinguish it from other marketing methods are:
1. More precise selection of target customers: direct marketing personnel can select people who are likely to become their own customers as target customers from customer lists and relevant information in databases, and then carry out direct information exchanges with individual target customers or specific business users. Thus, the target customer is accurate and communication is targeted.
2. Emphasize the relationship with customers: direct marketing activities, direct marketing staff can be based on the different needs of each customer and consumption habits of targeted marketing activities. This will form a one-to-one two-way communication with customers, will form and maintain a good relationship with customers. Various studies have shown that most consumer purchases are planned purchases. Direct marketers know that customers do not passively stay at home waiting for advertisements to arrive. Therefore, they always concentrate on stimulating unplanned or impulsive purchases and make it as easy as possible for consumers to respond immediately.
3. Stimulate immediate customer response: By concentrating all efforts on stimulating the recipients of advertisements to take a particular action immediately, and providing all possible conveniences and ways for the customers to respond immediately, the direct communication of humanization can be realized instantly.
4. The covert nature of the marketing strategy: the direct marketing strategy is not carried out with great fanfare, so it is not easy to be noticed by competitors, even if competitors notice their own marketing strategy, it is too late, because the direct marketing advertising and sales are carried out at the same time.
5. Focus on customer lifetime value and long-term communication: Direct marketing takes customers (including end customers, distributors and partners) as the most important corporate resources, and satisfies customer needs through perfect customer service and in-depth customer analysis, focusing on and helping customers realize lifetime value.
Direct marketing has its origins in mail-order activities. in 1498, the founder of the Aldine Press, Aldas? Aldus Manutius published the first printed catalog with a price list in Venice, Italy. This is generally considered to be the earliest documented mail order activity. 1667, William Lucas published the first catalog with a price list in Venice, Italy. William Lucas published the first gardening catalog in England. Later, mail order activity developed in the United States, Italy, and England. By 1926, Sherman and Sackheim founded The Book of the Month Club, the first modern book club in the United States. They began utilizing the free trial method, whereby books were sent to consumers until they stopped ordering or paying for them. This is very different from the traditional method of receiving payment and then sending the book. It was also the first attempt by marketers to measure lifetime customer value (LVV) The world's second-largest direct response company, Cato? The second largest direct response company in the world, Cato Wendelman & Johnson (WCJ). (WCJ), the second largest direct response company in the world. Lester Wendelman, founder of Cato Wendelman Johnson (WCJ), the second largest direct response company in the world, says that 90 percent of a manufacturer's profits come from repeat customers, and only 10 percent from casual customers. Losing 5% fewer repeat customers can increase profits by 25%. Strategically, therefore, companies must be clear about whether they want to focus on competing for market share or on retaining customers or fostering loyalty. According to expert analysis, in the face of fierce market competition, the cost of maintaining an old customer is 0.5 times the cost of seeking a new customer, while the cost of making a lost old customer become a new customer is 10 times the cost of seeking a new customer. How to keep the customers we get from traditional advertising and convert them into loyal customers is an important purpose of our direct marketing.
Mr. Wunderman first introduced the concept of direct marketing in 1967. He believed that the beginning of human society transaction is direct, that classical one-to-one sales (service) is the most consistent and can maximize the way to meet people's needs, and the industrial revolution brought mass production and mass marketing is inhuman and immoral.
Particularly at this stage, the product market is a mixed bag, a large number of traditional advertisements flooded the media is called "eyeball economy", can be said to have caused social indignation, in today's social conditions, people are more in pursuit of personalized products and services, and no one is willing to accept the same as other people's products and services. This is a large number of marketing fatal weakness and a large number of marketing era decline, the root cause of the end.
When consumers are generally distrustful of some products; when they are tired of a large number of advertisements and have nothing to do with them; especially when health care companies are at a loss and marketers are struggling to think of and find a new marketing approach, direct marketing came into being and quickly swept through all Western countries with its strong vitality and adaptability, setting off a marketing revolution in the 21st century. Most of the health care pharmaceutical companies in our country have partially accepted the use of direct marketing methods, but the systematic use has not yet. We use direct marketing as the main means of entering the market, can greatly reduce the risk.
Two, the types of direct marketing:
Direct marketing (direct marketing) as a part of marketing activities, and modern consumers are increasingly close. On the one hand, the pace of life in modern society is accelerating, so that the time consumers spend on shopping is decreasing. On the other hand, the development of information and communication technology and the continuous improvement of the credit system provide an opportunity for the development of direct marketing.
Now, with the rapid development of credit means and information technology, the form of direct marketing has been unprecedented development, its form is no longer limited to mail order activities. With the emergence of the telephone, television and the Internet and many other media, direct marketing forms have become more and more rich, common forms of direct marketing are:
1. Direct mail marketing:
Marketers send letters, samples or advertisements directly to the target customer's marketing activities. Lists of target customers can be rented, purchased or exchanged with other businesses that are not in competition. When using these lists, care should be taken to duplicate the lists so that the same mailing is not sent to the same customer more than twice, causing resentment.
2. Catalog marketing:
Marketers mail catalogs to target customers or have catalogs readily available. General mail-order stores that carry a complete line of products use this approach more often, such as Montgomery? Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck and Co. Roebuck (Sears Roebuck) and so on.
3. Telemarketing:
Marketers conduct marketing campaigns to targeted customers over the phone. The popularity of the telephone, especially the 800 toll-free number, has made consumers more willing to accept this form. Many consumers now ask for information about products or services over the phone and make purchases.
4. Direct Response Television Marketing:
Marketers carry out marketing activities by introducing a product on television or sponsoring a special program that promotes a product. In China, television is the most popular media, TV channels are also more, many companies have begun marketing activities on television.
5. Direct Response Print Media:
Direct response print media usually means direct response advertisements in magazines, newspapers, and other print media to encourage targeted members to order by phone or by return mail so as to achieve the purpose of increasing sales and to provide knowledge and other services to customers.
6. Direct response radio
Radio can be used as the dominant direct response medium, or it can be used as a complementary medium to other media, allowing customers to give feedback on the radio. With the development of the broadcasting industry, the number of radio stations is increasing, more and more specialized, and some stations even target a particular or highly segmented sub-groups, providing an opportunity for direct response marketers to seek precise targeting.
7. Internet marketing:
Marketers carry out marketing activities through the Internet, fax and other electronic means of communication. At present, things like books, computer hardware and software, and travel services have commonly started their marketing operations online. In addition to this, marketers also utilize media such as newspapers, magazines, and radio stations for their marketing activities. The above mentioned types of direct marketing can be used singly or in combination.
Three, Characteristics of Direct Marketing
Despite the fact that direct marketing has long existed as a marketing idea, it was still considered as a method of distribution until the 1980s. The commonly accepted definition was that of Stan Rapp and his team. Stan Rapp and Tom Collins. The commonly accepted definition is that of Stan Rapp and Tom Collins: "Direct marketing is a form of distribution that accomplishes transactions directly between buyers and sellers without going through a store." While the above definition summarizes the basic nature of direct marketing, it has become difficult to fully encapsulate the uses of direct marketing as its role has become more widespread.
Direct marketing and its databases focus on the behavior of each consumer and potential consumer. They predict future behavior based on consumers' past purchases. This information is processed on an individual basis, and even though there are tens of thousands of consumers, it can still be used to analyze individual behavior and make decisions. This does not mean that marketing research is obsolete, but if one relies only on the information obtained from marketing research, one will make assumptions that are universally applicable to consumer behavior, assumptions that may be wrong when applied to individual situations. In summary, direct marketing emphasizes analytical decision making based on information about the individual, ultimately maximizing customer lifetime value.
The characteristics of direct marketing can be summarized as interconnectedness, targeting, control, and continuity.
1. Interaction refers to the interconnection between the marketer and the consumer, which includes two meanings: (1) how the marketer provides stimuli in the target market designed to elicit a response from the consumer. (2) how consumers respond to them. The interconnection with the consumer allows the marketer to obtain information that will enable effective targeting and control and information on how to stay in touch with the consumer. Thus, interconnectedness is at the center of the four characteristics of direct marketing.
2. Targeting is the process by which marketers select the recipients of information about a product or service, which can be consumers who have already purchased the product or service, or potential consumers who are highly likely to become customers, or a wide range of potential consumers. Marketers can periodically review the results of their last marketing campaign with a view to obtaining more accurate information for targeting.
3. Control refers to the management of marketing activities, including setting goals and plans, making budgets and evaluating results. It is a cyclical process in which marketers generally make future plans based on the results of past control processes.
4. Continuity (continuity) refers to retaining the existing customer base and selling them other products and more advanced products. In business, much of the profit comes from the existing customer base, so continuity is important. Important data gained from interactions with customers enables marketers to better communicate with them, gain timely information about their interests and preferences, and understand their perceptions of past marketing activities. While many companies do not now recognize the importance of continuity, studies have shown that the cost of re-selling to consumers who have already purchased a product is a small fraction of the cost of attracting new customers. For example, in the new car market, the ratio of these two costs is 1/5.
The above four features of direct marketing are interrelated, and its overall goal is to maximize customer lifetime value by building a database, retaining old customers, and attracting new ones. Customer lifetime value is the total net income that a customer brings to a business over his or her lifetime, and it implies the sum of the value of the expected future income that will be brought in during the period in which the customer remains loyal to that business.
Four: the shortcomings of traditional marketing and the advantages of direct marketing:
Traditional marketing involves sales promotion costs, advertising and media costs, warehousing costs, channel costs, etc., the cost of management and sales is very high, while the direct marketing to a certain extent, lower costs, increased efficiency.
1, direct marketing reduces the overall customer cost. Direct marketing eliminates the middleman markup link, thus reducing the price of goods; at the same time, customers do not need to go out to shop, so that their time, physical and mental costs down to almost zero.
2, direct marketing in line with the trend of customer demand for time efficiency. Compared with shopping, modern people are more willing to devote their valuable time to work, study, socializing, sports, leisure and other more meaningful things, and the advantages of direct marketing phone (or network) ordering, delivery for the customer's shopping provides great convenience.
3, the promotion of network communication technology to promote the development of direct marketing. Media is the key to the success of direct marketing. Today, developed communication facilities, especially the use of Internet technology (according to statistics, China now has 50 million cell phones, 100 million fixed-line phones; computer ownership of more than 12 million units, more than 4 million Internet users) is making e-shopping become a trend.
4, direct marketing to meet the trend of personalized customer demand. Through direct marketing, manufacturers can customize products according to the special needs of each customer, so as to provide customers with fully satisfied with the goods. The new century calls for direct marketing, but the shift in marketing strategy has its economic reasons. Traditional image advertising is simply too untargeted for many companies.
For example, most of Coca-Cola's revenue comes from 8% of Americans, but Coca-Cola is doing hundreds of millions of dollars of television advertising to 100% of the people. This is a very unreasonable percentage and Coca-Cola tries to find the right percentage. Coca-Cola understands that it has to build a closer relationship with each customer, because no one has ever seen a group of customers buy a Coke, every time it is a single customer.
Traditional advertising faces a structural crisis. In order not to be forgotten, companies must advertise more. But it is not enough to be well-known as well as to leave a good impression. Statistics show that every day a consumer is confronted with 1,600 advertising messages. Unsurprisingly, he will forget a large part of them after a while and remember another part incorrectly.
Larry Goldman, vice president of client solutions at Braun Consulting, calls 2002 the year of "let's apply. In a study released by Braun Consulting, "Top 10 CRM Trends for 2002," it reveals what it considers to be the most impactful trends across the CRM industry in 2002.
Five, customer relationship management
From the 1990s, marketing strategy began to shift from "product-centric" to "customer-centric", began to emphasize and practice Customer / Consumer customers/consumers, Cost, Channel, Convenience - "4C". The initial focus of the "4Cs" was to introduce the concept of marketing into the service organization of the enterprise, to provide customers/consumers with efficient, convenient, and low-cost services, and to improve customer/consumer satisfaction. The "4Cs" provide a "customer-centered" concept and initial approach, but there are still many detailed questions that need to be answered in actual business management.
For example:
1. Does "customer-centered" or "customer as God" refer to the work attitude or work method, or does it mean that all the needs of the customers should be satisfied unconditionally and 100%? "Customer-centric" and "enterprise profit maximization", which is more important, which is the means, which is the end?
2. How to recognize the difference between customers? Which part of the customer is the most valuable, which part is the most growth, which part of the profit is lower than the marginal cost? What aspects of various business data to analyze and how can you do it quantitatively rather than just qualitatively?
3. How can we optimize the integration of customer, company, and employee resources, use the most effective business processes to carry out "one-to-one" sales and service, reduce overall operating costs, and at the same time increase sales revenue, customer satisfaction and employee productivity? What methods are used to control business, projects, processes and results, and how to predict future sales revenue?
4. In the face of frequent employee "job hopping" and customer attrition, how do you retain old customers, potential customers, and business resources? How to effectively develop new customers and new business? How to do a good job of customer care, improve customer loyalty?
5. How to work together within the sales department and how to work together within the service department? How to work efficiently between sales and service departments? The level of customer service staff to the customer is very dissatisfied, sales representatives in the case of unaware of the situation is still trying to sell new products to customers; or customer service staff can not be timely understanding of the products sold on the warranty period has expired, but also in the free service - how to avoid this situation?
6. How can you work mobile and offline?
6. How can you work mobile and offline? How do you know your competitors and know what you're doing?
7. ......
Enterprises are facing unprecedented competition and challenges in the marketplace: the pace of work and life is getting faster and faster, and business opportunities are passing by; customers are becoming more and more critical of differentiated services, and customer and employee loyalty is becoming more and more fragile; product margins are decreasing, while operating costs are rising. The cost of business operation is rising ......
This is an unavoidable and very important problem of customer management in traditional marketing. With the development of science and technology and the progress of the times, we have ushered in a new era of information economy, network economy, knowledge economy, a new, called CRM business management theory and software is presented in front of us, for the enterprise to open the door to development and success. In the 1990s, the late, "customer-centric" marketing theory through continuous interpretation, breeding a set of related business management theory and practice, CRM is in this process came into being and mature.
American Ike believes that in the e-era enterprises can only do CCPR (convenience, care, personalization, immediate response), in order to better maintain customer relations.
1, so that customers are more convenient (Convenient)
To make it easier for customers to obtain the services of the enterprise, as the grocery store in front of the home, whenever you want to go to pick up. Many companies have set up 800 hotlines in order to answer customer questions. However, it has been proven that the high frequency of phone call occupancy rate has become an important obstacle to telephone communication. In the e-era, companies must allow customers to choose for themselves whether they want to contact the company by phone, Web site, fax, E-mail or face-to-face and other different communication methods to obtain product information or services.
2, more intimate to the customer (Care)
Because of the excessive emphasis on science and technology and its equipment, so that many enterprises and customer contact, into a cold "vending machine", especially when the relationship between the enterprise and the customer is purely only to give the money and delivery, the customer's choice of business is only the price, so as long as there is a cheaper source of supply, the customer will be lost, and therefore, the customer has no loyalty to the enterprise. Customers have no loyalty to the business whatsoever.
3. Personalized
Enterprises have to take each customer, as an eternal treasure, not a transaction, so they must understand each customer's preferences and habits, and provide timely advice, for example, the example of the grocery store, the boss has to know Mr. Zhang's family situation, spending habits and creditworthiness in order to put forward the most appropriate proposals
4, immediate response (Real time)
Enterprises for customer behavior, must continue to learn through each contact, and very sensitive to respond immediately, as in the grocery store when Mr. Zhang to go and return, and pick up the same goods again, which indicates that Zhang on the line on the soy sauce is really interested, but may be comparing the price of two stores, then the enterprise should be an immediate response, in the shortest possible time. At this point, the enterprise should immediately react, in the shortest possible time, take the initiative to put forward reasons to persuade customers to buy. Customer relationship management in the e-era is to establish a CCPR (Convenience, Care, Personalization, and Immediate Response) business model, where customers thousands of miles away can feel the care of the company through the Internet and technology. As a result, business opportunities for enterprises will increase rapidly.
Traditional customer management and customer relationship management (CRm)
Items Customer Relationship Management Traditional Customer Management
Management Content Market management, sales management, service management, customer care, analysis and decision-making, sales opportunity mining, customer management, partner management, competitor management, product quality and employee management Customer Records Management
Management tools Customer relationship management system, ASP application services Manual records, electronic notepad, EXCEL, WORD
Distributed management Establishment of **** enjoyment of information platforms, cross-body area management, mobile office Unable to realize
Workflow management Timely understanding and monitoring of business processes, realization of collaborative work Unable to realize
Concerns about value customers Service and care for value customers, meeting personalized needs Cannot be achieved
E-commerce application Online customer self-help, e-promotion, e-collection Cannot be achieved
Enhancement of core competitiveness By tracking customers, products, employees, partners, competitors, and statistical analysis of marketing, sales, and services, we can help the enterprise to make scientific decisions and comprehensively enhance its core competitiveness. Competitiveness Can not be realized
Difference 1: traditional customer service is passive, the customer does not have a problem, there is no need to have customer service, at most send a card during the New Year holidays; customer relationship management is proactive, not only to solve the customer on the product of all kinds of problems, but also take the initiative to contact with the customer to promote the customer to come back to the door, customers are welcome to ask questions.
Difference two: traditional customer service depending on the customer to call to ask for things, or call the customer, are a kind of trouble. Because customers call, most of the product is a problem, to complain or solve; call the customer, either the account is not paid, or there are things to take the initiative to explain. But in the concept of customer relationship management, customers do not contact, do not respond, is a manifestation of alienation, more terrible than complaining. Complaining means that the customer still wants to continue to use the product; detachment means that the product life is about to end. Customer relationship management should not only try to resolve customer dissatisfaction and disappointment at the complaint stage, but also create customer expectations for new products in the process of continuous contact.
Difference 3: Traditional customer service and marketing are separate. Marketing relies on salespeople who know how to persuade; customer service relies on maintenance engineers or switchboards. Customer relationship management will be marketing and customer service as a whole, customer service as another marketing channel, the new product sales to old customers, or according to the old customer needs to create new products, can be handled through the customer service center, so it is called "back-end marketing".
The customer service center established with the concept of customer relationship management, through the network, telephone and other low-cost operations, itself becomes the company's market research center, the development of new products and test point of sale, and the channel, with the front-end marketing and customers, forming a triangular loop of seamless cooperation. From the above comparison of customer relationship management and traditional customer service, customer relationship management to customer care as the core of one-to-one communication, direct marketing core from the customer's point of view, so the effective combination of the two will certainly realize the enhancement of enterprise sales, corporate image enhancement, the realization of customer lifetime value.
Six, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) as the center of the direct marketing
1, direct marketing is inseparable from the customer, CRM touches all aspects of sales
CRM is a business concept that touches many independent departments within the enterprise, it requires a "new customer-centric" business model, and is integrated with the front office and back office systems, a full range of application systems. systems that integrate front- and back-office systems. These integrated applications ensure a more satisfying customer experience, and customer satisfaction is directly related to the ability of the organization to make more money. The resources available to a company are undoubtedly one of its greatest assets and therefore need to be carefully managed. Cultivating and tapping into existing and potential customers is now recognized as the key to further success. It has been shown that it takes five times more investment to develop a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. Investing in existing customers to increase their satisfaction will have a direct impact on customer loyalty, which in turn will affect the ultimate effectiveness of the business. All of the above processes are indispensable to direct marketing, which is inseparable from customers and customer care.
2. Direct marketing e-commerce strategy must be closely integrated with the CRM business model to be more effective
We know that CRM covers sales, marketing and customer service activities. These customer touch points must be able to deliver enhanced customer relationships. As e-commerce becomes a major business channel, its integration with CRM is essential. We believe that an organization's e-commerce strategy must be synchronized with the CRM business model to ensure a consistent customer experience. Otherwise two separate systems can lead to wasted resources and uncoordinated results, resulting in frustrated and dissatisfied customers.
A "great" CRM system is a win-win situation for both the customer and the organization. End-users receive value-added services, and company management receives constant, accurate, and up-to-date information about how the organization is functioning around the customer.
3. The relationship between direct marketing and CRM marketing databases
Direct marketing can't be supported by marketing databases. The marketing database consists of processed data about customers and potential customers, through which companies can obtain information about their target customers, sell products and services to them, and build relationships with them.
Feedback from marketing databases facilitates communication between marketers and consumers. Marketing databases typically include the customer's name, the item purchased (or the item inquired about), the place of purchase, and the amount of the transaction and the reason for the purchase. A simple marketing database may include only the first three items. Databases allow companies to build customer profiles, predict future transactions based on relevant data, and see in a timely manner why customers are no longer purchasing products. By analyzing the database, marketers can also obtain information about the development of the relationship between the company and its customers, the role of distribution channels, and the marketing mix factors that play a role in customer purchases.
Nowadays, marketing databases are playing an increasing role not only in the field of direct marketing, but also in other marketing activities. Many retailers, wholesalers, consumer durables, and organized marketers are also establishing marketing databases in droves.
The data in a marketing database should have three characteristics, correctness, completeness and convenience. The continuous development of computer technology has laid the foundation for the establishment and utilization of marketing databases.
4. CRM helps the precise analysis of the effect of direct marketing
In-depth intelligent analysis needs to be unified customer data as an entry point, and make all enterprise business applications into the analysis environment, and then the results of the analysis will be fed back to the management and the entire enterprise, which increases the value of the information analysis. This increases the value of the information analyzed, and enables decision makers to weigh this information to make more comprehensive and timely business decisions.
A comprehensive analysis of customer data is used to measure the value that customers bring to the organization and to gauge customer satisfaction. The information gathered reveals customer categories, service levels, and key barriers, which are the basis for management reports and various business tasks, such as prioritizing leads, monitoring time spent on a particular stage of the sales cycle, or the types of issues being addressed.
4. CRM helps maintain direct marketing customer loyalty
Maintaining customer loyalty is becoming increasingly critical and difficult in direct marketing. Nurturing and tapping into existing and potential customers is now recognized as the key to further business success.CRM facilitates and makes it possible to achieve this goal while building and enhancing customer loyalty through immediate response and instant service." The statement that "competition is at the click of a mouse" is increasingly being recognized for its importance.
In order for customer service to be coordinated, all interactions with customers must be managed through a common set of system integrations backed by advanced technology. Separate customer interaction touchpoints such as phone, fax, e-mail, and Web sites often give customers an incomplete picture of the organization. This disjointed operation not only makes customers dissatisfied, but also affects the enterprise's ability to grasp existing customer profiles. With incomplete customer background information, disconnected customer touchpoints prevent companies from getting the most out of what customers bring to the table.
Seven, CRM-centered direct marketing "five keys"
The industry agrees that sales, marketing and customer service are the three functional pillars of CRM. These are the main areas of customer contact with the business, whether these contacts occur in the pre-sale, sale or post-sale, or in the customer needs service or information and want to buy further in the existing relationship. The key to direct marketing is sales and customer service, and CRM enables this and is critical to multiplying the effectiveness of direct marketing.
1, customer service
When it comes to CRM, customer service is probably the most critical element. The customer service provided by direct marketing is the key to retaining satisfied and loyal customers. Today's customers expect service beyond the traditional telephone call center. Call centers are evolving into customer service centers that can handle a variety of communication mediums. Telephone interactions must be integrated with email, fax, Web sites, and whatever else customers prefer to use. Self-service requirements are evolving faster and faster as more and more customers access the Internet to view their orders or make inquiries through a browser.
Customer service has evolved beyond traditional help platforms. The term "customer care" is now used to expand the scope of an organization's responsibility to its customers. A proactive relationship with the customer is an important part of customer service. Customer service is able to handle all types of customer inquiries, including information about products, needs, order requests, order fulfillment, and high-quality on-site service.
2, sales
Sales Force Automation (SFA) is the fastest growing part of CRM. The line of interaction between salespeople and prospects