What is the license plate number of the new village community

Xincun community is a community under the jurisdiction of Jianshan Township, Gao'an City, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, urban and rural classification code is 121, for the town center area. The zoning code is 360983107002, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number is 360983. the postal code is 336000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0795, and the license plate number is Gan C. The Xincun community is located in the same area as the Dongfeng community, the Dongcun community, the Wujia community, the Qiaotou community, the Minking community, the Solidarity community, the Dongjiang community, the Shanbei community, the Jianshan community, the Castle Peak village, the Shangqian village, and the Yundu village, Kantou Village and Yinggangling Village are adjacent to each other.

There are tourist attractions such as Longcheng Xinhua Ocean House, Yingling Manshou Palace, Longcheng Xinhua Longen Hall, Lanjiayuan Ruins, Sheshan Jiajia Ancient Village and other tourist attractions in the vicinity of Xincun Community, and there are specialties such as Gao'an Rotting Mushroom, Gaoyan Rice, Ruitian Old Wine, Daguanlou Rotting Mushroom, Yichun Tea Oil and other specialties.