Motherboard Meijer SY-N73V-RL 1 ¥ 280
Memory ADATA 1G DDR2 800 (10,000 Red) 1234 ¥ 70
Hard disk Hitachi 250G 7200 rpm 8M (Serial / 3 years box) 1234 ¥ 280
Graphics card seven rainbow Yicai 9400GT-GD3 CF Gold Edition 256M 1234 ¥ 380
Graphics card seven rainbow Yatai 9400GT-GD3 CF Gold Edition 256M 1234 ¥ 399
Optical Drive Philips SPD2202BD/97 1 ¥ 115
LCD HKC 988A 1 ¥ 680
Chassis ASUS TT-67 w/ Power Supply 1 ¥ 170
Keyboard & Mouse Dual Choice Dual Choice 1+1 Set 1 ¥ 40
This is the first time that I have ever bought an optical drive from a computer.