Do loans given by a U.S. bank to our companies in the U.S. fall under the balance of payments? Why?

Talk about the basic characteristics and causes of China's balance of payments at this stage.

11, try to prepare a complete balance of payments account according to the following conditions:

(1) the enterprise in country A exported 1 million dollars worth of equipment, this export behavior led to a corresponding increase in the enterprise in the overseas bank deposits;

(2) the resident of country A traveled to a foreign country to spend 300,000 U.S. dollars, the cost of which was deducted from the resident's overseas deposit account;

(3) foreigners with 10 million U.S. dollars worth of equipment, the export behavior led to a corresponding increase in the enterprise in the overseas bank deposits;<

(3) foreign investors invested US$10 million worth of equipment in country A to set up joint ventures;

(4) the government of country A used US$400,000 of its foreign exchange stock to provide foreign countries with free aid, and another US$600,000 equivalent of food and medicine aid;

(5) an enterprise in country A invested US$1.5 million of its profits overseas. Of this amount, $750,000 was reinvested locally, $500,000 was used to purchase local goods for shipment to the country, and $250,000 was repatriated and sold back to the government in exchange for the national currency;

(6) a resident of country A utilized $400,000 of his savings abroad to purchase shares in a foreign company.

12. Answer the questions based on the data (in billions of dollars) of a country for a particular year.

Currency: exports 106 Services: credit 34

Services: debit 28 Capital financial account: credit 6

Goods: imports 119 Capital financial account: debit 29

Current transfer balance: credit 8 Net errors and omissions: 2

Reserves and related items: 20

(1) Calculate the country's international Balance of Payments, the net current account, the net capital-financial account, and the gross balance, and state whether the country has a surplus or a deficit on the current account and the capital-financial account, respectively.

Try to discuss the structural characteristics of China's balance of payments current account balance and capital and financial account balance since the 1990s and their impact on China's monetary equilibrium.

Try to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the foreign exchange buffer policy and the demand management policy for regulating the balance of payments imbalance.

13. The following items are transactions between a hypothetical developing country B and the rest of the world in 2006:

(1) the government of country B receives 5 billion U.S. dollars in foreign aid;

(2) imports of food at a cost of 20 billion U.S. dollars;

(3) foreign multinational corporations operating in country B make a profit of 5 billion U.S. dollars;

(4) U.S. bank loans to country B totaling $20 billion;

(5) exports valued at $10 billion;

(6) purchases of foreign real estate by wealthy individuals in country B of $15 billion;

(7) the central bank of country B sells $3 billion in reserve assets in order to intervene in the foreign exchange market;