What does the advancing company do

Advancement company, is a funding company in accordance with the funding of the project, the project external payments are greater than the project has been received or receivables total formed by the advancement of expenditures.

Advancement company advancement process:

1. Borrowers before the loan consultation: fill out the housing mortgage application, and submit the following supporting materials to the bank: the borrower's unit issued by the borrower's fixed economic income certificate; borrowing guarantor's business license and legal person certificates and other documents proving creditworthiness; the borrower's legally valid proof of identity; in line with the provisions of the law relating to the ownership of the housing Documents or I have the right to dispose of proof of housing; mortgaged property valuation reports, appraisals and insurance documents; purchase and construction of housing contracts, agreements or other documents; loan banks require the provision of other documents or materials.

2. The bank examines the borrower's application for the loan, the contract for the purchase of housing, the agreement and related materials.

3. The borrower will be mortgaged property title certificate and insurance policies or securities to the bank to collect.

4. The guarantor of both the borrower and the lender sign the housing mortgage contract and notarize it.

5. After the loan contract is signed and notarized, the bank transfers the borrower's deposits and loans to the housing unit designated in the purchase contract or agreement for the sale of housing units or housing units.