Dengshibei machine expansion needle models subcutaneous injection 1ml 4.5 ~ 5, intramuscular injection 2.5ml 5.5 ~ 6, intravenous injection, intravenous blood collection 2.5ml 10ml 6.5 ~ 7,
Instructions: the thickness of the needle with a number of numbers to indicate that there are generally 4.5, 5, 6, 7 and so on, 7 is the diameter of the needle is 0.7 millimeters (may be the outer diameter). Generally children use 4.5 or 5, adults use 7.
Expanded Information:
Cautions for Densburg Machine Expanding Needle Model Syringes:
Syringes can also be used for medical devices, containers, and scientific instruments such as those used in some chromatography methods to inject through a rubber septum. Injecting gas into a blood vessel will result in an air embolism. Air is removed from the syringe to avoid embolization by inverting the syringe, tapping it gently, and squeezing out a little liquid before injecting into the bloodstream.
In settings where precision is not the primary concern for germs, such as in quantitative chemical analysis, glass syringes are still used because of their small error margins and smooth pushrod movement.