Genuine CATIA is divided into modules to sell, different modules with different prices, the basic module is about 100,000 yuan, if you only sell the basic several modules, probably 2, 3 hundred thousand, if all the modules are bought, 5 million or so.
First of all, there are differences between the widely used CATIA and Solidworks fields and industries. Almost all of the automobile OEMs and important parts supply manufacturers, choose CATIA more, Solidworks in large industrial equipment, medical equipment manufacturers more, CATIA in surface design, reverse design advantages are obvious, so widely used in automotive, aviation, shipping and other industries.
Bought 10 modules from ibm a million, as to buy sheet metal and mold design module, about 200,000, but is valid for life, every year there will be a new version of the exit, version if too old then some new features can not be achieved, catia's low version can not open the high version of things, update can also be , just other people's version of the high can not be directly open it.
CATIA has a powerful surface design module.
GSD for short, Genesis Styling, is a very complete set of curve manipulation tools and the most basic surface construction tools. In addition to all curve manipulation, it can do stretching, rotating, scanning, boundary filling, bridging, repairing fragments, splicing, bumping, cropping, smoothing, projecting, and advanced projecting.
Chamfering and other functions, continuity up to G2, generating closed piece Volume, fully meet the ordinary 3D CAD software surface modeling functions, such as Pro / E. Fully parametric operation.
FSS, for short, is free style modeling, almost completely non-parametric. In addition to including all the functions in GSD, it can also accomplish such functions as surface control points (which can synchronize the adjustment of control points and deformation from polysurfaces to the entire product shape), free constraint boundaries, removing parameters, and reaching automotive A-surface standards for surface bridging, chamfering, and smoothing, all of which can be very easily done with all commands to reach the G2.
Abbreviated as ACA, automotive A-surfaces are completely non-parametric. This module provides powerful curve surface editing functions, and an unparalleled one-click surface smoothing.
Almost all of the commands can be used to reach G3 without destroying the original smooth shape.
Synchronized surface operations (control point dragging, smoothing, chamfering, etc.) can be performed on multiple surfaces or even the entire product form.
Free Style Sketching (FST) is a free-form sketching program that allows you to sketch basic curves based on a three-view drawing or a photograph of a product.
DSE is a digital surface editor that samples, edits, and crops the input point cloud data to achieve the closest possible shape to the product, generating high-quality mesh triangles. Completely non-parametric.
QSR, Quick Surface Reconstruction, provides various ways to generate curves for surface modeling based on input point cloud data or small triangles after mesh, and is completely non-parametric.
Small triangles shape editing, you can do all kinds of operations on small triangles, almost as powerful as CATIA surface operations, completely non-parametric.
Automotive body-in-white fastening, designing the welding method and welding between the various sheet metal parts of the automotive body-in-white
Can be dragged, stretched and twisted like Play-Doh, adding "Image Shape (Play-Doh)" to achieve the desired design shape. It is extremely fast to complete the conceptual design of product shapes.
An extremely powerful surface mending tool that automatically finds and mends all kinds of surface defects.
Reference:Baidu Encyclopedia-CATIA