Mask tax code: 63079000. Tariff: 6%, VAT: 13%. Rate: 30% plus tax has been exempted (plus tax is limited to U.S. imports only) Declaration elements: ingredient content. No regulatory conditions
Protective Clothing: Tariff No.: 6210103000 Tariff: 8%, VAT: 13%, Additional Rate: 30% Additional Rate Exempted (Additional Rate Only for U.S. Imports) Elements to be Declared: Method of Weaving (Woven, etc.). Type: (tops, pants, shorts, etc.). Category (men's, women's). Ingredient content. Brand (Chinese and foreign name). Item No.:No Regulatory ConditionGogglesTax No.: 9004909000, Customs Duty: 7% ,VAT: 13% ,Plus Tax Rate: 25% Plus has been exempted (Plus Tax is limited to U.S. imports)Declaration Elements:Usage, Type (color change, etc.)Brand:Model,:No Regulatory Condition
Disinfectant Liquid (Non-Medical) (Disinfectant) Tax No.: 3808940090, Customs Duty: 9%. VAT: 9%, plus tax rate: 10% plus tax has been exempted (plus tax is limited to U.S. imports)
Sanitizer (medical) (disinfectant) Tax ID: 3808940010, tariff: 9%, VAT: 13%, plus tax rate: 10% plus tax has been exempted (plus tax is limited to U.S. imports)
Declaration elements: ① content of the ingredients ② packaging specifications (net weight), whether retail packaging ③ 5. Whether retail packaging ③ 5. brand.
Masks, protective clothing, goggles and other non-medical all have no restrictions, general trade tax imports. Other medical devices involved in the "medical device registration certificate", and the importing company's & lt; medical device license & gt; the general trade can not be imported, special conditions, the need to notify the Food and Drug Administration to issue a certificate.
Masks, protective clothing, ete. are not restricted, and areimported at will in general trade. If other medical devicesinvolve the If other medical devicesinvolve the registration certificate of medical devices and the "medical device business license" of the import .enterprise, the general trade enterprise, the general trade cannot be imported.
If you need international logistics services, please provide the number of pieces of goods, the size of the package, the estimated weight, the specific pick-up address, the final delivery address, the estimated value of the goods, and the final consignee is who. Do your best to find commercial flights to ship first, emphasizing that only accept companies and institutions customers air cargo, domestic logistics has been opened, the arrival of goods, at any time you can transfer delivery. if you need international logistis serice, pleaseprovide the number of goods, package size, estimated weight, specific delivery address, the estimated value of the goods, the final recipient who is. If you need international logistis serice, pleaseprovide the number of goods, package size, estimated weight,specific delivery address, final delivery address, estimated valueof goods, and who is the ultimate consignee. should try ourbest to find commercial fights to deliver goods first. andemphasize that we can only accept the air cargo of the companyand institutional customers. The domestic logistics has been. For personal shipments, please contact the courier directly to the ultimate consignee. Individuals can ship to their friends and relatives through any express delivery channel, as long as you need to pay attention to the following items, the value of the goods does not exceed 1,000 yuan RMB, the recipient's correct handwritten name in Chinese pinyin; the weight of a single piece of advice is not more than 30 kilograms; parcels do not have food, health care products, cosmetics inside. For personalgoods, please contact the express delivery like DHL,SF EXPRESSdirectly to the final consignee. Individuals can deliver goods totheir relatives and friends through any express Individuals can deliver goods totheir relatives and friends through any express channel, as longas they need to pay attention to the fllowing items, the value ofthe goods is not more than CNY1000, and the recipient shouldcorrectly write the Chinese Pinyin of the name; the weight of asingle piece is not more than 30 kg; there should be no food,health care products or cosmetics in the package.