2, drawing catalog
3, design description
4, material table (indicating the decoration material fire rating)
5, construction instructions (text about manufacturing process, and installation methods)
6, store drop axis map (in the indoor and outdoor walkway) In the orientation)
7, decorative part of the drawings:
(1) plan layout;
(2) ceiling layout;
(3) floor layout;
(4) detail nodes in all directions (including the plane of each partition, the design of each direction of the elevation and the material map)
8, fire protection part
(1) fire design section (text description of manufacturing process, and installation methods)
() (1) fire design (text);
(2) fire partition layout;
(3) fire alarm facilities layout;
(4) door head encrypted sprinkler facilities layout;
(5) fire sprinkler facilities layout;
(6) fire extinguisher facilities layout;
(7) emergency lighting facilities Layout plan.
9, electrical
(1) electrical design description (text);
(2) lighting system diagram (also includes emergency lighting, evacuation lighting system diagram);
(3) power system diagram;
(4) ceiling layout (indicating the layout of lamps and lanterns, wiring direction, and lamps, wiring brand)
(5) socket layout. (5) socket layout plan.
10, water supply and drainage
(1) design description (text description, legend, etc.);
(2) water supply and drainage system diagram (waterproof construction schematic, drainage system diagram, water supply system diagram);
11, air conditioning;
(1) air conditioning equipment layout.
13, weak electric part
(1) weak electric layout.
14, other related supplementary notes.
Note: the above full set of drawings made with AUTOCAD software, the merchant will be a full set of drawings electronic version of the transfer to the Jianye 5D Museum of life review, review and revision is complete, the merchant needs to be printed on A3 paper, bound, and stamped with the official seal of the company, in duplicate.
15, the front visual opening effect
16, interior decoration effect (models table, the overall layout, window or display surface) (color)
17, signboard logo (submit the store sign design instructions and production drawings. Detailed indication of the size of the signboard, material, lettering design, color, fixation, production methods and other content; submit the signboard design effect drawings)