Medical device industry is concentrated in which cities 2016

Mainly concentrated in the first-tier big cities, according to the Prospect Industry Research Institute "2016-2021 China Medical Device Industry Market Prospecting and Investment Forecast Analysis Report", with the development of the economy, the growth of the population, the improvement of the aging of society, as well as people's health care consciousness continues to increase, the global medical device market demand continues to grow rapidly, the medical device industry is the fastest growing in the world today The medical device industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world today.

According to the statistics of Prospect Industry Research Institute, the total sales of the global medical device market has risen rapidly from US$187 billion in 2001 to US$435.3 billion in 2011, with a compound annual growth rate of 8.82%, and the growth rate of the global medical device market has exceeded the GDP growth rate in the same period.

While the overall development of China's medical device industry is relatively fast, it is still unable to fully meet the domestic market demand, and there is still a gap between the developed countries. China's entire medical and health services expenditure accounted for about 5% of the total GDP, while the developed countries are generally about 10%, of which the United States reached 16%; China's medical equipment and pharmaceutical consumption ratio is only about 1:10, while the proportion of developed countries has reached about 1:1, China's medical equipment industry there is still a large gap in the market development space is extremely broad.