How old is Wu Yong? Director of EWT

Mr. Wu Yong: born in January 1966, Chinese nationality, no permanent residency, senior engineer, graduated from Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, master's degree, MBA in business administration, from August 1988 to April 2000, worked at the Ministry of Transportation and Water Transportation Research Institute; from April 2000 to April 2002, worked at Dapeng Securities Co. From April 2002 to April 2002, he worked in the Investment Banking Department of Dapeng Securities Company Limited as a senior manager; from April 2002 to August 2004, he worked in Beijing Qingyun Venture Capital Management Company Limited as an investment director; from August 2004 to June 2011, he worked in Beijing Jiahemu Science and Technology Company Limited as a general manager; from June 2011 to the present, he has been working in Beijing Shui Mu Guoding Investment Management Co. From April 2012 to now, he has been the managing partner of Shui Mu Chuangxin; from May 2012 to August 2015, he was the director of Huazhuo Limited; from May 2012 to now, he has been the director of Beijing Shuiqing Science and Technology Company Limited; from June 2012 to now, he has been the representative of the managing partner of Shui Mu Qicheng; from July 2012 to now, he has been the manager of Shui Mu Guoding; from October 2013 to now, he has been the director of Beijing Pinci Medical Equipment Company Limited. Ltd. since June 2014; Representative of the Managing Partner of Shui Mu Yang Fan since June 2014; Director of Beijing Yihuatong Technology Co. Appointed Representative; November 2017-present Director and Manager of Holtang Venture Capital Management (Beijing) Co Ltd; December 2017-present Director of Shanghai Shenli Technology Co Ltd; December 2017-present Director of Beijing Holtang International Health Venture Capital Management Co Ltd; June 2018-present Managing Partner of Shui Mu Vision; March 2019-present Holtang Exploration International Health Science and Technology Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Chairman of Huazhuo Precision Technology from September 2015 to present.