ASTM F390 Test Standard What does this mean?
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials is an acronym for the American Society for Testing and Materials. The technical association was founded in 1898. Origin and development ASTM predecessor is the International Association for Testing Materials (International Association for Testing Materials, IATM). 1880s, in order to solve the buyers and suppliers in the process of purchasing and selling industrial materials and differences, some people proposed to set up a technical committee system, by the technical committee to organize representatives of all parties to participate in technical symposiums. Organize representatives of various parties to participate in technical symposiums to discuss and resolve disputes over material specifications, test procedures, etc. The first meeting of IATM was held in Europe in 1882, where a working committee was formed. At that time, it was mainly to study and solve the problem of test methods for steel and other materials. At the same time, IATM also encouraged countries to organize chapters. Subsequently, in June 16, 1898, there are 70 IATM members gathered in Philadelphia, the United States, meeting the establishment of the International Society for Testing of Materials, U.S. Branch. 1902 in the International Society for Testing of Materials Branch of the Fifth Annual Meeting, declared that the U.S. Branch of the formal independence of the Society for Testing of Materials (American Society for Testing Materials). ). With the continuous expansion and development of its business scope, the Society's work center is not only research and development of material specifications and test method standards, but also includes a variety of materials, products, systems, services, characteristics and performance standards, as well as test methods, procedures, and other standards. 1961 the organization changed its name to the extension of the present American Society for Testing and Materials (American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM) for Testing and Materials, ASTM). ASTM is the oldest and largest non-profit standards academic organization in the United States. After a century of development, ASTM now has 33669 (individual and group) members, of which 22396 main committee members in its various committees as technical experts. ASTM's technical committees **** has 2004 technical sub-committee. There are 105,817 units participating in the development of ASTM standards, the main task is to develop materials, products, systems, and services in the field of characteristics and performance standards, test methods and procedures standards, and promote the development and dissemination of knowledge. The purpose of ASTM is to promote public **** health and safety and to improve the quality of life; to provide trusted raw materials, products, systems, and services; and to advance the national, regional, and even international economy. Its strategic objectives are: 1, to provide the most appropriate environment and support to technical societies, so that they continue to develop relevant standards and further expand the relevant information. 2, to ensure that ASTM products and services, as well as the promotion of ASTM's products and services. Ensure that ASTM products and services are the most timely and accurate. Increase the transparency of ASTM and the value of ASTM standards and services in the global marketplace. Enhance the acceptance and use of ASTM products and services not only nationally, but also internationally. 5、To make ASTM's resources, methods, technologies and equipment more suitable for market changes and in line with market demand. 6, through the fair participation of major shareholders to ensure that ASTM represents the voice of the majority. 7. Maintain the basic stability of ASTM to ensure that it fully fulfills its social responsibilities and obligations. Editorial Standards and Other Publications A system of voluntary consensus has been used for standards development. The standards system is handled by technical committees and drafted by standards working groups. After voting by the technical sub-committee and the technical committee, the standard is approved and published as an official standard only after adopting a majority of the members***same opinion and after a majority of the members have voted in favor of the standard. During the preparation of a standard, every member and any enthusiastic group interested in the preparation has the right to fully express their opinions, and the committee studies and processes all the comments made in order to incorporate the correct opinions and suggestions from all sides. According to ASTM publications, it was reported that in 1997 ASTM developed 350 new standards, revised 1,698 standards, and conducted 2,681 standardization activities. From these figures, we can see that the activities are frequent and fruitful. ASTM standards are now divided into 15 categories (Section), each category contains a different number of volumes, the standards are published in separate volumes (Volume), *** there are 73 volumes, published in the form of ASTM Standards Yearbook. 1999 Standards Yearbook classification, the number of volumes of each category and the number of standards are as follows: Category I Iron and Steel Products Category II Nonferrous Metals Category III Test Methods and Analytical Procedures for Metallic Materials Category IV Construction Materials Category V Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Mineral Fuels Category VI Paints, Related Coatings, and Aromatic Compounds Category VII Textiles and Materials Category VIII Plastics Category IX Rubber Category X Electrical Insulators and Electronic Products Category XI Water and Environmental Technology Category XII Nuclear Energy, Solar Energy Category XIII Medical Devices and Services Category XIV Instrumentation and General Test Methods Class XV General Industrial Products, Specialty Chemicals, and Consumable Materials Index to Standards Documents The above list of more than 10,000 standards includes 2,000 new and revised standards that have not appeared in previous Yearbooks. The scope of ASTM's activities is wide and varied. In addition to publishing a wide range of standards materials, it runs journals, such as: ASTM Standardization News Journal of Composites Technology Research Journal of Forensic Sciences (Journal of Forensic Medicine) Although ASTM standards are developed by unofficial academic groups, they have won the official trust of U.S. industry because of their high quality and adaptability, and have been adopted not only by U.S. industries, but also by the U.S. Department of Defense and various federal government agencies. For the past 25 years, the U.S. Department of Defense has been working with ASTM to use voluntary standards to replace U.S. military standards. Currently, more than 500 people in the U.S. Department of Defense are actively involved in ASTM activities; to date, 2,800 U.S. military standards have been replaced by ASTM standards. With the progress of the U.S. Department of Defense acquisition system reform, the U.S. military will undoubtedly be more use of ASTM standards. In addition to the U.S. Department of Defense, a number of other federal government agencies also use many ASTM standards, and with the Association has established a wide range of close contact and cooperation. For example: the National Institute of Standards and Technical Supervision (NIST), the Institute of 236 people for the ASTM members; Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 76 people for the ASTM members; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 72 people for the ASTM members. There are a number of other organizations and institutions, such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the American Society of Motor Vehicle Engineers (SAE), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) and so on are ASTM members. ASTM also often organizes academic seminars, laboratory activities, held a standard preparation meetings, etc. ASTM with its rich and varied activities to attract the organization's members and the various industrial sectors, scientific and technological fields of experts and scholars, business operations and managers, a variety of standards users. Today, ASTM standards and information are not only widely used in the United States, but also welcomed by the world, by many countries and enterprises around the world to learn and apply, affecting many aspects of people's lives. Many international testing and certification bodies such as SGS, INTERTEK and national standardization organizations have adopted or referred to the relevant standards developed by ASTM for product certification. Edit this paragraph ASTM standard introduction 1 ASTM standard classification ASTM standard is divided into the following six types. (1) standard test methods (Standard Test Method) it is for the identification, detection and evaluation of materials, products, systems or services, quality, characteristics and parameters and other indicators of the prescribed procedures. (2) Standard Specification (Standard Specification) It is the material, product, system, or project to put forward technical requirements and give specific instructions, but also put forward to meet the technical requirements should be used in the program. (3) Standard Practice (Standard Practice) It gives instructions for one or more specific operations or functions, but does not produce test results of the program. (4) Standard Terminology (Standard Terminology) It describes or defines the term, symbols, abbreviations, acronyms to explain. (5) Standard Guide (Standard Guide) It is a series of options or to explain the use, but does not introduce the specific implementation method. (6) standard classification (Class.fication) it according to its source, composition, performance or use, materials, products, systems, or specific services to distinguish and categorize. Responsible for the development of ASTM standards is the ASTM 132 main technical committees and set up under the 2004 sub-technical committees, at present *** there are about 35,000 technical members of its work, which is responsible for the mechanical properties of the test (Mechanical Testing) standard is the E28 main technical committee, and set up the following sub-technical committees: E28.01 E28.01 Calibration of Mechanical Testing Equipment and Devices E28.02 Ductility and Bending Tests E28.03 Elasticity E28.04 Uniaxial Tests E28.06 Indentation Hardness Tests E28.07 Impact Tests E28.10 Effects of Temperature and Stress Relaxation E28.13 Residual Stress Tests E28.14 Strain Gauges E28.15 Automated Tests E28.91 Editing and Terminology Responsible for the Metallographic Tests (Metallography) (Metallographic standards are the responsibility of the E04 Main Technical Committee, which has the following subcommittees: E04.01 Sample Preparation E04.02 Terminology E04.03 Optical Microscopy E04.05 Microhardness E04.08 Grain Size E04.09 Inclusions E04.11 X-ray and Electron Metallography E04.14 Quantitative Metallography 2 ASTM Standard form of expression ASTM standard with standard code + letter classification code + standard serial number + year of development + standard English name to indicate. (1) standard serial number with the letter M, such as metric units of standards, without the letter M for the imperial units of standards. (2) If there are parentheses after the year of formulation, the year in parentheses indicates the year when the standard was revalidated. (3) If there is a, b, C., 6, 8, etc. after the date of formulation, it means the revised version of the standard. , then it indicates the revised version of the standard. (4) If the date of formulation is followed by £1, £2, £3.?6?8 . (5) The meaning of the letter classification code: A - ferrous metals B - non-ferrous metals C - cement, ceramics, concrete and masonry materials D - cement, ceramics, concrete and masonry materials. C - Cement, ceramics, concrete and masonry materials D - Other materials (petroleum products, fuels, low-strength plastics, etc.) E - Miscellaneous (chemical analysis of metals, refractory tests, non-destructive tests, statistical methods, etc.) F - Special-purpose materials (electronics) F - special-purpose materials (electronic materials, anti-vibration materials, medical and surgical materials, etc.) corrosion, deterioration and degradation of materials 3 ASTM Standards Publications ASTM has more than 11,000 in-use standards, each year in the ASTM Standards Yearbook, divided into 15 categories (Sections) (excluding the index) more than 7O volumes (Volume) publicly released. These 15 categories are: Index O1. iron and steel products O2. non-ferrous metals O3. metal test methods and analytical procedures O4. construction materials O5. petroleum products, lubricants and mineral fuels O6. paints, related coatings and aromatic compounds O7. textiles O8. plastics O9. rubber 1O. electrical insulators and electronics 11. water and environmental technology 12. nuclear, solar and geothermal energy 13. medical equipment and services 14. instruments and equipment 14. Medical equipment and services 14. Instrumentation and general test methods 15. General industrial products, special chemicals and consumable materials The third category, "Metals test methods and analytical procedures", is divided into six volumes, which are: O3.O1 Metals, a mechanical properties of the test, high temperature and low temperature tests. O3.O2 wear and corrosion, metal corrosion O3.O3 nondestructive testing O3.O4 magnetic properties O3.O5 chemical analysis of metals, minerals, and related materials (1): E32 El724 O3.O6 chemical analysis of metals, minerals, and related materials (2): E172.O6; later; Molecular Spectroscopy, Surface Analysis ASTM Standard for Mechanical Properties Testing of Metals and Metallurgical Examinations are generally released in the O3.O1 volume, partially published in other lanes (such as A370 published in 01.O2 volume). Currently commonly used ASTM metal mechanical properties testing standards are: AS FM A37O-O2el steel product mechanical properties test methods and definitions ASTM B557-02 forging and casting of aluminum alloys and magnesium alloy products tensile test methods ASTM B557M-02 forging and casting of aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys product tensile test methods (metric) ASTM E4-O2 Method for Calibrating Force Values of Testing Machines ASTM E6-02a Terminology Related to Test Methods for Mechanical Properties ASTM E8-O 1e1 Methods for Tensile Tests of Metallic Materials ASTM ESM 01el Methods for Tensile Tests of Metallic Materials (Metric) ASTM E9-89a(2000) AS FM ElO-O1 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials A STM E18-02 Test Method for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Surface Hardness of Metallic Materials ASTM E2l-92(1998)el Test Method for High Temperature Tensile Test of Metallic Materials ASTM E23 -02 Impact Test Method for Notched Specimens of Metallic Materials ASTM E74-02 Calibration Specification for Force Measuring Instruments for Testing Machines ASTM E83-02 Method for Calibration and Classification of Tensiometers AS FM E92-82(2003) Vickers Hardness Test Method for Metallic Materials ASTM E1O3-84(2002) Test Method for Rapid Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials ASTM E110-82(2002) Test Method for Determination of Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Hardness Tester ASTM E111-97 Test Methods for Young's Modulus of Elasticity, Tangent Modulus and Stringwise Modulus ASTM E132-97 Test Method for Poisson's Ratio at Room Temperature AS FM E139-00el Test Method for Creep, Creep Fracture, and Stress Fracture of Metallic Materials ASTM E143-02 Test Method for Shear Modulus at Room Temperature ASTM 9O-92(1997) Test Method for Plasticity-Oriented Bending of Welded Seams AS FM E2O8-95a(2000) Test Method for Falling Hammer Test of Ferritic Steel without Plastic Transition Temperature ASTM F290-97a Test Method for Plastic Bending of Metallic Materials ASTM E328-02 Test Method for Stress Relaxation of Materials and Structures ASTM E345-93 (2002) Test Method for Tensile Test of Metal Foil ASTM E517-IO0 Test Method for Plastic Strain Ratio r of Sheet Metal ASTM E604-83 (2002) Test Method for Dynamic Fracture of Metallic Materials ASTM E643-84 (2000) Test Method for Cupping of Sheet Metal Materials ASTM E646 ASTM E646-00 Test Method for Tensile Strain Hardening Index of Sheet Metal Materials ASTM E1236-91(1997) Charpy Impact Tester Calibration Specification ASTM E1856-97(2002) Guide to Evaluation of Computerized Data Acquisition Systems for Universal Testing Machines ASTM E1875-00el Dynamic Fracture Test Method for Metal Materials ASTM E643-84(2000) Test Method for Cupping of Metal Materials ASTM E646-00el Dynamic Fracture Test Method for Metal Materials E1875-00el dynamic Young's modulus, shear modulus and Poisson's ratio test method (*** vibration method) ASTM E1876-01 Young's modulus, shear modulus and Poisson's ratio test method (pulsed excitation method) Currently in common use of the ASTM metallurgical test standards are: ASTM E3-01 metallurgical specimen preparation procedures ASTM E7-01 metallurgical Inspection-related terms ASTM E45-97 (2OO2) method for determining the content of inclusions in steel ASTM E81-96 (2001) quantitative polarity diagram test method ASTM Eg2-9l (2001) metal crystal orientation test method ASTM E1 1 2 ASTM E340-00el Test Method for Macroerosion of Metals and Alloys ASTM E381-01 Test Method for Macroerosion of Steel Bars, Billets, and Forgings ASTM E384-99el Test Method for Microhardness of Materials ASTM E381-01 Test Method for Macroerosion of Steel Bars, Billets, and Forgings ASTM E384-99el Test Method for Microhardness of Materials ASTM E4O7-99 Specification for Microscopic Erosion of Metals and Alloys ASTM E768-99 Specimen Preparation and Evaluation Procedure for Automated Inspection of Inclusions in Steel ASTM F93O-99 Test Method for Maximum Grain Size of Metallurgical Specimens (AI A Grain Size) ASTM ElO77 a O1e1 Test Method for Depth of Decarburized Layer in Steel ASTM E1122-96(2002) Test Method for Evaluating JK Inclusion Levels by Automated Imaging ASTM E1181-02 Test Method for Dual Grain Size ASTM E1245-03 Test Method for Determination of Inclusions and Secondary Phases of Metals by Automated Imaging ASTM E1268-01 Test Method for the Evaluation of Band or Microstructure Orientation ASTM E1382-97 Test Method for Mean Grain Size by Semi-Automatic and Automated Imager ASTM E2014-99 Safety Guide for Metallographic Laboratories ASTM E2109-01 Test Method for Percentage Pore Area of Thermally Sprayed Layers. ASTM E2149-01 Standard Test Method for the Determination of Antimicrobial Activity of Immobilized Antimicrobial Agents under Dynamic Contact Conditions ASTM F963 Consumer Standard Safety Code: Toy Safety