1, variety method. Organize costing by product varieties, applicable to a large number of large single-step production.
2, batch method. Organizational costing by batch of products, applicable to the production of small batches of single pieces of enterprises and enterprises of new product trials, large-scale equipment repair and so on.
3, step-by-step method. Step by step in the processing of products in the organization of costing, applicable to a large number of large-scale continuous multi-step production enterprises. And is divided into progressive carry-over step-by-step method and parallel carry-over step-by-step method.
4, classification method. According to the category of products to pool production costs, calculated the total cost of various types of products, and then the total cost according to certain criteria in the category of products between the various products to be allocated, calculated the cost of various products.
Expanded InformationWhen using the manufacturing cost method to account for costs, the allocation of manufacturing costs are allocated by the method of proportional allocation of production hours, the method of proportional allocation of machine hours, and the method of allocation of the annual plan allocation rate. Manufacturing overhead is an indirect cost of the enterprise, which is collected according to the basic production plant and allocated to different costing objects at the end of the period.
In the traditional labor-intensive enterprises, direct labor accounts for a large proportion of the manufacturing costs accounted for a small proportion of the allocation method to allocate manufacturing costs, even if there are unreasonable, but because of the small proportion of the cost of the product is not usually a serious distortion of the cost of the product; but also because of the simplicity and ease of implementation of the method, the majority of manufacturing enterprises are happy to adopt.
But, in the advanced manufacturing environment, a large number of labor is replaced by machines, manufacturing costs rose by a large percentage. According to the survey, 70 years ago, overhead costs for direct labor costs of only 50% to 60%, but now the proportion increased to 400% to 500%; in the manufacturing cost method is applicable, direct labor costs accounted for 40% to 50% of product costs, but now the proportion of less than 10%.
Product cost structure of such a significant change, making the traditional "quantity-based costing" (such as hours, machine hours based cost-sharing method) can not accurately allocate manufacturing costs, resulting in different products between the "cost transfer", which affects the accuracy of product costing. This will affect the accuracy of product costing, and will not provide correct and useful cost accounting information for business decision-making and control.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Product Costing Methods