Careful you will find that around the birth of twins more and more people, this is why? What are the factors that lead to the birth of twins? Apart from heredity, there are many factors that determine it. Children are a gift from God and should be cherished whether one or two. Here, we will analyze why there are more and more twins nowadays.
How are twins formedTwins, as the name suggests, are multiples of the same egg with two sperm fertilized at the same time, and the probability of this is very, very low; and the second is the formation of multiples of two eggs fertilized separately. Identical multiples occur when a fertilized egg, during division, separates into two or more separate embryonic cells or cell populations, which develop into separate individuals. Because they all come from the same fertilized egg, the babies born look very similar. And heterozygous multiples are different, there are two or more follicles at the same time or successively discharged mature eggs, these eggs at the same time or successive fertilization, because the embryos are from different eggs and sperm, the birth of the baby looks different, the sex may also be different (i.e., phoenix and phoenix tires).
1, now the information is developed, everyone, whether in reality or on the Internet, television, see more twins, so the birth of twins more and more feeling.
2, the improvement of living standards, the development of medicine, so that the chances of twins born safely is also higher and higher.
Twins are seldom born at full term, and both the medical level of hospitals and doctors' skills are constantly improving, coupled with advanced equipment, have laid the foundation for the safe birth of twins.
3. The popularization of parenting knowledge and the importance that everyone attaches to their babies allow twins to grow up healthily and smoothly.
My grandmother's sister, had twins, in that material scarcity of the era, coupled with no one to take care of, one of the twins was born not long, and died.
Nowadays, it's rare to hear and see such news. Basically, as soon as the twins were born, the family took extra care of them, and all sorts of parenting knowledge is known.
4, genetic factors, both men and women or one side, the family has had twins or multiple births, their own chances of giving birth to twins are relatively large.
5, the use of ovarian stimulants, the mother has had fertility treatment, at the same time, the chances of releasing several eggs are greater.
6, artificial intervention, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), which is now a third-generation technology in China, many people want to give birth to twins at one time, but also take this method, which is more risky.
7, the age factor, now late marriage and late childbearing more, women are after 30 years old, hormonal secretion will change, and at the same time, the chances of sending two or more eggs are relatively large.
Mothers pregnant with twins, both during pregnancy and after the birth of the babies, will have more risks and have to pay more energy, but can also reap the benefits of double the good.
Are twins hereditaryThere is some more scientific evidence that twin sets can also run in families! Family genes can be passed on to the next generation, if the children and grandchildren are female, it will increase the chances of conceiving twins; if your family online count three generations without the genetic inheritance of twins is not afraid, we can prepare for pregnancy three months before taking folic acid, can increase the number of times a woman ovulates; can also be increased through the "in vitro fertilization" way to increase the probability of twins. The probability of twins can also be increased through "in vitro fertilization", which is the process of cultivating multiple embryos in vitro with test tubes, and injecting multiple well-developed embryos at a time into a woman's uterus, although the cost of the procedure is relatively expensive.