Kindergarten health room facilities and equipment list

The health care room should be equipped with children's scales, optometers, thermometers, diagnostic beds and other necessary medical machinery and appliances.

1. General equipment

Tables and chairs, medicine cabinets, health information cabinets, mobile water or substitute mobile water facilities, diagnostic beds, autoclaves.

2. Physical examination equipment

Weighing scale (lever-type light vision box or logarithmic visual acuity meter, height sitting height meter horizontal length meter (for children under the age of three years role.

3. commonly used disinfection supplies

Ultraviolet lamps, commonly used disinfectant, autoclave

4. commonly used medical supplies

Commonly used medical equipment (tweezers, scissors, curved discs, etc.) stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, thermometer, flashlight, tongue depressor, material, soft ruler

5. commonly used medicines

1, topical medicine