The signaling system is composed of full-section baranas, 10 parallax pushes out the power to constitute the force, and low-skewed out the power to actualize.
Matta, アウトプットトトランスは load インピーダンスにかわらず一定のハイパワー供應を可能にしておおり、ピーク115Aに達する出力电流より、低インピーダンスピーカーにも対応しています。
The total of 8 large-area Hi-Tech circuits and a single high-efficiency booster circuit reduce the temperature rise and realize natural air-cooling.
Surprisingly, the 7-system protection circuit is equipped with a temperature program for overheating, as well as a sensor for security and protection against overheating, such as a tattoo, a tattoo, a tattoo, a tattoo, a tattoo and a tattoo.
Powerful and powerful, the POWER GUARD is automatically connected to the inlet and outlet waveforms, with a maximum of 14dB of ovalbuminous voltage, and a maximum of 14dB of ovalbuminous voltage, which is possible with the PATT circuit. This is a great way to prevent クリッピング crooked スピーカー from breaking down.
Matta, アウトプットトトランジストにより出力トランジスタの事故等で起きるDC current outflowを防いでいます。
The voltage and current product is mounted on a power meter that correctly represents the true output power.
This robot is a programmable VU robot with a response speed of about 10 times faster than that of a WATTS model, and the pointer is piqued and the human eye recognizes the time when the clock is still ticking. The HOLDモードではピークパワーの maximum value is fixed, and the output power above 6dB/minute speed is decreased by ゆっくり.
The circuit substrate is composed of a モジュール that is used in a gold-megapixel coated nexus and a モジュール that is used in a gold-megapixel coated nexus.
Spicycard tower ミナルにはバナナプラグ対応の金メッキ出力ターミナルを采用しており、芯線径5mmのケーブルの接続も可能です。
The 1000W Monorail Antenna is equipped with a Bridging Action Function for possible use.
The マッキントッシュのコントロールセンターから操作できるデジタルロジック? The リモートパワーコントロール terminal is piggybacked on the リモートパワーコントロール terminal.
The 1-second delay circuit for tens of seconds works when plural generations are connected, preventing the concentration of lasercells.
Type ステレオパワーアンプ
Fixed output (sine wave continuous output) stereo: 500W + 500W (2Ω, 4Ω, 8Ω)
mono: 1,000W (4Ω, 8Ω, 16Ω)
Loaded impedance stereo: 2Ω, 4Ω, 8Ω
Loaded impedance stereo: 2Ω, 4Ω, 8Ω
< p>mono: 4Ω, 8Ω, 16ΩOutput frequency bandwidth 20Hz to 20kHz
Full High-Pitch Transparency (20Hz to 20kHz) 0.005% or less (250mW to fixed output)
SMPTE (Symbol of Momentary Pic Pawave) 0.005% (when instantaneously exceeding twice the fixed output)
This is a good example of how to use a digital camera to monitor the performance of a digital camera.
Circumference bandwidth 20Hz~20kHz +0 -0.25dB
10Hz~100kHz +0 -3.0dB
SN ratio (Aネットワーク) 85dB
115dB (at fixed power)
IHF ダイナミック? ヘッドルーム 2.1dB
ダンピングファクター 200(4Ω出力)
Intensity sensibility/インピーダンス 2.2V/10kΩ
パワーガード クリッピング prevent, 1kHzでオーバードライブ14dBまで THD2% or less
Power supply AC100V, 50Hz/60Hz, 14.4A (UL/CSA)
Exterior Dimensions: Width 445×Height 255×Width 491mm
Weight 49.9kg