According to the "scientific and technological reports, dissertations and academic papers in the preparation of the Format" of the definition of academic papers: academic paper is an academic subject in the experimental, theoretical or observational with new scientific research results or innovative insights and knowledge of the scientific record; or a known principle applied to the practical application of the scientific summary of the progress made in the academic conference to provide reading, communication or discussion; or in academic journals. A written document for presentation, communication or discussion at an academic conference; or for publication in an academic journal; or for other purposes.
This shows that there is a difference between patents and academic papers in the protection of the object. In addition, there is a difference in the legal sense, the patent is actually the short form of patent right, it is the country or region to give the patentee a kind of right of exclusion, unless the patentee allows, other people shall not implement the same patented technology, the legal mandatory is very strong, but the thesis is not such a legal constraint at all, the research and development of the paper published by the research and development personnel, and can not constrain the implementation of other people to implement the technology documented in the thesis.
Therefore, when reviewing the innovation of academic papers, journal reviewers are not as strict as the novelty of the technical program in the patent, and the reviewers focus more on the discussion of the mechanism, whether to form a new theoretical system, etc., and most of the role of the technical program is to deduce and prove the final conclusion, so even if the technical program has been disclosed for the public, as long as the insights and ideas innovative, it will not affect the value of its publication.
Secondly, it takes half a year to one and a half years from the filing of a patent to its disclosure, and the reviewer cannot retrieve the patent before it is disclosed. If the inventor is unsure about this, he or she can also choose to disclose the patent for the invention eighteen months from the date of filing.
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