About environmental cleaning and disinfection methods and principles of the incorrect is the

Incorrect among the methods and principles regarding environmental cleaning and disinfection is that the general environment of a hospital should be cleaned with disinfectants.

This is a question about environmental cleaning and disinfection, the complete title is: about environmental cleaning and disinfection of the methods and principles of the incorrect () A, the environment should be regularly cleaned. b, the general environment of the hospital should be cleaned using disinfectants. c, the cleaning procedures to follow the principle of clean to dirty. d, the use of a wet cloth mop cleaning. e, the patient's room furniture cleaning do One person, one table, one towel.

From the principle of environmental cleaning and disinfection, the above five answers only "B, the general environment of the hospital should be cleaned with disinfectants" is the most imperfect; medical environment disinfectant types and methods of use are: 1, alcohol and chlorine disinfectant. Commonly used medical environmental disinfectants, can be used to disinfect surfaces and instruments. 2, 84 disinfectant. Suitable for disinfecting large areas such as floors and table tops; 3. Ultraviolet lamps. Can be used for the disinfection of empty rooms, divided into mobile and fixed, each disinfection time should be half an hour to more than an hour.

Regulations for environmental cleaning and sanitation in health care institutions

1, according to the environmental infection risk category and hygiene level management requirements to choose the method of cleaning and sanitation, intensity, frequency, and the corresponding cleaning utensils and preparations. Recommended to take the cleaning utensils color coding, red - health cup washroom, yellow - patient units, blue - public **** area.

2, environmental hygiene practices, should be taken wet hygiene methods; follow the principle of first clean, then disinfected; or clean a disinfection "one-step method" to complete the product, such as disinfectant wipes.

3, clean wards or treatment areas, should be carried out in the order from top to bottom, from clean to dirty; there are a number of patients living in the same ward, should follow the "clean unit" principle of implementation of cleanliness and hygiene; the need to use a vacuum to remove dust, should be used with an exhaust port air filters or a centralized vacuum vacuum system.

4, according to the characteristics of pathogens to choose different disinfectants, strict compliance with the product guidelines for the application of the concentration and duration of the application; disinfectant solution preparation should be carried out on the principle of ready to use, and in the application of space and time provisions, recommended isolation wards (or equivalent areas) to implement the "one-use, one-change," for every 3 general wards (standard rooms). It is recommended that the isolation ward (or equivalent area) should carry out "one use, one change", and every 3 general wards (standard rooms) should carry out "one change"; the time recommended should be changed every 60min. The use of disinfectants should be compatible with the environment and surfaces. Disinfectant implementation personnel should be well personal protection.

5, the use of detergents should comply with the product instruction manual requirements of the application of concentration, should be based on the application of the object and the characteristics of the pollutants to choose different types of detergents, the recommended health cup washroom using acidic detergents, equipment and furniture surfaces using neutral detergents, there is a serious contamination of surfaces using alkaline detergents. Application should pay attention to the compatibility with the cleaning object.

6, the environment and object surface cleaning and wiping should be standardized, effective cleaning, to eliminate the cleaning of the blind spot (point); strictly prohibit the use of (contaminated) rags, floor towels (mops), "second soaking" to the cleaning / disinfection solution.

7, once the patient's blood, body fluids, excreta, secretions and other contamination, should take cleaning / disinfection measures; by a large number (≥ 1OmL) of patients' blood, body fluids and other contamination, should be used to remove contaminants can be moisture-absorbent materials, and then implement cleaning and disinfection measures.

8. It is not recommended to use high-level disinfectants to routinely disinfect the environment and object surfaces; it is not recommended to routinely use chemical disinfectants to spray the environment for disinfection.

9, recommended use of microfiber material wipes and floor towels (mop head), recommended flat detachable floor towels (mops); should not use traditional fixed mops.

10, recommended the use of washing and drying machine for large areas of the ground to implement cleaning and sanitation.

11, recommended for reuse of sanitary ware (such as, rags, floor towels (mop head), etc.) to take mechanical cleaning, thermal disinfection, mechanical drying, box spare.

12, for frequent contact, easy to contaminate the surface can be cleaned and disinfected in one step; for difficult to clean or should not be frequently wiped surfaces, to take barrier protection measures, recommended the use of aluminum foil, plastic film and other coverings, "one use, one change", or "one use, one cleaning/disinfecting ", after the use of the discarded barrier material is disposed of according to medical waste.