How to write a physics lab report on string vibration phenomenon

String vibration experiment string vibration experiment is a basic experiment in general physics mechanics, it is the use of electric tuning fork triggered string transverse wave, and then formed standing wave, to study the phenomenon of transverse wave superposition; verify the wavelength of the transverse wave and the relationship between the tension, the line density; and use the standing wave method to measure the intrinsic frequency of the electric tuning fork. There are two commonly used experimental methods: one is to use the vibration frequency fixed electric tuning fork. By changing the string length or tension, the formation of a stable standing wave; the second is the use of continuously adjustable frequency vibration body, change the string length or tension, the formation of a stable standing wave so as to verify the vibration law of the standing wave on the string. However, when measuring the wavelength with the usual motorized tuning fork, the measured data are not very accurate due to the experimental conditions, and this paper discusses the problems in the original experiment and proposes ways to improve it.