Recently, a lot of friends around me have been going to Japan for medical checkups one after another, and I was surprised to realize that going to Japan for medical checkups has become a new trend nowadays. However, there are times when you are wondering if it is really worth it to travel all the way to Japan for a medical checkup. Why is the Japanese medical checkup so desirable?
I. Japan is an experienced "cancer prevention country"First of all, we have to admit that Japan is the most advanced country in the world in cancer prevention and treatment, and has an extremely superior three-level cancer prevention and treatment system. Japan's cancer cure rate ranks first in the world because of its extremely sophisticated cancer screening, which is able to detect early stage cancers below the millimeter level.
As we all know, if the cancer cells have not infiltrated, spread or metastasized, such cancers can be cured through surgical resection and are less likely to recur. The prerequisite for being able to detect such cancers is millimeter or even micron-level detection technology, because cancer cells are already in the middle to late stage if they are above a few centimeters.
II. Excellent doctors for health protectionThe reason why Japan's early cancer detection rate is so high is not only because of the world's leading technology and high-end medical equipment, but also because of the fact that an experienced and conscientious doctor is a very important part of early cancer screening. Japanese doctors are very meticulous when examining users, and never miss a single suspicious spot rather than rush through the process.
In Japan, from the basic research to the clinical various specialty societies have a long history, the Society of specialists and the guidance of the physician system so that the Japanese doctors have a very high average level of medical skills, generally strong professionalism, and good sense of service. Doctors in Japan have a high social status, and the Ministry of Medicine has a high entrance threshold, which ensures the quality of doctors. Ensure the quality of the doctor, that is, to ensure the quality of diagnosis and treatment.
Three, geographically advantageous travel more convenientSome friends will feel that going to Japan for medical examination is too far, long-distance travel, and is not worth it. But in fact, Japan is very close to China, most areas to Japan only need to take a two to three hours of air travel, and airfare is not expensive. Japan's time zone is also only one hour different from China, basically no jet lag trouble, food culture is also similar to China, in fact, travel is very convenient.
Visa is also no longer a problem for people. After Japan opened to overseas "individual tourist visa", the Japanese government issued "medical visa" to many Asian countries and regions tourists, in order to promote the treatment and medical examination in Japan, and just a medical examination, if you apply for a tourist visa is enough. Whether you want to travel or have a medical checkup, Japan is an excellent place to do it.
In fact, both the young and the old should have regular medical checkups or disease screenings, especially if there is a genetic history of various types of illnesses in the family. When choosing a physical examination service, it is important to choose a professional and rigorous organization.