From the rented house to move into their new house is a very happy thing, after all, the living environment has become a new, and the quality of life of the family can be a qualitative leap, in short, a family can be happy, but many people are happy at the same time it is easy to ignore the problem of indoor air quality, the formaldehyde residue in the interior of the room after the renovation of the human body health will be very harmful, the next take you to understand some of the ways to remove formaldehyde, and the charcoal bag to absorb the formaldehyde, the formaldehyde can be used to remove the formaldehyde. Next, we will take you to understand some of the methods to remove formaldehyde!
One: open the window to ventilate
Formaldehyde is a colorless and tasteless harmful gases, great harm to the human body, especially for pregnant women and children, then the most direct and fast way to get rid of formaldehyde is to open the window to ventilate, so that the wind blowing in from the outdoors will be able to quickly take the indoor air floating formaldehyde and other harmful gases to blow away, but the operation of the window is easy to be influenced by the weather outside, for example, when it rains, it is easy to get rid of formaldehyde. The impact of the weather, such as rainy days or hazy days we need to close the windows, so that the formaldehyde released into the indoor decoration materials and furniture can not be dispersed or will lead to indoor formaldehyde exceeds the standard.
Two: activated carbon adsorption
Everyone knows that activated carbon has the ability to adsorb formaldehyde, so you know why activated carbon can adsorb formaldehyde? Mainly thanks to the gap structure within the activated carbon, so that the gap can be formaldehyde and other harmful gas molecules to load in, but these gaps only load the role of formaldehyde, and not be able to absorb the formaldehyde to the complete decomposition, so placed in the home of the activated carbon for a week or so on the absorption of the saturated, then we need to replace it in a timely manner, otherwise it will be the indoor air caused by the secondary pollution.
Three of the most important things to consider are the following
Three: air purifier
Air purifier was only able to purify the air in the suspended particulate matter, that is, pm2.5, to put it bluntly, is used for the hazy weather, nowadays businessmen have launched a version of the deformaldehyde version of the air purifier, such an air purifier in the original filter on the basis of the addition of a layer of activated charcoal filters, which is able to formaldehyde and other harmful substances to the filter, so that the air purifier can be used in the air purifier, so that the air purifier will be used in the air. Formaldehyde and other harmful substances to the filter, thus playing a role in removing formaldehyde, but we also said earlier that the activated carbon is easy to absorb the problem of saturation, the replacement of charcoal bags cheap, but the price of replacing an activated carbon network is not expensive.
In short, want to quickly and effectively remove formaldehyde can not go from the air to do the article, after all, the formaldehyde in the indoor air is still from the decoration materials and furniture and other sources of pollution volatile, want to effectively remove formaldehyde will have to use photocatalysts and bio-enzymatic technology to deal with the sources of these pollutants, so that you can quickly and effectively remove the formaldehyde.