Qingdao did not hold the Winter Olympics, is to meet the Winter Olympics ice and snow festival activities, in December 19-20, 2020 , Qingdao City, held in 2020 the National Youth Sports Winter Camp (Shandong Station) and "Bank of China Cup - meet the Winter Olympics "Ice and Snow Festival activities, this event is very rich program, including short-track speed skating, figure skating, ice hockey, indoor simulation skiing series of tournament activities, this competition will be located in four fashionable elements of the snow and ice arena respectively.
Related information:
In the countdown to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the snow and ice program is undoubtedly completely fired up. Both the construction of Qingdao's International Fashion City and the slogan of 300 million people going to ice and snow are confirming this fact. Qingdao has been actively responding to the country's call for the development of snow and ice projects in recent years, competitive sports and national fitness efforts, in the field of ice hockey, skiing, skating and other areas there are more and more citizens to participate in them, snow and ice projects in Qingdao gradually developed and continue to heat up!