Hospital facilities of Guiyang Zhengyu Railway Hospital

The hospital is equipped with more than ten clinical departments such as gynecology, obstetrics, gynecology, rheumatology and immunology, minimally invasive surgery, axillofacial odor, family planning, internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, traditional Chinese medicine, gastrointestinal, orthopedic injuries and stomatology. Provincial experts enjoying the State Council allowance are appointed to sit in the clinic; there are advanced medical equipments such as foreign color Doppler ultrasonic instrument, multi-function anesthesia ventilator, American NPC cardiac monitor, 500mA program-controlled X-ray machine, gastrointestinal KT three-dimensional ultrasound scanning system, and 14-carbon urea Helicobacter pylori breath detector and so on, and are equipped with centralized oxygen system, large medical elevator and other comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic facilities.