Before you make a decision on whether or not to have an abortion, please learn more about the risks of abortion surgery, the harm to your body, the impact on your future life, the harm to your child, the hospital's reputation, what kind of abortion process; think about thinking about why you can't give birth to this child, and what are the difficulties of needing a child to use his or her life to do the price. You are taking away the living, breathing life of a child, and it is not a decision to be made hastily. It's not just about the money.
The majority
of abortions are performed within the first twelve weeks, and the fetus is still small enough to be sucked out with a powerful suction that is twenty-five times more powerful than an ordinary household vacuum cleaner. In a procedure called suctioncurettage, the force of the suction machine rips or twists the fetus's body, tearing limb from limb until only the head remains. The head is too large to pass through the suction tube
so the abortionist inserts forceps into the uterus, seizes the head, which floats alone, and crushes it until it can pass through the suction tube, and then the head is removed.
Dr. Chun Nifin describes the process, saying that basically, the fetus is chopped up and sucked out with a suction device, and it comes out as just a pile of minced flesh.
Many developed countries and most religions are extremely opposed to abortion. However, there are many women who do not take abortion seriously, and there are many girls who use abortion to lose weight and get breast implants, which is a death wish. Many doctors are also irresponsible and don't talk about the dangers of abortion at all, leaving women in a state of confusion and victimization.
the suction tube is turned inside the uterus, the membranes and fluids surrounding the fetus are immediately removed, the tiny creature is torn apart, and finally, the placenta, which is attached to the epidermis of the uterus, is also pulled out. One handbook describes this stage of abortion as follows:
Whenever you notice material flowing into the tube, activity stops until it is all out, then it continues to rotate, and throughout the suction excision, you see pink tissue mixed with blood, little by little, coming out through the
plastic tube.
Another abortion procedure is called D&E (dilation and evacuation). This procedure is usually used in the fourth through eighth month. The cervix is dilated, and instead of an aspirator, surgical forceps (like big tool
pliers) are inserted into the uterus, clamping the body of the fetus, wringing it out part by part, removing it piece by piece, and then crushing and pulling out the spinal and cranial bones, and additionally scraping it clean with an exciseman, or sharp oval shaped knife.
In the D&C
"dilation andcurretage" procedure, this knife is placed to rotate inside the uterus, and when it touches an obstacle, the knife concentrates on scraping. In other words, the fetus's arms
may be cut away, the legs cut away, the face hacked up, the head chopped off, the body dismembered and severed into many fine pieces, and then the body parts and the placenta are suctioned out ......
The technical term for the systematic chopping up of the
fetus's body is "fragmentation " (morcellation). These procedures have many hidden crises; if the abortion procedure involves cutting or suctioning the fetus, the body parts
must be carefully reassembled to confirm that the entire baby is outside the uterus, because any part of the fetus that is left in the uterus is at risk of contracting a virus.In 1978, a report submitted to the AssociationPlanned Parenthood
( AssociationPlanned Parenthood) doctor's report, described the D&E technique as follows:
"In order to minimize damage to the uterine opening, the fetus is withdrawn in tiny pieces because the size and shape of the fetal head is usually the most difficult to crush and extract, and the staff has to count each piece of fetal bone ......"
Another abortion procedure is the "Salinemethod," or salt poison, which is used in the fourth through seventh months and was the most common method in the 1970s. This procedure involves inserting a three-and-a-half to four-inch
needle through the mother's abdominal wall into the amniotic sac (amniotic sac), withdrawing 200mm of amniotic fluid, and replacing it with a strength of concentrated saline. In this procedure, the fetus is swallowing the salt and
"breathing" in it; essentially, the skin of the fetus' entire body is ironed by the salt and slowly poisoned, whereupon the mother begins to give birth, expelling a dead, burned, and withered baby. Occasionally some babies survive this procedure and are born
with serious complications, because "in the process, the baby's tissues and organs are destroyed by hemorrhaging, and arteries and veins rupture and leave huge bruises on the body.
It abortion is inspired by prostaglandin (prostaglandin). Prostaglandins contain hormonal compounds that, when injected or used in the uterine muscle, can damage the blood circulation of the fetus
, which contracts violently and is then expelled. Because prostaglandins are not directly toxic to the unborn fetus, such abortion methods result in more fetuses born as a result of failed abortions than saline methods. Failed abortions are very problematic for the medical profession
especially for the mother: "The babies struggle for survival, gasping for breath, jerking and shifting all over the place, making it memorable for the mother, who after watching these babies die has a time of self-blame as the scene repeats itself over and over again in her mind.
These babies are often born with the prostaglandins, which are not directly toxic to the unborn baby.
Often, if the child came out while still alive, they let him starve to death, or they strangled or killed him.
In fact, because these abortions were so unbearable, D&E was invented to avoid the problem of unsuccessful abortions. Cutting, crushing, or poisoning a fetus while it's still 'hidden' in the womb still results in a fatal outcome, it's just not as clearly visible to the mother and the medical staff. Regardless, it still has the same effect on the medical staff.