Classification filing materials classification filing report classification filing materials

A major source of danger, where should be filed?

Major sources of danger are graded for the record, and to follow the principle of the highest level of filing, the first level in the General Administration of Safety Supervision for the record, the second level in the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau for the record, the third level, the fourth level in the municipal Safety Supervision Bureau for the record, consult with the location of the local Safety Supervision Bureau for more details.

What materials are required for the filing of special jobs?

Mainly, you need to have the grading form, as well as the attendance sheet and payroll and other information.

Second class equipments list?

1. Secure Physical Environment

1.1 Physical Location Selection

The requirements of this item include:

a) The site of the machine room should be selected in a building that has the ability to protect against earthquakes, winds and rains, etc.

b) The site of the machine room should be avoided to be located at the top floor of the building or in the basement, or else waterproofing and moisture-proofing measures should be strengthened.

1.2 Physical Access Control

The entrances and exits of the computer room should be arranged to be guarded or equipped with electronic access control system to control, identify and record the entering personnel.

1.3 Anti-theft and anti-vandalism

The requirements of this item include:

a) Equipment or major components should be secured and clearly marked with markings that are not easily removable;

b) Communication cables should be laid in a hidden and safe place.

1.4 Lightning protection

All types of cabinets, facilities and equipment, etc. should be safely grounded through the grounding system.

1.5 Fire Protection

The requirements of this item include:

a) The computer room shall be equipped with automatic fire protection system, which can automatically detect fire, automatically alarm and automatically extinguish the fire;

b) The computer room and the related working and auxiliary rooms shall be made of the building materials with fire-resistance level.

1.6 Waterproofing and Moistureproofing

The requirements of this item include:

a) Measures shall be taken to prevent infiltration of rainwater through the windows, roofs and walls of the equipment room;

b) Measures shall be taken to prevent condensation of water vapor in the equipment room and the transfer and infiltration of water accumulated underground.

1.7 Anti-static

Anti-static floor or ground and necessary grounding anti-static measures shall be used.

1.8 Temperature and humidity control

Automatic temperature and humidity adjustment facilities should be set up, so that the temperature and humidity of the computer room changes in the operation of the equipment allowed by the Fan_.

1.9 Power supply

The requirements of this item include:

a) Voltage regulators and over-voltage protection equipment shall be installed on the power supply lines of the equipment room;

b) Short-term backup power supply shall be provided to at least satisfy the requirements of the equipment's normal operation in the event of power failure.

1.10 Electromagnetic protection

Power lines and communication cables should be laid in isolation to avoid mutual interference.

2 Security Communication Network

2.1 Network Architecture

The requirements of this item include:

a) Different network areas should be divided, and addresses should be assigned to each network area in accordance with the principle of facilitating management and control;

b) Important network areas should be avoided to be deployed at the border, and reliable technical isolation means should be adopted between the important network areas and other network areas. reliable technical isolation means.

2.2 Communication Transmission

Checking techniques should be used to ensure the integrity of data during communication.

2.3 Trusted Verification

Trusted verification can be carried out based on the trusted root on the system bootstrap program, system program, important configuration parameters and communication application programs of the communication equipment, etc., and alarms are issued after detecting that its trustworthiness has been undermined, and the verification results are formed into an audit record to be sent to the security management center.

3 Security Area Boundary

3.1 Boundary Protection

Access and data flow across the boundary should be guaranteed to communicate through the controlled interface provided by the boundary equipment.

3.2 Access Control

The requirements of this item include:

a) Access control rules shall be set up between network boundaries or zones according to the access control policy, and by default the controlled interfaces shall reject all communications except for permitted communications;

b) Excessive or ineffective access control rules shall be deleted, the access control lists shall be optimized, and the access control rule number is minimized;

c) source addresses, destination addresses, source ports, destination ports, and protocols should be examined to allow/deny packets in and out;

d) the ability to explicitly allow/deny access to incoming and outgoing data streams should be available based on session state information.

3.3 Intrusion Prevention

Should monitor network attacks at critical network nodes.

3.4 Malicious code prevention.

Malicious code shall be detected and removed at critical network nodes, and upgrades and updates to the malicious code protection mechanism shall be maintained.

3.5 Security Audit

The requirements of this item include:

a) Security audits shall be conducted at network boundaries and critical network nodes, with audits covering every user, and audits shall be conducted on important user behaviors and important security events;

b) Audit logs shall include the date and time of the event, the user, the type of the event, whether or not the event was successful and other audit-related information;

c) Audit records should be protected from unanticipated deletion, modification, or overwriting, etc. by regular backups.

3.6 Trusted Verification

Trusted verification can be performed based on the trusted root on the system bootstrap program, system program, important configuration parameters and boundary protection application programs of the boundary equipment, etc., and alarms are issued after detecting that its trustworthiness has been undermined, and the results of the verification are formed into an audit record and sent to the security management center.

4 Secure Computing Environment

4.1 Identity Authentication

The requirements of this item include:

a) The logged-in users shall be identified and authenticated, the identity identification is unique, and the identity authentication information has the complexity requirement and is replaced on a regular basis;

b) There shall be the function of login failure processing, and the end of session shall be configured and enabled, Limit the number of illegal logins and automatically log out when the login connection times out and other related measures;

c) When remote management is performed, necessary measures should be taken to prevent the identification information from being eavesdropped during network transmission.

4.2 Access Control

The requirements of this item include:

a) Accounts and privileges shall be assigned to logged-in users:

b) Default accounts shall be renamed or deleted, and default passwords of default accounts shall be modified.

c) Redundant and expired accounts should be deleted or deactivated in a timely manner to avoid the existence of **** enjoyment accounts;

d) Minimum permissions required for administrative users should be granted to achieve separation of permissions for administrative users.

4.3 Security Auditing

The requirements of this item include:

a) Security auditing shall be enabled, with auditing covering every user and auditing important user behavior and important security events;

b) Audit logs shall include the date and time of the event, the user, the type of the event, whether or not the event was successful, and other information related to the audit;

c) Audit records shall be protected from unanticipated deletion, modification or overwriting, etc., by regular backups.

4.4 Intrusion Prevention.

The requirements of this item include:

a) The principle of minimal installation shall be followed, and only required components and applications shall be installed;

b) Unnecessary system services, default **** enjoyment and high-risk ports shall be turned off;

c) Restrictions shall be placed on management terminals that are managed over the network through the setting of terminal access methods or network address ranges;

d) It should provide data validity checking function to ensure that the content input through the human-machine interface or through the communication interface meets the requirements set by the system;

e) It should be able to find out the known vulnerabilities that may exist and patch the vulnerabilities in a timely manner after sufficient testing and evaluation.

4.5 Malicious Code Prevention

Anti-malicious code software shall be installed or configured with corresponding functions, and the anti-malicious code library shall be regularly upgraded and updated.

4.6 Trusted Verification

Trusted verification can be performed on the system bootloader, system programs, important configuration parameters and applications of computing devices based on the trusted root, and alarms are issued after detecting that their trustworthiness has been undermined, and the verification results are formed into an audit record to be sent to the security management center.

4.7 Data Integrity

Checksum technology should be used to ensure the integrity of important data during transmission.

4.8 Data Backup Recovery

The requirements of this item include:

a) Local data backup and recovery function of important data shall be provided;

b) Off-site data backup function shall be provided, and communication network shall be utilized to transmit important data to the backup site in batch at regular intervals.

4.9 Residual information protection

It should be ensured that the storage space where the identification information is located is completely cleared before it is released or reallocated.

4.10 Personal Information Protection

This requirement includes:

a) Only user personal information that is necessary for the business shall be captured and stored;

b) Unauthorized access to, and illegal use of, user personal information shall be prohibited.

5 Security Management Center

5.1 System Management

The requirements of this item include:

a) The system administrator shall be identified, and shall be allowed to carry out system management operations only through specific commands or operation interfaces, and these operations shall be audited;

b) the resources and operation of the system shall be configuration, control and management, including user identity, system resource configuration, system loading and startup, abnormal handling of system operation, backup and restoration of data and equipment.

5.2 Audit Management

The requirements of this item include:

a) The audit administrator shall be identified, and shall be allowed to carry out security audit operations only through specific commands or operation interfaces, and audit these operations;

b) Audit records shall be analyzed by the audit administrator, and processing shall be carried out based on the results of the analysis, including storage of audit records according to the security audit policy to store, manage and query the audit records.

6 Security Management System

6.1 Security Strategy

The overall policy and security strategy for network security work shall be formulated, stating the overall objectives, scope, principles and security framework of the organization's security work, etc.

6.2 Management System

The requirements of this item include:

a) A security management system shall be established for the main management elements of security management activities.

b) Operating procedures shall be established for routine management operations performed by managers or operators.

6.3 Formulation and Publication

The requirements of this item include:

a) A special department or person shall be designated or authorized to be responsible for the formulation of the safety management system;

b) The safety management system shall be published in a formal and effective manner with version control.

6.4 Review and Revision

The reasonableness and applicability of the safety management system shall be demonstrated and validated on a regular basis, and the safety management system that is deficient or in need of improvement shall be revised.

7 Security Management Organization

7.1 Position Setting

The requirements of this item include:

a) Functional departments should be set up for network security management work, and the positions of security supervisor and persons in charge of various aspects of security management should be set up, and the duties of each person in charge should be defined;

b) Positions such as system administrators, auditing administrators and security administrators should be set up. and other positions, and define the duties of the department and each job.

7.2 Staffing

There shall be a certain number of system administrators, audit administrators and security administrators etc.

7.3 Authorization and Approval

The requirements of this item include:

a) The authorization and approval matters, approval department and approver, etc. shall be clearly defined according to the duties of each department and post;

b) It shall be implemented for matters such as system changes, important operations. Physical access and system access and other matters to perform the approval process.

7.4 Communication and Collaboration

The requirements of this item include:

a) Cooperation and communication between various types of management personnel, internal organizational bodies and network security management shall be strengthened, and coordination meetings shall be held on a regular basis to *** collaborate with each other in dealing with cybersecurity issues;

b) Cooperation and communication with cybersecurity functions, various types of vendors, industry experts and security organizations;

c) shall establish a contact list of outreach units, including the name of the outreach unit, the content of cooperation, contact person and contact information.

7.5 Audit and Inspection

Routine security inspections should be conducted regularly, including the daily operation of the system, system vulnerabilities and data backup.

8 Security Management Personnel

8.1 Personnel Recruitment

The requirements of this item include:

a) A special department or personnel shall be designated or authorized to be in charge of personnel recruitment:

b) The identity, security background, and professional qualifications or credentials of the personnel to be recruited shall be reviewed.

8.2 Departure of personnel

All access privileges of the departing personnel shall be terminated in a timely manner, and all kinds of identification documents, keys, micro-seals, etc., as well as software and hardware equipment provided by the organization shall be retrieved.

8.3 Security Awareness Education and Training

Security awareness education and job skills training should be carried out for all types of personnel, and inform the relevant security responsibilities and disciplinary measures.

8.4 External personnel access management

This requirement includes:

a) written application should be made before external personnel physically access to the controlled area, approved by a person accompanied by the whole process, and registered for the record;

b) written application should be made before external personnel access to the controlled network access system, approved by a person who opens an account, assigns permissions and register for the record;

c) All the access rights of the outsiders should be cleared in time after they leave the site.

9 Security Construction Management

9.1 Grading and Filing

The requirements of this item include:

a) The security protection level of the protection object and the method and reason for determining the level shall be stated in writing;

b) Relevant departments and relevant security technology experts shall be organized to demonstrate and validate the reasonableness and correctness of the grading results;

c) It shall ensure that the grading results are approved by the relevant departments;

d) It shall report the filing materials to the competent department and the corresponding public security organs for record.

9.2 Security program design

The requirements of this item include:

a) basic security measures shall be selected according to the security protection level, and security measures shall be supplemented and adjusted based on the results of risk analysis;

b) security program design shall be carried out according to the security protection level of the protection object;

c) relevant departments and relevant security experts to demonstrate and validate the reasonableness and correctness of the security program, and it shall be formally implemented only after approval.

9.3 Product Procurement and Use

The requirements of this item include:

a) It shall be ensured that the procurement and use of network security products comply with the relevant national regulations;

b) It shall be ensured that the procurement and use of cryptographic products and services comply with the requirements of the national competent authorities in charge of cryptographic management.

9.4 Self-supported Software Development

The requirements of this item include:

a) The development environment shall be physically separated from the actual operation environment, and the test data and test results shall be under control;

b) The security shall be tested during the software development process, and the possible malicious codes shall be detected prior to the software installation.

9.5 Outsourcing software development

This requirement includes:

a) shall test for possible malicious code in the software before it is delivered;

b) shall ensure that the development unit provides the software design documentation and usage guidelines.

9.6 Engineering implementation

This requirement includes:

a) Shall designate or authorize a special department or personnel to be responsible for the management of the engineering implementation process;

b) Shall formulate a security engineering implementation plan to control the engineering implementation process.

9.7 Testing and Acceptance

The requirements of this item include:

a) testing and acceptance program shall be formulated and testing and acceptance program shall be implemented according to the testing and acceptance program, and the testing and acceptance report shall be formed;

b) the security test shall be carried out prior to the go-live, and the security test report shall be issued.

9.8 System Delivery

The requirements of this item include:

a) Delivery list shall be formulated, and the equipment, software and documents handed over shall be inventoried according to the delivery list;

b) The technicians responsible for the operation and maintenance shall be provided with appropriate skills training;

c) Construction process documents and operation and maintenance documents shall be provided.

9.9 Level Evaluation

The requirements of this item include:

a) level evaluation shall be conducted regularly, and timely rectification shall be made if it is found that it does not conform to the requirements of the corresponding level protection standards;

b) level evaluation shall be carried out when there are major changes or the level is changed;

c) it shall be ensured that the selection of evaluation organizations conforms to the relevant national regulations.

9.10 Selection of Service Providers

The requirements of this item include:

a) It shall ensure that the selection of service providers complies with the relevant state regulations;

b) It shall sign an agreement with the selected service providers to specify the obligations related to cybersecurity that each party of the service supply chain has to fulfill.

10 Security Operation and Maintenance Management

10.1 Environment Management

The requirements of this item include:

a) A special department or personnel shall be designated to be responsible for the security of the server room, manage the outgoing person of the server room, and regularly maintain and manage the facilities of the server room such as supply and distribution, air conditioning, temperature and humidity control, and fire protection;

b) The security management of the server room shall be Provisions should be made, including physical access, access to items and environmental security:

c should not receive visitors in important areas, not randomly placed paper files containing sensitive information, documents and mobile media, etc..

10.2 Asset Management

A list of assets related to the protection object should be prepared and kept, including the responsible department of the asset, its importance and its location.

10.3 Media Management

The requirements of this item include:

a) media should be stored in a safe environment, control and protection of all types of media, the implementation of the storage environment of the special management, and according to the directory list of the archived media regular inventory;

b) should be in the process of physical transmission of media in the selection of personnel, packing, delivery and so on to carry out control, and register and record the archiving and searching of media, etc.

10.4 Equipment Maintenance Management

The requirements of this item include:

a) Specialized departments or personnel shall be designated to regularly carry out maintenance and management of all kinds of equipments (including backup and redundancy equipments), lines, etc.

b) Provisions shall be made for the maintenance and management of the ancillary facilities, software and hardware, including clarifying the responsibilities of the maintenance personnel, approval of the repairs and services, the Supervision and control of the maintenance process, etc.

10.5 Vulnerability and Risk Management

Necessary measures should be taken to identify security vulnerabilities and hidden dangers, and the discovered security vulnerabilities and hidden dangers should be repaired in a timely manner or after assessing the possible impact.

10.6 Network and System Security Management.

The requirements of this item include:

a) Different administrator roles should be divided for network and system operation and maintenance management, and the responsibilities and permissions of each role should be clearly defined;

b) Special departments or personnel should be designated to carry out account management, and control the application for accounts, creation of accounts, and deletion of accounts, etc.;

c) The network and system security should be established. management system, making provisions for security policy, account management, configuration management, log management, daily operation, upgrading and patching, password updating cycle, etc.

d) shall formulate configuration and operation manuals for important equipment, and based on the manuals, the equipment shall be configured for security and optimization of configurations, etc.

e) shall keep detailed records of operation and maintenance logs, including daily inspection work, operation and maintenance records, parameter settings and modifications, etc.

e) shall record detailed operation and maintenance logs, including daily patrol work, operation and maintenance records, and parameter settings and modifications. maintenance records, setting and modification of parameters, etc.

10.7 Malicious Code Prevention Management

The requirements of this item include:

a) The awareness of anti-malicious code should be raised for all users, and the malicious code check should be carried out for external computers or storage devices before they are connected to the system;

b) The requirements of preventing malicious code should be stipulated, including the authorization of the use of anti-malicious code software, upgrading of the malicious code database, regular checking and killing of malicious code, and so on.

c) The upgrading of the malicious code database should be checked regularly, and the intercepted malicious code should be analyzed and processed in a timely manner.

10.8 Configuration Management

Basic configuration information should be recorded and saved, including network topology, software components installed in each device, version and patch information of software components, and configuration parameters of each device or software component.

10.9 Password Management

The requirements of this item include:

a) It shall follow the national and industrial standards related to passwords;

b) It shall use cryptographic technologies and products certified and approved by the competent authorities in charge of national password management.

10.10 Change Management

Change requirements shall be clearly defined, and change programs shall be formulated according to the change requirements before change, and the change programs shall be implemented only after review and approval.

10.11 Backup and Recovery Management

The requirements of this item include:

a) Important business information, system data and software systems that need to be backed up on a regular basis should be identified;

b) Backup methods, frequency of backup and retention period of storage media for backed up information should be stipulated;

c) Data backup procedures should be formulated according to the importance of the data and the impact of the data on system operation. operation, the data backup strategy and recovery strategy, backup procedures and recovery procedures, etc. should be formulated.

10.12 Security Incident Disposal

The requirements of this item include:

a) Security weaknesses and suspicious incidents discovered should be reported to the security management department in a timely manner;

b) A security incident reporting and disposal management system should be formulated to specify the reporting, disposal and response processes for different security incidents, and to stipulate the management responsibilities for on-site handling of the security incidents, incident reporting and post-recovery. management responsibilities for post-recovery, etc.

c) shall analyze and identify the causes of the incidents, collect evidence, record the handling process, and summarize the lessons learned in the process of security incident reporting and response handling.

10.13 Emergency Response Plan Management

The requirements of this item include:

a) Emergency Response Plan for important events shall be formulated, including emergency response process, system restoration process, etc.

b) Emergency Response Plan training shall be provided to the personnel related to the system on a regular basis, and emergency Response Plan drills shall be conducted.

10.14 Management of Outsourced Operation and Maintenance

The requirements of this item include:

a) It shall be ensured that the selection of the outsourced operation and maintenance service provider conforms to the relevant regulations of the state;

b) It shall sign the relevant agreement with the selected outsourced operation and maintenance service provider, and explicitly agree on the scope of outsourced operation and maintenance and the content of work.

How to handle the process of hospitalization social security filing?

Situation 1, provincial medical treatment

1, in accordance with the latest system, the provincial medical treatment is not required to record, can be settled directly in the hospital, without personal advances in medical expenses (except for out-of-pocket expenses)

Situation 2, retired persons across the province for medical treatment first filed

1, relocation, visiting relatives, stationed outside the country to work and study in the field medical treatment needs to apply for the record first

For the record process:

The first step, the insured person with "social security card" in the insured social security center to fill out the application form for medical treatment in a different place, for registration.

2, the second step, the approval of the record, in accordance with the principle of proximity, in the place of residence designated 1-3 medical institutions, the period of time is generally determined once a year to determine the designated institutions of the social security unit approval, the record is complete.

Situation three, referrals for the record

1, county hospitals and above (secondary and tertiary hospitals) referral certificate. There are usually county-level hospitals in towns and cities.

2, stamped at the hospital social security window. Generally located in the hospital charges on the side of the entrance, take the referral certificate to the window, without too much description of the staff over there is to know what you want!

3, to the local town social security service center to do out of treatment registration. You should know where the social security center of your town is

Expanded Information:

The reason for the declaration of the foreign medical treatment:

1. Limited to the limitations of the local medical level, a part of the serious patients and the local designated medical institutions by the long-term effect of the treatment is not The patient who has been treated by the local designated medical institution for a long period of time and the effect is not obvious is transferred to other places for medical treatment.

2. Some people participate in pension and medical insurance as freelancers locally, but usually work abroad and seek medical treatment at their place of work when they are sick.

3. Some of the workers, after retiring, miss their hometowns and go back home to retire, and seek medical treatment at the local hospitals in their hometowns.

4, some enterprises contracted outside the project or set up marketing organizations in foreign countries, the employees work in foreign countries for a long time, medical care.

Declaration criteria for medical treatment in a different place:

1, retired participants resettled in a different place;

2, retired participants residing in the same place within the country for more than half a year;

3, permanent participants working in a different place within the country.

Procedures for reporting medical treatment in a different place:

1. Only after going through the procedure of confirming medical treatment in a different place can an insured person seek medical treatment in a designated medical institution in a recognized different place. The amount of the individual medical account can be withdrawn from any of the business outlets with the medical insurance card, and can be used to pay for outpatient general illnesses and to purchase and dispense medicines at pharmacies.

Participants who are sick and hospitalized (including outpatient specific item treatment) can go to the recognized local designated medical institutions for hospitalization and outpatient specific item treatment, and the medical expenses will be advanced by the individual first, and within 1 month from the date of discharge, the participant will apply for reimbursement from the Municipal Medical Insurance Center by presenting the following information;

(1) a copy of front and back of the medical insurance card;

(2) Confirmed copy of "Application Form for Medical Treatment in a Different Place";

(3) Certificate of discharge or diagnosis, with a copy of "Outpatient Application Form" approved by the Municipal Health Insurance Center for outpatient specific items (except for emergency inpatient care);

(4) Detailed list of medical expenses;

(5) Official receipt of medical expenses (with the reimbursement claimant's signature on the back);

2. p>

2. When a participant suffers from an acute illness during a business trip, study trip or family visit abroad (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), he/she can go to the local public hospital for medical treatment. (1) proof of the participant's unit;

(2) a copy of the front and back of the medical insurance card;

(3) a certificate of discharge or diagnosis;

(4) an itemized list of medical expenses;

(5) an invoice of the medical expenses (with the reimbursement of the reimbursement of the person answering the name on the back);

(6) a copy of the hospitalization medical record.