Health center fire design requirements?

In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of fire or other disasters and accidents, to maximize the prevention and reduction of loss of life and property due to accidents, in accordance with the "People's Republic of China *** and the State of Work Safety Law", "People's Republic of China *** and the State of China Fire Services Law" and the "Code of Infrastructure Fire Safety for Healthcare Institutions" of the relevant provisions of the infrastructure of fire safety in the entire hospital to develop fire safety facilities set up the following specifications:

1, the wards of health centers, outpatient and emergency rooms and other functional areas and rooms with high fire danger and high safety requirements should be independently divided into fire zones or set up fire separation with corresponding fire resistance limits, and set up the necessary smoke evacuation facilities.

2, health center wards, emergency clinics, evacuation aisles and important public **** rooms and other places in the building decoration materials, should be in accordance with the specification requirements for the use of non-combustible or incombustible materials, and strictly prohibit the use of combustion of toxic gases and asphyxiating gases produced by the material.

3, the yard should be set up independent fire control room, and configure the relevant facilities in accordance with the norms.

4, the health center of the medical work room, valuable medical equipment room, medical records archives, drug stores should be set up in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations of the emergency broadcasting, automatic alarm devices, automatic sprinkler system or gas fire extinguishing system.

5, the hospital should be set up emergency lighting and fire accidents and obvious evacuation signs, the setup of standards and scope of the provisions of the code need to comply with.

6, must set up indoor and outdoor fire hydrant water supply system. Indoor fire water supply system should be set up separately and independently from the living and production water supply system.

7, health center fire pumps, fire elevators, smoke and exhaust facilities, automatic fire alarm, automatic fire extinguishing system, emergency lighting, evacuation signs and electric fire doors, windows, shutters, valves and other fire protection electricity, should be consistent with national standards, "Design Code for Power Supply Systems for Industrial and Civil Use," and other relevant state regulations.

8, high-pressure oxygen chamber, boilers and other pressure vessels and pressure piping and other related facilities construction and installation should be in line with the "Pressure Vessel Safety Technology Supervision Regulations", "Oxygen Station Design Code", "Boiler Room Design Code" and other relevant state regulations.

9, power distribution room, medical gas room and other related facilities construction and installation should meet the fire and safety and other relevant state regulations.

10, the hospital's radioactive medical equipment related facilities should be in line with the "Basic Standard for Radiation Health Protection", "Radioisotope and Ray Device Safety and Protection Regulations" and other relevant state regulations.