What fields can apply ultrasonic cleaning equipment?

Ultrasonic cleaning equipment can be used to replace the manual to clean the surface of the workpiece oil, wax, dust, oxidation layer and other stains and stains of mechanical equipment. With the requirements of China's economic development, as well as the acceleration of the process of new industrialization, industrial cleaning as an important part of industrial production, the demand for ultrasonic cleaning equipment is becoming increasingly strong, the industrial cleaning industry is also large and small in fact, but also very small, in short, can be roughly divided into civilian cleaning and industrial cleaning, and then subdivided into general industrial cleaning, precision cleaning, ultra-precision cleaning.

Ultrasonic cleaning equipment in various industries in recent years:

1, optical, photovoltaic, photovoltaic industry:

Products to be cleaned: optical glass and components, photoelectric glass and components, photovoltaic glass and components.

Pollution source 1: abrasive powder, real paint, asphalt, lubricant, polishing agent, graphite, fine dust.

Pollution source 2: Dust and dirt, salt, hand dirt.

Use of cleaning agent 1: organic detergent, alcohols (acetone, etc.).

Use detergent 2: alkaline detergent, acid detergent, neutral detergent, pure water.

2, electronic/electrical industrial industry:

Products to be cleaned: semiconductor components (such as silicon wafers, integrated circuits), various types of high-voltage and low-voltage electrical appliances (such as relays, switches, circuit boards, potentiometers, etc.), various types of motors, compressors, various types of electrical components, vacuum devices and so on.

Pollution source 1: fine dust, oil, flux, oil anticorrosion, wax oil, abrasive, dye resin.

Contaminant 2: Rust, oxides, dirt, salt, hand scale.

Use of cleaning agents 1: organic detergents, alcohols (acetone, etc.).

3, automotive / construction machinery / locomotive industry:

Products to be cleaned: engine parts (such as cylinder block, cylinder liner, valve body, piston, piston ring, valve, etc.), ignition plug, brake pump, steering, vibration damper, all kinds of precision parts.

Pollution sources: oil, lubricating oil, anticorrosive agents, mechanical swarf, plastic residues, grinding abrasives, graphite, tar, dust scale, carbon.

Use of cleaning agents: organic detergents; light oil (washing oil, etc.); alkaline detergent, acid detergent, neutral detergent; pure water.

4, eyeglasses, clocks and watches industry, gemstone processing industry:

Products to be cleaned: eyeglasses, eyeglass frames, clocks and watches, lenses, gemstones, precious metal decorations, hand jewelry, all kinds of precision parts.

Pollution source 1: paint, real paint, varnish, lubricant, polish, graphite, fine dust.

Contaminant 2: Dust, salt, hand dirt, dyes, rust, plastic residues.

Use of cleaning agent 1: Organic detergents, alcohols (acetone, etc.).

Use detergent 2: alkaline detergent, acid detergent, neutral detergent, pure water.

5, aircraft industry:

Products to be cleaned: engine parts, all kinds of accessories, fuel oil filters, fuel metering instruments, injection nozzles, rotary wings, flow control devices, parts for mechanical control devices, wheel hubs, all kinds of precision parts.

Contamination sources: oxides, dust, debris generated during mechanical operation, oil, lubricants, polishing powder, preservatives, carbon deposits.

Use of cleaning agents: organic detergents; light oil (washing oil, etc.); water-based detergents; pure water.

6, rubber industry:

Products to be cleaned: gloves, belts, white tires, surgical and medical rubber products, rubber molding metal molds / ceramic molds and so on.

Contaminants: fingerprints, dirt, preservatives, inks, dyes, plastic residues, rubber residues.

Use of cleaning agents: alkaline detergent, acidic detergent, neutral detergent; pure water.

7, brewing/pharmaceutical industry:

Products to be cleaned: bottles, lids, label removal devices, exhaust devices, treatment vessels, treatment with appliances, filling device piping.

Contaminants: leftover food, fingerprints, dust, threads, starch, dyes, protein printing (before baking) oils, lubricants, silicone oils.

Use of cleaning agents: alkaline detergent, acidic detergent, neutral detergent; organic detergent; pure water.

8, financial, minting industry:

Products to be cleaned: stamps, acceptance number plates, coins, porcelain, gold/silver products.

Contamination sources: hand dirt, dust, fingerprints, dirt.

Use cleaning agents: neutral detergent, alkaline detergent; pure water.

9, machinery/tools/gauges/sharpening tools industry:

Products to be cleaned: bearings, screws, nozzles, gears, fixtures, fixtures with attachments, springs, drilling and researching molds, beds, valves, vernier calipers, thwarting knives, all kinds of gauges, all kinds of sharpening tools, all kinds of machine parts, and so on.

Pollution source 1: abrasives, swarf, anticorrosive agents, cutting oil, cooling oil, clogging of grinding wheel holes, flux.

Contamination source 2: Dust, oxidized skin

Use of cleaning agent 1: Organic detergent, light oil (washing oil, etc.).

Use of cleaning agent 2: alkaline detergent, acidic detergent, neutral detergent, pure water.

10, printing / plate making industry:

Products to be cleaned: rotary machine, metal plate, lead lettering, master lettering, small glass vials for medicinal purposes, photographic negatives, metal chassis and so on.

Contaminants: ink, fingerprints, oil, dyes.

Use of cleaning agents: light oil (petroleum-based detergents); alkaline detergent, neutral detergent.

11, public **** business, electric power, gas, news communications industry:

The need to clean the product: all kinds of measuring instruments, power meters, all kinds of lighting fixtures,, isolation of ceramic bottles, key components of communications equipment.

Pollution sources: ink, oil, dust, thread, rust, mud, sea salt.

Use of detergents: organic detergents; light oil (petroleum-based detergents); alkaline detergents, neutral detergents.

12, research institutes and other atomic energy industry:

Products to be cleaned: control rods, counting tubes, pumps, lead tubes, lead pipe type, containers used in research institutes, glass solenoids, glass tubes, analytical reagents, eyepieces and so on.

Contamination sources: radioactive particles, dust, dirt, grit, silicon oil, lubricating oil.

Use of cleaning agents: alkaline detergent, neutral detergent; pure water; organic detergent.

13, medical, medical research industry:

Products to be cleaned: surgical instruments, dental drills, reamers, esophagoscopes, bronchoscopes, proctoscopes, cystoscopes, suction tubes, glass containers, syringes, sensors, test material glass and so on.

Sources of contamination: blood, gels, dust, threads, fingerprints, dirt that enters the blood, residual disposal, proteins.

Use cleaning agents: alkaline detergent, neutral washing machine; disinfectant; pure water, distilled water.