What does i2c bus mean

The i2c bus is a serial communication bus, known as Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C), developed by Philips in 1980. It is a low-speed, short-range communication protocol typically used to connect small devices such as chips and sensors. i2c bus is commonly used to communicate with digital signal processors, microcontrollers, and other digital circuits.

One of the features of the i2c bus is that multiple devices can communicate over the same bus, each with a unique address. In addition, the i2c bus can communicate in both directions over two wires, one for data and the other for clock signals.

The i2c bus is used in a wide range of applications, such as the Internet of Things, medical, automotive, and aerospace. In the Internet of Things, i2c buses are typically used to connect sensors, actuators and other devices. In medical devices, i2c bus can be used to communicate with various medical devices and sensors. In automotive and aerospace, the i2c bus can be used to communicate with electronic control units (ECUs), displays, and other control devices.