What occupations can Australia skilled migration

Australian skilled migration is a lot of types of work, more common, more applicants are mainly the following occupations:

1. accounting (Accountants);

2. Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers (Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers);

3. architects and landscape architects (Architects and Landscape Architects);

4. chemical and landscape architects;

5. Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers;

3. Architects and Landscape Architects;

4. Chemical and Materials Engineers;

5. Civil Engineering Professionals);

6. Electrical Engineers;

7. Electronics Engineers;

8. Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers ( Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers);

9. Other Engineering Professionals;

10. OtherMedical OtherMedical Practitioners;

11. RegisteredNurses;

12. ICT Business and Systems Analysts;

13. Software and Applications Programmers;

14. Software and Applications Programmers;

14. Computer Network Professionals;

15. Telecommunications Engineering Telecommunications Engineering Professionals.)

The number of applicants for accounting and IT has always been high, and Auzen Migration reminds that you can apply for skilled migration to Australia with an assessment score of 60 points.