How many square meters of multi-core copper cable corresponds to the safe current?
-Calculation method The general safety calculation method of copper wire is:
Safe current carrying capacity of 2.5 mm square copper power cord -28a.
Safe current carrying capacity of 4 mm2 copper power cord -35a.
Safe current carrying capacity of 6 mm2 copper power cord 48a.
10mm2 copper power line -65a's safe current carrying capacity.
16 mm2 safe current carrying capacity of copper power line-91a.
Safe ampacity of 25mm2 copper power cord-120a
The formula is: 10 minus five; No.2100; Boundaries 25, 35, 4 and 3; 70, 95, twice and a half; These formulas reflect the multiple relationship between current carrying capacity and cross section of aluminum core insulated conductor.
For example, when the ambient temperature is not more than 25℃, the current carrying capacity of aluminum-core insulated conductor is: when the cross section is 6 square millimeters, the current carrying capacity is 6 * 5 = 30a;; When the cross section is 95mm2, the current carrying capacity is 95 * 2.5 = 237.5a. 。