What is the hpv nucleic acid test
What is the incredibly important thing about the HPV test? Many people are confused about the highest peak HPV nucleic acid test. What about? hpv is the abbreviation of human papillomavirus, hpv nucleic acid test refers to the HPV-DNA test, which is one of the common test methods for hpv. Hpv virus is a DNA virus, humans are the only host of HPV, HPV enters the body after the skin mucosa, mainly latent in the epidermis between the basal cells, once the time is ripe it will cause disease. Scientists have confirmed that the HPV virus transmitted through sexual intercourse is not only the cause of warts, but also the main cause of cervical cancer. "The HPV test is an important part of the diagnosis of acromegaly and cervical cancer, not only to determine whether or not the HPV virus is infected, but also to determine whether or not the HPV virus is infected, but also to determine whether or not the HPV virus is infected, but also to determine whether or not the HPV virus is infected. If you still want to know more information, welcome to consult our online experts or call our hotline. (Edit: trace line)