The use of ADSL modem, if the ADSL modem is set up in the routing function, more people *** with the same ADSL line for access to the Internet, then each computer belongs to the extranet.
172.16.x.x to 172.31.x.x;
Computers on the intranet access the Internet with the NAT (Network Address Translation) protocol through a public *** gateway. computers on the intranet can send connection requests to other Internet Computers on the intranet can send connection requests to other computers on the Internet, but other computers on the Internet cannot send connection requests to computers on the intranet.
Public access: Computers on the Internet get IP addresses that are unreserved on the Internet. Computers on the public network and other computers on the Internet can access each other at will.
We see that the broadband user's local IP address is and the IP address of the PPP connection is 172.16.*. *, neither of which is a public IP address, but a reserved address on Inetnet. In other words, the user does not dial directly to the public network through dial-up, but has to perform another IP address translation to get to the public network.