Medal of Honor Airborne Soldier Passing Full Strategy

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Operation Husky

Suggested equipment: M1 Grad Rifle + MP40 Submachine Gun (more stable)

This level shouldn't be too difficult, because the Italian Blackshirts are quite young

Suggest to practice the MP40 first, then back up later

Then you can practice the accuracy of the rifle

The two ammo supply boxes are usually overstocked

(Unless you bring a bad one to hit the enemy without dropping bullets)

(unless you bring the bad one to hit the enemy without dropping bullets). Generally speaking, the two ammo boxes in this level are redundant

(Unless you bring the bad luck to hit the enemy without dropping the bullets)

The 4 anti-aircraft guns at the beginning of the level are the most difficult to attack on the hill

On the way to the road, you will come across 4 MG42s

The first one is very easy to use, as long as someone tries to touch the MG42s, you will be able to use the rifles to snipe them off first, and then you are OK.

The second one is on a corner~After the corner and up the slope is the anti-aircraft gun position

But at the top of the slope, there are two MG42s guarding it~If you rush up there, you may be shot into a beehive

(although I think their aim is not good...)

And at the top of the slope, they will keep on reinforcing (about three at a time) to come down and take back the corner. MG42

So take advantage of the MG42's shooting gaps and hide in the house on the right side of the road

Go up to the second floor and clear out the enemy soldiers, then you'll be able to access the back of the MG42's defenses

Get your submachine gun and clear out the position so you can blow up the antiaircraft guns

The one on the north side is a bit easier~just keep an eye out for the MG42 on the second floor

Anyone who tries to touch it just shoot him dead~then rush into the house and shoot through the MG42. He then rushed into the house and swept the enemy soldiers in the anti-aircraft gun position through the window

Then you can blow up the anti-aircraft guns

The two anti-aircraft guns on the roof of the enemy headquarters may seem difficult to hit~in fact, they are also not bad

There are quite a lot of ambushes in the building opposite to the headquarters

You can go up there and clear out all of the weapons experience before hitting the headquarters

If you have a K98 on hand, then go to the second floor and snipe at the enemy soldiers. If you have a K98 in your hand, go to the second floor and snipe out the MG42 machine gunner on the second floor balcony of the HQ

But it will take a while for someone else to fill in

Before you return to the HQ, make good use of the grenades and submachine guns to advance to the doorway

In the building, be careful of the enemies who are hiding behind the doors or desks

So make good use of your radar to keep an eye out for nearby MG42s

After you've taken the MG42s on the stairwell of the second floor, remember to sweep each room one at a time. After taking the MG42s on the second floor stairway, remember to sweep each room (there are only 4)

Then you'll be able to get to the top floor~The top floor may be crowded

but there's a lot of cover too~The little Italian kids are terrible at hiding in cover

Just stay low and lean into the cover~You can easily clear them out with a pistol

Then prepare for the bombing of the anti-aircraft guns

After you finish the four anti-aircraft guns

Then prepare to blow up the anti-aircraft guns

Then prepare to bomb the four anti-aircraft guns.

After blowing up the four anti-aircraft guns

Follow Wirth to the north side for support~The door is already open

The mission is to find the lost sniper team

The next step is to deal with the Germans~The Germans are a bit better than the Italians

The sub-machine guns are also quite accurate~The sniper team is in the house at the end of the road

There is a MG42 guarding the house~The same old method of fighting

There is a MG42 guarding the sniper team.

Entering the house at the end of the road will allow you to get out of the range of the machine gun

But be careful, the enemy will also enter the house to get you

So it's best to advance with the sub-machine gun

Clear out the Germans and go up to the second floor, then you will find the sniper team

Pick up the Haruta sniper rifle next to the dead body to deal with the snipers in the house on the other side of the road

Just to practice the sniper squad, you will need to use a sub-machine gun.

Just practicing your sniping skills

Left mouse button to aim→blank button to inhale→headshot

This is the same procedure for all future sniper rifles

After that, you can choose to take this Springfield sniper rifle with you or switch back to the original weapon

This will affect the way you play afterward

Then, go back to the enemy HQ~You'll run into a small group of Germans but it's not a big problem

The reinforcements called in by the enemy sniper have just retaken the HQ

The mission objective is to kill three officers

The three officers' locations: one on the first floor north side hall, one on the second floor north side room, and one on the top floor

If you want to practice your weaponry more~just go in there and fight with the soldiers

If you have previously taken the If you have a sniper rifle, you can go to the house opposite the headquarters or the tower next to it to snipe the officers

(the angle is quite difficult to adjust)

Avalanche action after killing the officers

Suggested equipment: Springfield sniper rifle + Thompson OR MP40 submachine gun

The submachine gun is not that important in this level

Beginners can go to the battlefield and pick up a shotgun if they want to try it out.

The enemy weapons in this level are mainly MP40 and G43 rifles

The G43 doesn't have the high lethality of the K98

But the semi-automatic is still painful when hit more than once~ avoid getting hit continuously

The north side of the battlefield is a circular square~ there are some enemies in the beginning

In the center of the battlefield are the ruins~ there will be a lot of enemies. The center of the battlefield is a ruin~Enemies will appear from time to time

The three missions at the beginning: destroy the radio, attack the oil tanks, and blow up the ammo depot

The German radio is at the east side of the battlefield, and at the beginning you will go into the underground tunnels

Beware of the enemy soldiers who will run to the platforms above the tunnels and shoot down

As soon as you find them, you must quickly take cover while mounting the platforms to blast them away with your submachine guns or shotguns. Shotguns

After passing through the tunnels, you'll be confronted with an MG42 machine gun position in front of a construction site

Use the crates as cover to get around the position and shoot or throw grenades in

After you've cleared it, follow the road around to enter the construction site~clear out the enemies on the first floor

Next, you'll have to climb the boards along the scaffolding~be careful not to fall down

There are a lot of enemies between the scaffolding, so take cover and use your sniper rifle to kill them one by one before moving forward

Climbing to the other side of the scaffolding overlooking the German camp, it's time for the sniper rifle to come into play

Sniper rifle while slowly descending down the stairs, so you can shoot them in the head even if they're not very good at avoiding it

After the enemies below are reduced to about the same size, you can then go in to destroy the ones who are hiding in the tents.

The radio is in the innermost tent~pull out your pistol and shoot them all one at a time to save ammo

But note that the last radio is on the top floor of the construction site

Sniper rifle one at a time and you're good to go

Fuel tanks and the relics are on the west side

Attacking the fuel tanks is easier

The two fuel tanks are in the center of the camp (the fuel tank is at the center of the camp) and the relics are in the center of the camp (the fuel tank is in the center of the camp). The fuel tanks are in the center of the camp (they glow red)

Just clear out the enemies in the camp step by step and shoot the fuel tanks

Or you can shoot the fuel tanks directly

The way to the relics' ammo dumps is also through a tunnel

But you can also go around it without going through it

The relics will notify you on the radio when you arrive

The cramped space inside the relics is a great way to get to the fuel tanks, so you'll have to go through them.

The narrow space inside the ruins is the best place for the shotgun

Just stay low and look for crates or pillars for cover

Fire as soon as an enemy pokes their head out~the headshot rate is super high

If you happen to have two or three of your enemies crammed in together~a couple of rounds of fire will result in a triple kill

Lastly, look at your escape route before you set off the explosives

Because once you set off the explosives, you are ready to run away. Once you set the explosives, you'll be ready to run away

If you get stuck on a crate while running, prepare to be blown to bits

After completing these three missions, gather at the circular plaza in the north

Then you'll encounter an ambush~Enemies will be surrounded by the plaza's walls

There are two ways of fighting them

Hide behind crates and use the sniper rifle to blow their heads off one by one

They can be killed with a single shot.

Or rush to the edge of the square and take the stairs up to the wall to fight with them

After the siege is resolved, you will go to the south side of the originally locked gate

The demolition troops will blow the gate open~then you will start the task of destroying the 88 heavy artillery

First of all, you will have to attack the last square on the back, because it is difficult to attack on the back with sniper rifles or rifles

The best way is to take a submachine gun or shotgun, which is the best way to attack the last square on the back. It's best to go around with a submachine gun or shotgun to kill the enemies

After the first square is cleared, there's a road in the center of the end that turns left and goes up

But there's an MG42 waiting for you on the right side of the square

So go around the right side of the square and take the MG42

Then you'll use it to shoot at all the enemies on the road, making sure that you can do it quickly and effectively

And then, you'll have to use it to kill all the enemies on the road

And then you'll have to use it to shoot at all the enemies on the road.

Then take the sniper rifle and take out the enemies on the staircase~Take the stairs up to the second square

On one side of the square is the mission objective: three 88 guns

On the other side is an anti-aircraft gun~There are a lot of troops stationed there

In order to allow the fighters to bomb the area smoothly, you need to destroy the anti-aircraft gun first~There are a lot of enemies there

It is recommended that you hide in a wooden crate in the square and take out that MG42 for the first time.

The animation of the fighter plane blowing up the 88 heavy artillery will appear

Mission accomplished~~~~

Mission accomplished

Operation Poseidon

Suggested Equipment: G43 Rifle + MP40 Submachine Gun

The main reason for choosing the G43 and the MP40 is that ammunition is good to obtain, and it can be picked up casually, but if you think that the G43 is too big to be used for this, you can also change it to the M1

The G43 can be used for the M1.

There is only one safe landing spot on the south side of the map

First-timers are advised to get airborne from here because there are too many enemies in the trench area and they are easy to be surrounded

The initial three missions are to collect M18 parts, destroy the antenna, and capture the reconnaissance tower

The first place you can go to in the beginning is to the safe landing spot to collect the M18 parts

Four parts are located at three different locations in the square. The M18 parts are located in the three corners of the square and on the roof of the central house

After picking up the first part, the Tiger tank will appear, so take cover

Don't hang around in front of the Tiger, even if it's an easy level, you can't afford to take a direct hit from it

Collect the three parts on the ground while dodging it

Then look for the openings and climb up to the roof of the central house. The roof of the central house~Note the stairs facing north, not the stairs inside the house

After getting the 4th part, you can assemble the M18 rocket launcher~

Then, you can directly shell the Tiger from the roof~Aim at the tracks and shoot it in about 3 rounds

Note that you need to hide on the other side of the roof when the gun's muzzle begins to rise

After you have destroyed the Tiger, you need to enter After destroying the Tiger, enter the second floor of the house where the supply crate was placed

From the window, use your rifle to clear the center of the ruins

The next step to the left (west) is the antenna and radar station~To the right (east) is the reconnaissance platform

To destroy the antenna, you must enter the radar station~First you must go through the trench

The recommended approach here is to use the left detour~If you detour to the right, you will be right on top of the enemy wave. If you go right, you'll run right into a wave of enemies at the entrance

It's not easy to cope with them~The left detour must first go around an MG42 bunker under the cover of a low wall

Grab your sub-machine gun and jump into the trench to take care of the machine gunner through the back door of the bunker

Don't let the enemies in the diversionary paths go by~otherwise they'll attack you from the back

The trench has a lot of oil drums~Be careful to avoid red oil drums when you're looking for cover in a rain of gunfire

Be careful to avoid red oil drums. Be careful not to hide next to the red oil drums

After approaching the radar station, use your rifle to kill the machine gunner at the back of the trench

Then throw a grenade at the enemy hiding on the high platforms~The trench area is pretty much over

Next, you have to enter the radar station

As soon as you go up the stairs~The doorway is next to the eye of the gun, with an MG42 facing you

Throw a grenade into it or use the rifle to shoot him out. grenades or rifle blasts to the head~After entering the indoor battle, it's all about the sub-machine guns

The enemy is concentrated in a control room to the left of the door~Be very careful here

Don't stay near the door~Because the enemy throws grenades wildly

Don't shoot in spotter mode if possible~Because you won't be able to see the grenade warning

Sometimes you'll be hit with three at a time and you'll be laid up

If you don't watch out for them, they'll be in the ground.

After searching each room and clearing out the enemies, there will be a room with a ladder that leads up to the top floor

Three of the enemies are ambushed behind the pillars on the top floor

See if you want to force them out with a grenade or just go around the pillars with your sub-machine gun and fight with them

Anyway, after the top floor has been cleared out, you can just attach explosives to one of the control panels and get out of there

But be careful on the way back, you will find that the grenades are not as strong as they used to be.

But watch out for a couple of enemy reinforcements on the way back~but it's not a big deal

There's also a trench battle at the scout tower~but here it's easier to use the right detour

because the trench is too small for the left side of the bunker, and there are two MG42s

The right detour is the same as the right detour, so first go around the machine gun bunker~take out the machine gunner through the back door and then push your way up the trench

Then go along the trench to cut off the enemies in the back

. The enemy on the left

The enemy here is also throwing grenades very aggressively if they are a little farther away, so be careful

The entrance to the scout tower is a bit more of a headache

The road is long and narrow, with no cover, and there is an MG42 gunshot at the end of the road, and the entrance door is right next to the gunshot

Those who don't have sniper gear will have to try to snipe with their rifles or toss grenades

But after taking down the entrance, they will be able to get through with the rifle or grenade.

But once you've taken the entrance, it's much easier to search the interior room by room

Climb to the top and clear out the enemies, then you'll get a message about capturing the scout tower

After completing the initial mission, the Naval artillery bombardment of the enemy's Heavy Artillery Bunker will take place

Climb up to the top of the Radar Station or the Scout Tower and you'll be able to see it

Then, you'll have to come back down and clear out the remnants of the Heavy Artillery bunker

You will then have to clear out the Heavy Artillery bunker.

You'll find that a closed door opposite the radar station entrance and one on the west side of the reconnaissance tower are open

Go in and follow the tunnel (there are some enemies) ~ it leads to the heavy artillery bunker

Once again, there's an MG42 gunshot hole next to the entrance ~ throw a grenade in to take care of him

Entering the heavy artillery bunker, you'll find that there are no remnants of soldiers ~ there are also a Draco soldier in there.

Start sweeping from room to room and watch out for grenades

There are gunholes on the walls inside the bunker, too. The enemy will shoot through them.

The next mission was to capture the two beachhead bunkers

First we had to take care of the first wave of enemy attacks

At first, we had to crouch down and get out of the heavy artillery bunker to take cover behind one of the trucks below us

Choose a side and wait for an opportunity to attack, because there was less cover out there

So, before the enemy was reduced to a certain level, we had to take a few more shots at them, and then we had to take them all. Don't go out there until the enemy is reduced to a certain level, unless you want to turn into a beehive

Be careful, the Germans here are armed with the lovely STG.44 assault rifles

They are fast and painful to shoot, so of course, you'll want to pick one up instead of a rifle

The rest of the battle will be a trench warfare and indoor warfare anyway, so rifles are not very useful

Wipe out the enemy! After the first wave of enemies, you have to jump into the trench to attack the beachhead bunker

It is recommended to move in the trench as much as possible~it is better to deal with the enemies when they come across

The strategy for both beachhead bunkers is similar

First, you have to clear out the defenders outside of the bunker~enter the bunker and kill the machine gunner

Then, there will be three or four enemies coming up from downstairs~take them out

And then, go downstairs and kill the one who stays behind. Then go downstairs and take out the one who stays behind and you're done

After both beachhead bunkers are captured, the mission is complete

Operation Market Garden

Suggested equipment: STG.44 Assault Rifle+Springfield Sniper Rifle

After you've gone through Operation Neptune, the STG.44 will be in your weapons list

This is almost a must-have weapon for the next few levels.

The STG.44 can be replaced by the LV3 Thompson, which is less powerful but more stable

Because a lot of your teammates die in this level, the Thompson is often dropped all over the place, and there is ammo to be picked up everywhere you go

The battlegrounds of the Market Garden operation are the city of Nermegeng and the bridge over the Nermegeng Bridge

At the beginning of the city of Nermegeng, there are four missions. Tasks:

Find the Gaimen grenade and destroy the Tiger~Clear the three machine gun positions~Destroy the German radio~Destroy the demolition device

In the center of the map is the church~The church is guarded by Germans

East of the church is a pile of ruins~A Tiger patrols around the ruins

The north and the south sides have a row of houses

The north house has a machine gun position and a machine gun position, and there is a Tiger in the north house. In the north house there is a machine gun position, radio station and a demolition device

The south house has two machine gun positions and a grenade crate

After you get airborne, you can choose to fight in the north or the south

The two areas are described separately below

The north side is more difficult to fight in, but it is actually easier

The radio station is located in an abandoned building to the left of the entire row of houses

The radio station is located in an abandoned building to the left of the row of houses.

The radio station is located in an abandoned building on the left side of the row of houses

This is not a very good place to attack from the front~There are too few bunkers and the enemy reinforcements are fierce

So we suggest to pass through it quickly~Avoid the Tigers and come to the right side of the whole row of houses

There is an entrance to enter the house~After you enter the house, you can climb up to the second floor

Once you go up there, you will be faced with one of the machine gun positions~The next side of the machine gun is a bunch of enemy guarding the machine gun. Blasting Device

Clear them out and shoot the blasting device to destroy it

Then go down to the back of the row of houses~Beware of the enemies that will suddenly appear on the east side of the building

Clear them all out and head west~You can go in through the side of the abandoned building to attack the enemies on the 3rd floor

After you finish it off, go to the upper floors where the defenses are weakened to easily wipe out the enemies~You will be able to destroy the radio equipment

There is one entrance that you can go through.

The two machine gun positions on the south side are on the second floor~it doesn't matter which way you go up

But it's best to find a staircase up to the third floor first and clear out all the enemies on the third floor

Lest they make a mess of things from up there~there are a lot of enemies when you get back up to the second floor

And if you're not careful, you can step out and fall down to the first floor

Beware of the grenades! ~Because of the many obstacles in the room, it's easy to get blown up if you throw a grenade near your feet

The enemies have become very good at hiding in this level, too~Remember to keep your eyes peeled before you shoot so you don't waste your bullets

After you've taken out the rest of the machine-gun positions~The grenade crate with the cover door is right next to one of them

After you fill up your crate with grenades, throw your Tiger from the second floor straight down~But in the center of the rubble, you will find enemies shooting upwards. But there will be some enemies in the central ruins shooting upwards to stop you

Take them out one by one with the sniper rifle and you can blow up the Tiger without any worries

After completing these 4 missions, go to the east side of the map to meet up

Notice that a group of enemies will reappear in the church at this point

To avoid a long nightmare, destroy them

After arriving at the meeting point, a Tiger and a couple of infantrymen are blocking the road.

Then you have to find a way to get rid of this Tiger. First, go back to the central ruins and find a supply crate to replenish the cover door

Then don't just rush up and fight with him~you will die a horrible death

This Tiger's cannon is very accurate~one shot and you will be finished

Here's a way to sneak in some food

In fact, there's a way to hit a Tiger with a gun that can kill you

There's a way to steal some of your infantry

There's a way to get rid of some of your infantry.

There's a dead zone where the Tiger can't hit the infantry

There's a square of damaged wall debris

There's an indentation in it

The protagonist can crouch down in it

As long as he doesn't get up and run to a high place next to the Tiger, the Tiger's cannons will not be able to hit it

Take advantage of the Tiger's gunfire to run over and crouch down in it

When the Tiger is not firing, run over and crouch down. You can then start throwing gates to kill it

But be careful not to throw a bullet back and blow yourself up

This method has been tried three or four times before and is guaranteed to work

Next, when you pass through the intersection where the Tiger is blocking the way, you'll come across a building

Don't rush up to the building just yet, but on the second floor, there's an MG42 that's facing the front of the house

There's an MG42 that is facing the front of the house. There is an MG42 on the second floor facing the front of the house

The bunkers there are too small for advancing, so it is recommended to keep your distance

Take out your sniper rifle and shoot all the enemies that come out of the house

Then you will find a staircase on the right hand side~walk up it and you will be able to go around the second floor of the house without any problems

Take out your STG 44 and jump down to the platform~clear out all the enemies on the second and third floors

Then you will pass the intersection of the original Tiger block~you will see a building.

After you get to the edge of the bridge

After you get to the edge of the bridge, there will be an animation of a Sherman tank being hit by a German bazooka

The battle of Nijmegen Bridge will begin with the superbikes

Take a left turn and then go up the stairs to the edge of the bridge

Don't be in such a hurry to get it, he will make you a target for the bazooka

I figured that by taking the STG.44 and jumping down, I would have cleared the second and third floors of the house. p>

I counted 7 to 8 rockets on the whole bridge

Three of them are standing on the high platforms of the bridge ~ one on the left and two on the right ~ the remaining one is an MG42 on the high platform on the left

Another one is hiding behind a machine gun bunker at the end of the bridge ~ the rest of the rockets are scattered on the bridge

If you still have your sniper's rifle on your person at this time ~ it's a good idea

Duck and cover first, and you'll see an MG42 on the bridge.

Hide at the high point at the beginning and snipe away most of the rockets

My highest record is to turtle there and snipe away two on the platform and three on the ground

Remember to hide in the wall when you see the rockets coming~An ordinary level will be killed by a single shot

When you move to the bridge deck, pay attention to the potholes (which can cause you to die by falling to the ground) and the enemy's infantry that come over

Try to snipe away rockets from a distance~Take care to keep a distance from the bridge. When you are looking for cover, try to look for cars or tanks

Don't hide behind sandbags or crates~that won't stop the rockets

After the bridge is cleared, there is only the Tiger at the end of the bridge

The same goes for the Tiger~don't go head to head

The bridge has an infinite supply of gates on each side of the bridge

Rush to the side of the Tiger and take out one of the tanks on the side. Take out the infantry next to the Tiger and take care of it

It is recommended to go to the left side of the bridge, as there is a vehicle on the left that can be used as a cover

Just hide behind the vehicle and throw the door over the vehicle in the direction of the Tiger, and you will be able to take it out easily

After taking care of the Tiger, the mission will be complete

College Action

Suggested Equipment: Springfield Sniper Rifle (LV3) + STG.44 Assault Rifle OR Shotgun

Enemies in this level are very hard to hit ~ low-power submachine guns are not ideal

Mid-range battles must start relying on the STG.44 ~ it would be ideal to have a LV3 Shotgun

Safety drop-offs are in the center of the battlefield ~ one on the ground and one on the top floor

It is recommended for beginners to drop to the ground~~it is easy to be targeted by snipers when standing tall

There are snipers ambushed all over the battlefield~there are about a dozen of them

Always keep an eye out for sniper scopes at the high points

So, Springfield is a must-have and it is best to shoot snipers with one shot

Because they have semi-automatic G43~their ability to shoot is much better than yours

If you are a sniper, you should have the LV3 Shotgun to shoot them.

There are five missions in the beginning:

Destroy the tanks on the train, destroy the rail gun and console in the factory, destroy the pressure valve, and blow up the armory

The tanks are in the east half of the battlefield~there are three tanks parked on the train's trailer here

There aren't a lot of enemies on the ground~but it's the place where the snipers are the most concentrated.

Almost every tower has one or two snipers, so even if you don't see any enemies, you still need to take cover

After you enter the eastern half of the battlefield, don't rush to blow up the tanks

Look to the north, there is a house with an MG42 on it, so go in through the side to take out the enemies inside

Then push to the east and take care of the enemies on the ground.

There is a tower in the center of the eastern half of the battlefield that you can climb up~Climb up and take out the snipers inside

Then hide in the tower and use Haruta to take out the other snipers

If there are any snipers who are hiding in the tower and won't look out~Use Haruta's grenades to shoot through the window and blow them up

After you take care of the snipers, you can safely go back down and bomb the tanks

There is a house that has an MG42 on it. The factory is in the northwest part of the map~there are two entrances

The right entrance is just a bit west of the safe drop point on the ground

But there's an MG42 in front of you~enemies keep coming out of the factory

Take out the machine gunner with the sniper rifle~then push forward with the STG.44 or the shotgun under the cover of the crate

After you reach the entrance, you can choose between a sniper and an enemy tank, and you'll be able to take them all. p>Once you reach the entrance, you can either enter through here or go west and enter the factory through the left entrance

The difference is that the mission objectives are on the left side of the factory, but there are more enemies on the left side of the factory, so it is easy to be surrounded

If you enter through the right entrance, you will have to take the raised walkway and go around to the other side of the factory to attack the enemies

As soon as you get up there, it's best to walk up to the third floor and clear out the enemies above so that they won't go down to the next level.

Then go back to the second floor and go around to the left side of the factory~the enemies on the left side of the road will keep coming up

Progress steadily against the target~don't go in and out and eat the bullets

If the enemy is far away from the target, then use the sniper rifle to snipe at him

Control room is in the center of the second floor, in a tin room~there is a MG42 that can sweep the first floor.

The control room is in the center of the second floor, in a tin room, because there is a MG42 inside that can sweep the first floor

So make sure you clear this place before you go down to the first floor.

On the opposite side of the factory is an area that looks like a large raw material tank~there are many elevated walkways that you can climb up

The two pressure valves are up there~but don't rush up there yet~clean up the enemies on the ground first

or else they'll be all over you as soon as you get up there. Watch out for the MG42 on the west staircase ~ use the sniper rifle to shoot the head of any enemy who tries to operate it

After you get on the elevated walkway, it's like walking through a maze ~ follow the target instructions and climb up to find the two tin huts

The pressure valves are inside

Beware of the snipers hiding on the top of the raw material tanks on the way up ~ they're very accurate ~ take them down with the Springfield as soon as possible

Be careful of snipers on the top of the raw material tanks ~ they are very accurate ~ use the Springfield as soon as possible to take them down

Take them down.

It's hard to find cover on the elevated walkway, most of them have to rely on the iron plates next to some of the handrails

So don't stay locked up with the enemy for too long or else you'll be forced out of cover

Don't wait to blow up the pressure valve after you get to the tallest one

Take advantage of the windows in the tin house and take care of the snipers in that area first, then finish the mission

Underground The armory is in the house on the southwest side of the battlefield

There are a lot of enemies in there~The first floor is probably the same as the factory~But there are oil drums that can be used here

Walk down one floor~The entrance to the armory is at the other end of the house~But there is an MG42 guarding the doorway

The right side of the house is a circuitous route through the room on the right side of the room to avoid the MG42s

But be careful with the enemies! But be careful, the enemies will keep running into the room to block you

After you clear this floor, your teammates will ask you to go down and blow up the armory by yourself(deadly hot)

There are not too many enemies in the armory~Shotguns are easy to kill them

After you clear it, go to the very end of the building and load the explosives~But after you finish loading the explosives, don't run back

The passageway will lead to a flight of stairs~The explosions will blow open the end door and you can run straight out of there. The explosion will shatter the door at the end and you can run straight out

After completing the initial mission, you have to gather at the south side of the battlefield

On the way, you will come across some enemies and an MG42 blocking the way

Take them out steadily and they will be fine

After arriving at the meeting point, we will enter an animation where a train stops

And the ones who are coming down from the train are Stormwind Elite Soldiers, which are too strong to be human

They are the Stormwind Elite Soldiers.

The next mission is to blow up three cars

There is a Storm Elite on the left and right side of the locomotive~prioritize them

It's not that hard~just aim the STG.44 and keep tapping it to make the MG42 in his hand misfire and you'll be done

Then you'll have to clear out the ground level enemies~then you'll have to climb up the stairs on both sides to get to the elevated walkway

Be careful with the middle section of the train, as it's about the middle section of the train. Be careful, there is an MG42 directly above the middle carriage

Take cover and use Haruta to snipe all the enemies hiding there~then go along the passage and jump down to the top of the train

Blow up the second and third carriages first~then go inside

There is a sniper on the inner heights~blow his head off~then clear out the rest of the soldiers

And you will be able to climb up to the train and blow it up. You'll be able to climb up and blow up the third carriage to complete the mission

The anti-aircraft turret

Suggested equipment: STG.44 Assault Rifle + Shotgun (for approaching from the top of the turret) or Haruta Sniper Rifle (for approaching from the ground)

At the ground level you'll be confronted with a bunch of snipers on the turret's scaffolding

So you need to bring a Haruta to counter it, however, the next attack on the turret will not be very useful for the sniper.

Springfield is almost impossible to use in the tower

And attacking from the ground up is more disadvantageous, so it is recommended to airborne from the top of the tower

The four tasks at the beginning:

Blow up the top of the tower cannons (three), blow up all the anti-aircraft cannons, destroy the controller of the ammo elevator, and take care of the machine gunners on the half-tracks

Do not airborne from the start, but drop down to the top of the tower and get shot at. First, get to the top of the tower

Purge the enemies at the top of the tower~Beware of the three rockets here~Prioritize taking them out

Then don't rush down~The area below is too narrow for grenade dodging~Get to the edge of the cannon alcoves

Use the concrete blocks protruding out from the side to jump up onto the low wall~Take advantage of the soldiers standing next to the cannons down below

Three of the cannons are located in the same alcoves, and you will be able to take advantage of them. Once you've done that, you can walk down and blow up the cannons

But one of the cannons is right next to the intersection of the stairs, so there will still be a group of enemies coming out to block it

Use your cover and your shotgun to kill them, then blow up the last cannon and you can go downstairs

Descending down the stairs, you'll enter the fifth floor, and the anti-aircraft cannons are on the outside of the fifth floor

But there are a lot of enemies stationed inside the room, and they'll be able to take care of the rest. However, there are a lot of enemies in the room, so you should clear them out first to avoid being caught in the crossfire

There are also a lot of medical kits here, so you can come back and replenish them if you are running out of blood

It is recommended that you take the sniper's scope off of the STG.44 when you are indoors to expand the field of view when you are spotting the spotter's hole

The only thing you need to do when you go out is to go along the edges of the towers to blow up the cannons

Each of the cannons has its own air defense system, which is a very important element in the game. p>

Each of the anti-aircraft guns is located some distance away and is heavily defended

Three Stormtroopers and one Rocketeer are among them, so be careful

The STG.44 and the shotgun should be used flexibly to deal with the enemies at different distances

And don't climb up to the metal frames in order to get to the high point, as there is no cover above them and they will turn you into a target

The enemy's hands are very sharp, so you can see the enemy's eyes.

The enemy grenades here are also very fierce~Watch your feet~You can also send one back to the door

Blow up the anti-aircraft gun as soon as you get to it~Otherwise, the enemy will try to grab the anti-aircraft gun to attack

There are 4 anti-aircraft guns in the first ****~Blow up the guns, then go back to the room and prepare for the descent

The fifth floor of the room, next to the center of the artillery conveyor belt, there is a staircase to go down

Be careful of the stairs down below.

Beware of the Storm Elite down there~take him out

Find the red and green buttons and press E to bring up the elevator~get on the elevator and press E on the lever to go down

Then you're on the fourth floor~the elevator console is in the control room at the other end of the fourth floor~you have to climb the stairs to get up there

There are quite a lot of enemies in the middle of the room~there is another rocket launcher high up in the air that you should make a priority of

Most of them are very far from the enemies here.

There are a lot of enemies on the other side of the control room, and there is a rocket soldier high up on the wall that you need to prioritize. You just need to take cover at all times

The controller is the same, you have to climb up to the control room to find it, but beware of the Storm Elite in the doorway

After you've taken care of the controller on the elevator, there are two routes down to the floor

One is to climb the scaffolding and go down, clearing out all of the snipers on top of it in the process

But this means you have to meet the MG42s from all three half-tracks head-on, so we recommend taking the other route. MG42~So we suggest you to take another route

There is also an elevator on the second floor~Press the red and green buttons to call the elevator up~Remember to hide behind the crates when you go down

Because in the middle of the way, you will meet two Storm Elites who will be shooting from the outside of the elevator

Actually, there is a ladder on the second floor that you can go down to take out the Storm Elites first

But there is no cover at all in the way down~There is no cover at all when you are climbing down the ladder.

It's easy to get shot up while climbing the ladder

So it's not recommended for those who play above normal

After the elevator ends and you move forward, you'll come up behind one of the half-tracks

The MG42 on top of it doesn't have the ability to steer, so after you've shotgunned all the enemies near the vehicle

It's easy to take out the machine gunner from the back

There are oil drums next to each half-track vehicle, which are also used as fuel for the machine gunner.

After the first one, don't rush out of the room, turn right at the place where the elevator came down and there's another road

This will lead to the back of the second half-tracked vehicle, so do the same as you did with the first one

Then, from here, turn left at the back of the room, and it will lead you to the back of the third half-tracked vehicle

Take the same approach again. This way, all three half-tracks can be taken out with a sneak attack from the rear

It's much easier than attacking from the ground and having to deal with the two machine gun emplacements at the beginning

That's why it's recommended to start from the top of the tower

After completing the initial mission, you have to go to the third floor to meet up with the troops

First, go back to the elevator and return to the second floor

Then, climb the stairs back to the third floor where you were supposed to be

Then, go up the stairs to the third floor where you were supposed to be. Climb the stairs back up to the third floor and a bunch of enemies will appear on the empty third floor

At the other end of the stairs, the doors and windows that were blocked off have been opened

Notice that there will be another rocket trooper standing high up here, so don't go out and eat the rockets as soon as you get up to the third floor

Hide behind the concrete pillars in the stairway and use the sniper's scope of the STG.44 to take him out before you kill him

There are a lot of enemies here, so it's hard to shoot at them, too

This is the first time I've ever done this mission.

There are a lot of enemies here, and the shooting is intense, so take cover

Rush up the stairs at the other end and use the window to kill the enemies inside before going in

After you go in, go forward and get to another room, and watch out for the Storm Elites at the end of the room.

At the end of the stairs, there is a ladder, and you will be able to climb up it, which leads you to another room, and there's another Storm Elites at the end of it.

After you've solved the problem, you'll see a message that the rendezvous was successful

It's time for the final mission

There's a small elevator in the room~Pressing the red and green buttons to lower the elevator will pick up the animation of your teammates loading the explosives

Then, you'll have to start running away~This is called an escape, but there's no time limit, so don't be in a hurry

After you resume the operation, quickly find a cover~This is the first time you'll see a Storm Elite. A Storm Elite and two infantry will soon appear to attack you

After you've taken care of them, follow the detonation line on the ground to the escape route, but don't rush down

There's a staircase that leads up to the top of the building, and you'll find an ammo crate and a shotgun

If you don't have a shotgun, we recommend taking it. Go down the detonation line~This is the most critical place~There are two Storm Elites hiding down there

There are infantry ambushed on the high walkway, ready to sneak up on you~Take them out as a priority here

If you don't take them out and move forward, no matter how much you try to hide in cover it won't work

The two Storm Elites are hiding behind a wooden crate around the corner~The other one is in the pipeline

You can use the cover door to force them to take out a shotgun.

You can force them to die by covering the door, and then use the shotgun to make up for it

Keep an eye on the radar to see what the enemies are up to, or else you'll be caught in the back of the room

Wait until you're about to reach the doorway, and then don't be suspicious and hold down the run button and run like hell

Because there will be a number of enemies appearing right next to you, including the two Storm Elites = ==

And they'll keep appearing afterwards. So don't look back ~ just run along the detonator line

Climb the stairs ~ past the sewers ~ back to the ground ~ pick up the detonator on the floor

Then face the flak turret Joe at a good angle to see the explosion ~ tap your fire button

Bang ~ congrats on all of them~~~~

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Whew~ the main line is finally finished~ I'm exhausted~

It's true that writing strategy guides really improves your skills~ because you have to keep replaying it over and over again~XD

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Location of all rockets on the Nijmegen bridge (for sniping purposes):

One behind the machine gun bunker at the bridgehead

One left and one right on the bridge~If you stay in the same place all the time these two will Recurring

Four high platforms on the bridge~except for the one behind the left which is an MG42 the other three are standing rockets

University Operations all sniper positions (some will recur):

Two high platforms in the center of the tank area

One on the roof north of the tank area, and one inside the house

One in the chimney pipe breach south of the tank area

Two on the raised platform with windows on the west side of the tank area

Two in the red cars on the elevated railroad tracks

Two on the top of the towers in the raw material tank area

One by the tallest pressure valves

One on the very end of the last train