How to maintain and care for sewage treatment equipment

Summary: Sewage treatment equipment has a certain depreciation life, according to the provisions of the sewage treatment system, the pipe network depreciation life of 15 years, sewage structures for 20 years, sewage treatment equipment for 10 years, according to the straight-line method (average life method) of depreciation, according to the years of accrual. Sewage treatment equipment in the use of the process should pay attention to do a good job of maintenance and maintenance work, including daily inspection and maintenance, as well as regular maintenance such as daily insurance, one insurance, two insurance. Here to learn about the provisions of the depreciation of sewage treatment equipment is how many years it. First, the provisions of the depreciation of sewage treatment equipment is how many years

Sewage treatment equipment for sewage treatment works, the use of a certain number of years after the need for depreciation, in general, the depreciation of sewage treatment equipment and residual value of the rate of depreciation based on the nature of the fixed assets and the projected use of the situation is reasonably certain that part of the fixed assets depreciation shall not be less than the following provisions:

Pipe network 15 years, sewage structures for 20 years, sewage treatment equipment for 10 years (including special equipment), and the depreciable life of other fixed assets shall not be less than the relevant provisions of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China*** and the State. Depreciation of wastewater treatment equipment is generally depreciated on a straight-line method (average life method), according to the annual accrual can be.

Two, how to maintain and repair sewage treatment equipment

In order to ensure the efficient operation of sewage treatment equipment, but also to ensure the safety of equipment performance, to prevent accidents, you need to pay attention to the maintenance and repair of sewage treatment equipment:

1, sewage treatment equipment, routine maintenance

Increase the use of the equipment at the same time, and do a good job in the prevention of accidents. For example, in the maintenance of the reduction gearbox in the sewage treatment equipment, for its characteristics, add different grease, according to the requirements of the season, the equipment to be maintained. And avoid frequent contact with sludge and sewage for a long time, to prevent rust and corrosion brought about by the humid environment, and do a good job of daily anti-corrosion work, maintenance of sewage treatment equipment, such as regular oiling, sludge cleaning and other work.

2, sewage treatment equipment maintenance

Sewage treatment equipment maintenance system to take a multi-level routine maintenance measures, such as daily maintenance, a guarantee, two maintenance, reduce the climate environment and mechanical vibration brought about by the impact of the equipment, equipment to play a role in the normal operation.

The work of daily maintenance includes: adding lubricant to the equipment on a regular basis, simply checking the condition of the equipment, carefully checking the oil level of the equipment, oil labeling, etc., cleaning and wiping work should be placed on the equipment before the end of the work, set up a special maintenance personnel, the implementation of the daily maintenance of the content of the work. The first level of maintenance should be carried out in accordance with the specified length of time. Stop the equipment running intervals to be checked, if necessary, to take the disassembly of the way to check; technical staff to understand the function and structure of the equipment, reduce the wear and tear of the equipment, to extend the use of equipment time; a warranty period of three months, the cycle of the second warranty for a year.