What to do if his interface is abnormal

HIS INTERFACE ANOMALY: Failure of any one of the terminal devices, software, switches, cables, servers, etc. can trigger a break in the system connection.

1, uninstall the recently installed software or drivers, uninstall with security guards, be sure to uninstall cleanly, and then clean up the garbage and registry, restart the book, see if the solution.

2, may be due to driver problems, you can go to the device manager - uninstall the keyboard driver, restart the book, the system will automatically restore the keyboard driver comes with; or to the official website of the book to see if there is a keyboard driver, if there is to download and install it, to see if it is resolved.

3, to the official website to download the motherboard driver installation, after the use of the driver wizard to scan the notebook device whether there is no installed driver, install and restart the notebook.

Software features:

Strictly comply with the Ministry of Health "Hospital Information System Functional Specification", "Community Health Information System Functional Specification", highly compliant with the industry professional norms, a large number of international, domestic and industry information standards, to comply with the medical management and medical technology operation standards.

Strong practicality and versatility support the parameterized configuration of management modes, widely adapting to the present and future successful management modes of medical institutions.

Support for management foresight and scalability Minkang his system breaks through the basic management of people/finances/materials, and more to meet the clinical medical management and decision-making analysis of the middle and high levels, support for future management needs; adapt to the medical group, chain hospitals based on the Internet cross-regional hierarchical networking operation, support for the group's data centers and the second level of the decentralized data center mode of operation.

Adapting to the six-in-one all-round management in the community, supporting the Internet-based hierarchical networking operation of the community health system, and supporting the networking mode of regional health informationization and the decentralized and independent management mode of community health centers (stations). Minkang his system is of high quality and low price, and maximizes the low-cost informatization needs of small and medium-sized medical institutions under the premise of quality assurance.