Industrial design hand drawing how to get started, hope to get a little experience and method, thank you all!

First of all, hand-drawing is actually a quick way to express one's design ideas, and quick expression means drawing the appropriate product quickly and expressing it clearly.

The old generation of hand-drawing, like Yoshiharu Shimizu's, used a lot of rulers to model very realistic forms, sacrificing more time to make up for the shortcomings of the then-unrenderable appearance. But nowadays, with modeling and rendering being so sophisticated and surprising, there is no need for such realism, and hand-drawing is a means to quickly show some cosmetic effects.

Think about it this way and you can search for hand-drawn artwork. pinterest, petal, behance, all these sites are great, you may see some hand-drawn artwork by people like Liu Chuankai, little black people, etc.

If you want to see some hand-drawn artwork, you can search for it on pinterest, petal, behance.

If you hand-drawing has not yet begun, you need to do the first thing is to look at the sketch is how to draw, because the purpose of hand-drawing is to quickly express the form of the object, dark, color, etc., so drawing, sketching, such a foundation is a must to master some of the principles of at least know what is the dark, how to calibrate the perspective, so as not to draw the object and the imagination of the difference between the too big, not on the meaning of the word.

After a certain foundation, you can start practicing, at first you can copy some other people's hand-drawn manuscript. Try more styles, because the purpose of copying is to find a very suitable for their own hand-drawn treatment, such as some people like Liu Chuankai's, constantly copying, you can draw a hair, the results of their own to design a something else instantly won't be able to draw, ai ~~~ so look at a variety of other people to deal with the technique, for example, some people Marker Pen performance of dark and light, some people use color powder, some people with Some people use markers to show light and dark, some people use coloring powder, some people use markers with coloring powder, and some people simply use hand-painted boards. Find what you like and create more of your own hand-drawing style.

When you feel comfortable, stop looking at other people's hand-drawings, and start drawing with photos, like a camera, a vacuum cleaner, and try to work with highlights, darks and lights, or different materials and textures on your own.

When you are good at drawing with photos, then let go of your own guts to design, design a cell phone today, design a bike some other day, express your ideas including design details in your own way!!!!

Lastly, I'd like to say one more thing, actually hand-drawing is just one word, practice! Basically nothing else. Practice lines, dark and light performance, material performance ......

Lines can be used every day before the formal drawing of about 15 minutes to do the line drawing practice ~ ~ ~ adhere to it, the quality of the flyover! Well that's all there is to say! Go for it~!