Artificial Intelligence in the field of medical imaging are the treatment of fractures, identification of neurological disorders, and diagnosis of chest complications.
1, Treatment of Fractures
Sometimes fractures and soft tissue injuries may be invisible to the naked eye. Using artificial intelligence tools can help doctors be more accurate and confident in their diagnosis. Human diagnosticians typically look at trauma-related imaging by first focusing on their immediate clinical problem. Fractures can sometimes be overlooked in this process.
2. Recognizing neurological disorders
The differentiation between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and primary lateral sclerosis is highly dependent on medical imaging systems. Radiologists often experience false positives, which can be easily avoided using artificial intelligence. Manual segmentation and quantitative susceptibility mapping to assess motor cortex is often difficult. The use of AI will be of great help in research. It will also help develop a promising imaging biomarker.
3. Diagnosis of Chest Complications
Pneumonia and pneumothorax are usually determined by radiologists through imaging. Manually, identification may face difficulties if the patient has pre-existing lung disease, such as malignancy or cystic fibrosis. In addition to this, cases of pneumonia that protrude under the dome of the diaphragm on chest radiographs are often overlooked. However, the application of artificial intelligence can accurately identify these diseases, thus shortening the diagnostic time.
Definition and Development of Artificial Intelligence:
1. Definition of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence, also known as Chi-meter and Machine Intelligence, refers to the intelligence exhibited by machines made by people. Usually artificial intelligence refers to the technology that presents human intelligence through ordinary computer programs. Through advances in medicine, neuroscience, robotics and statistics, some predictions suggest that countless human occupations are also gradually being replaced by AI.
2. The development of artificial intelligence
In the summer of 1956, a group of visionary young scientists led by McCarthy, Minsky, Rochester and Shennon gathered together to *** with a series of issues related to the study and exploration of the use of machines to simulate intelligence and for the first time put forward the term "Artificial Intelligence
IBM's "Deep Blue" computer beat the human world chess champion is a perfect performance of artificial intelligence technology. Since 1956, when the discipline of artificial intelligence was formally proposed, it has made great progress over the past 50 years, and has become a broad cross-cutting and cutting-edge science. In a nutshell, the purpose of artificial intelligence is to make the computer a machine that can think like a human being.