How is the salary at Vigor Group (Weihai)? If there is 3000 in a month's salary, then how much money can I get in a year's hand?
Weigao Group has many subsidiaries, each company's strength and treatment are different, and the difference is quite a lot. If you want to enter Weigao, shares is the first choice, do medical supplies. I am in Weigao Qiqian medical equipment, not good at all, not to mention the bonus, the annual salary deducted 10% end of the year performance appraisal, and then sent down even if it is a bonus. I belong to the office of the administrative staff, one day off a week, legal holidays are basically shortened, and wages are not doubled. I graduated from undergraduate school last year, internships in this, came more than a year and not to the transfer is not to pay insurance, always looking for reasons to drag, said a lot of dissatisfaction, and now full of 1 year of work experience, decided to look for another way out. If you are doing technical research and development or sales is better, but do not hold great hope, this large private enterprise is very good at bullying people, inside are related to the people who come in.