What tables are included in a typical complete HIS system

Dictionary Dictionary . 10

Resource Dictionary. 10

Dict_Organization Organization Definition Table . 10

Dict_Hospital Hospital Attribute Table . 11

Dict_OrgRelation Organization Relationship Definition Table . 12

Dict_Org_Relation Organization Relationships and Organizations Table . 12

Dict_Employee Employee Table . 13

Dict_Emp_Relation Employee Relationship Table . 13

Dict_Emp_Relation_Sub Employee Relationship Sub-Table . 14

Dict_Doctor Physician Attribute Table . 14

Dict_Nurse Nurse attribute table . 14

Dict_Resource The Resource Management Definitions table. 15

Dict_Resource_Apply Resource Application Form. 16

Dict_Resource_Item Resource Cost Definition Form . 17

Resource_Control Resource Management Control Table . 17

Resource_Control_TempList Resource Temp Schedule Table . 18

Dict_OP_Place Surgical Location Definition Table . 18

Dict_Bed Bed Definition Table . 19

Dict_LIS_Resource Test Equipment Definition Table. 19

Dict_RIS_Resource Radiology Equipment Definition Table . 20

Item Item dictionary. 21

Dict_Item_Category Item Category Definition Table . 21

Dict_Item Item Definition Table . 22

Dict_Item_Alias Item Alias Definition Table . 23

Dict_Item_Charge Item Charge Attribute Definition Table . 23

Dict_Item_Medicine Item drug attribute definition table . 24

Dict_Item_Material Definition table of item material attributes. 25

Dict_Charge_Item_PackageUnit Item Package Unit Definition Table . 25

Dict_Item_CustDefCont Item custom content table. 26

Dict_Item_Relation Item control relationship definition table. 26

Dict_Item_Relation_Sub Item Control Relationship Sub Table . 26

Dict_Item_Org Item-Organization Relationship Definition Table . 27

Dict_Item_Org_Flow Item and Flow Schema Definition Table . 28

Dict_Item_Org_BaseQuan Section Item Base Table . 29

Dict_Item_Apply_Relation Item and Request Form Relationship Definition Table. 29

Dict_Item_Discount Item Discount Table . 29

Dict_Item_Summ Item and Summary Relationship Definition Table . 30

Dict_Item_Diag_Relation Item Disease Diagnosis Relationship Definition Table . 30

Dict_Item_PatiPayType Item Payment Type Definition Table (Payer Catalog) . 30

Dict_Cate_PatiPayType Payment Type Item Categorization Catalog Table . 32

Dict_ItemApply Item Maintenance Request Form . 32

Order Medical Orders Dictionary . 34

Dict_Order Medical Orders Dictionary Definition Table . 34

Dict_Order_Item Medical Orders Dictionary Item Definition . 35

Dict_Order_Dosage The Dictation Dictionary Dosage . 36

Dict_Order_Group_Relation The Dictation Group and Order Relationship Definition Table . 36

Dict_Order_Group Medical Order Group Definitions Table. 37

Dict_Order_Group_Plan The Dict_Order_Group_Treatment_Plan Time Definition Table. 37

Dict_Order_Group_Diagnoses Diagnostic Controls for Diagnostic Diseases for Diagnostic Plans. 38

Standard Code And Term Dictionary. 39

Dict_MedicalCode_Structure Standard Code Master Structure. 39

Dict_MedicalCode_ICD ICD Disease Diagnosis Code Definition Table. 39

Dict_MedicalCode_ICD_Alias ICD Disease Coding Alias Definition Table . 40

Dict_MedicalCode_SNOMED SNOMED Code Definition Table. 40

Dict_MedicalCode_SNOMED_Alias SNOMED Code Definition Alias Table. 41

Dict_MedicalCode_ICPM ICPM Code Definitions Table. 41

Dict_Medical_ICPM_Alias ICPM Code Alias Table. 42

Dict_Medical_Term Medical Terminology Table. 42

Dict_Term_ValChoice Table of Medical Record Terminology Values. 43

Dict_Medical_Term_Alias Medical Term Alias Table. 43

Dict_Medical_Relation Medical Standard Coding Interrelationship Definitions. 43

Dict_Diag_Org A table of definitions of diagnoses commonly used in organizations. 44

Dict_DiseaseApply Disease Maintenance Request Form. 44

Apply Request Form and Physiologic Indicator Definitions. 45

Dict_Apply Request Form Template Definition Form . 45

Dict_Physiologic_Index Physiologic_Index Definition Table. 45

Dict_Physiologic_Index_Value Physiologic Index Value Definition Table. 46

Dict_Apply_Content Application form template content definition table. 46

Dict_App_SP Request Form Template Specimen Attributes Table. 47

Dict_App_Index Request Form Template Relationship to Physiological Indicators Definition Table. 47

Dict_App_Content Request form template content definition table. 48

Else Other Dictionaries. 49

Dict_Enterprise Enterprise definition table . 49

Dict_Enterprise_UserDefItem Enterprise Content Customization Table . 49

Dict_Enterprise_Item Enterprise and Project Relationships Table . 49

Dict_Code_Type Base Code Type Definition Table . 50

Dict_Code Base Code Definitions . 50

Dict_UserDef_Category Custom Category Definition Table . 51

Dict_UserDef_Cate_Item Custom Category Item Definition Table . 51

Dict_UserDef_Cate_Link Custom Category Item Link Table . 52

Dict_OrderFreq Order Frequency Definition Table. 52

Dict_OutPati_Visit_Item Outpatient Registration and Charge Relationship Definition . 53

Dict_Usage_Item Medical Usage and Item Relationship Table . 53

Dict_SysConfig System Configuration Definition Table . 53

Dict_Emp_Item_Rel_Def Personnel and Item Control Relationship Definition Table. 54

Dict_Emp_Item_Relation People and Item Relationship Table. 55

Dict_Summ Summary Definition Table . 55

Dict_FirstTypeBill_UseDef_Link Home Expense Code and Custom Classification Item Correspondence Table. 55

Dict_Number Serial Number Issue Number Table. 56

Dict_LongMedBillTime Long-term medical order whole-file execution definition table . 56

Dict_Med_Org_Flow Inpatient Drug Orders Flow Definition Table . 56

Dict_Org_Bak Executing Agency (Pharmacy) Backup Relationship Table. 57

Dict_PatiPayType_Control Payment Control Definition Table. 57

Dict_PatiPayType_Ctrl_Relate Payment Type and Control Relationship Definition Table . 57

Dict_Pati_Burden_Policy Patient Total Payment Sharing Policy Definition Table. 58

Dict_Doctor_Control Physician Control Definitions Table. 58

Dict_Doctor_Ctrl_Relate Physician Control Relationship Definition Table . 59

Function And Right Function And Right Control. 60

Dict_Function System Function Item Definition . 60

Right_EmpGrp Personnel Grouping . 61

Right_Emp_Func Personnel Privileges . 61

Right_EmpGrp_Func Person Group Privileges . 61

Right_EmpGrp_Emp_Relation Employee Group and Employee Relation Table . 62

Right_FuncGrp Functional Grouping Table . 62

Right_FuncGrp_Emp Personnel and Functional Groups Relation Table . 62

Right_FuncGrp_Func_Relate Function Group and Function Association Table . 63

Report control data structure. 64

Dict_Formula_Component Formula Component Definition. 64

Dict_Formula_FuncFmt Formula Function Format Definition . 64

Dict_Formula_Function Formula Argument Definition. 64

Dict_Formula_FuncType Formula Function Type Definition . 65

Dict_Formula_SqlStep Formula Statement Definition . 65

Dict_Rpt_Template Template Definition . 66

Dict_Rpt_Template_File Template File Definition. 66

Dict_Rpt_Template_Block Template cell block definition. 67

Dict_Rpt_Sheet Generating Sheet Management . 67

Dict_Rpt_Sheet_File Generating a File Definition . 68

Dict_Rpt_Sheet_Block Generate table cell block values. 68

Patient Patient. 70

Patient Information Basic patient information management. 70

Pati_Category Patient Categorization Table. 70

Pati_Info_Basic Patient basic information. 70

Pati_Info_Family Patient Family Information Table . 71

Pati_Info_WorkUnit Patient Unit Information Table . 72

Pati_Info_Contactor Patient Contacts table. 72

Pati_Info_Card Patient Memory Card Table. 72

Pati_Info_SelectValue Patient Field Selection Range Definitions Table. 73

Dict_Pati_Burden_Policy Patient Total Payment Sharing Policy Definition Table. 74

Pati_Navigation Patient Navigation table. 74

Pati_Visit Patient Hospital Visit Information Table . 74

Hospital Cards Management Hospital Cards Management . 76

HospCards_Card Hospital Card Information Table. 76

HospCards_History Card Status Change History . 76

HospCards_Account Card Account Information. 77

HospCards_Account_Sub The subaccount information of the inpatient card account. 77

HopsCards_Card_Account_Rel The card-account relationship information. 78

HospCards_Account_InOut Card Account In/Out History . 78

HospCards_Account_InOut_Link The HospCards_Account_InOut_Link. 78

Inpatient Visit Patient Visit . 80

Pati_In_Visit_Reserve Patient Inpatient Reserve . 80

Pati_In_Visit Patient Inpatient Information Form . 81

Pati_In_Visit_LockList Patient Hospitalization Lock Record Information . 83

Pati_In_Visit_BedList Patient Hospitalization Transfer History . 83

Pati_In_Visit_OrgList Patient Inpatient Transfer History . 83

Pati_In_Visit_Nurse Patient Inpatient Nurse . 84

Pati_In_Visit_Doctor Patient Inpatient Physician. 84

Pati_In_Visit_Child_Info The patient's inpatient infant information. 85

Pati_In_Visit_Child_Info_Rec The contents of the patient's hospitalized child information record. 85

Pati_In_Visit_Diagnoses Patient Diagnoses. 86

Pati_In_Visit_Health Patient Care Indicators . 86

Pati_In_Visit_Record Patient Record. 87

Outpatient Visit Patient Outpatient Visit. 87

Pati_Out_Visit_Reserve Patient Outpatient Appointment . 87

Pati_Out_Visit Patient Outpatient Registration Form. 88

Pati_Out_Visit_Settle Outpatient Visit Settlement Form . 89

Pati_Out_Visit_SettleItem Patient Outpatient Registration (Registered) Billing Item . 89

Pati_Out_Visit_SettlePayMode Outpatient Visit Payment Information . 90

Pati_Out_Visit_Burden Outpatient Access Settlement Assessment . 90

Pati_Out_VisitBurden_Item Outpatient Visit Settlement Apportionment Item. 91

Pati_Out_Visit_Diagnose Patient Outpatient Diagnosis. 91

Pati_Out_Visit_Invoice Patient Outpatient Registration Receipt Form . 91

Pati_Out_Visit_Invoice_Link Patient Outpatient Registration and Receipt Transaction Relationship . 92

Pati_Out_Visit_Record Patient Outpatient Visit Record . 92

OutPatient Settle Patient Outpatient Settlement/Refund. 93

Pati_Out_PrePayList Patient Outpatient PrePayList . 93

Pati_Out_PrePayMode Outpatient PrePayment Mode Information . 93

Pati_Out_PrePay_Invoice Outpatient Pre-Payment Receipt. 94

Pati_Out_PrePay_Invoice_Link Outpatient receipt and payment relationship. 94

Pati_Out_SettleList Outpatient Settlement. 94

Pati_Out_SettlePayMode Outpatient Settlement Payment Information . 95

Pati_Out_Bill Outpatient Billing Expression. 96

Pati_Out_SettleBurden Outpatient Settlement Apportionment . 96

Pati_Out_SettleBurden_Item Outpatient Settlement Apportionment Item . 96

Pati_Out_Settle_Invoice Outpatient Settle Receipt. 97

Pati_Out_Settle_Invoice_Link Outpatient Receipt to Settle Relationship. 97

Pati_Out_Settle_Invoice_Split Outpatient Invoice Split Table. 97

Inpatient Settle Patient Hospitalization Settlement/Refund. 99

Pati_In_PayList Patient Hospitalization PayList. 99

Pati_In_Pay_Invoice Patient Inpatient Payment Receipt . 99

Pati_In_Pay_Invoice_Link Patient Inpatient Payment Receipt to Patient Payment. 100

Pati_In_PayMode Patient hospitalization advance payment information. 100

Pati_In_SettleList Patient Inpatient SettleList. 100

Pati_In_SettleList_Left A breakdown of the remaining items (not yet invoiced) in the inpatient delinquent settlement . 101

Pati_In_BillBurden Inpatient Billing Apportionment . 102

Pati_In_BillBurden_Item Inpatient Billing Apportionment Item . 102

Pati_In_BillBurden_ItemList Hospital Billing Share Item Detail . 103

Pati_In_Settle_Invoice Patient Hospital Settle Invoice. 103

Pati_In_Settle_Invoice_Link Patient Inpatient Settle Receipt to Patient Settle. 104

Pati_In_Settle_Invoice_Split Hospitalization Settlement Ticket Split Table. 104

Medical Medical . 106

Outpatient Medical Order Outpatient Medical Order Prescription Writing Execution . 106

Pati_Out_Order Outpatient Medical Order . 106

Pati_Out_Order_Item Outpatient Medical Order Item . 108

Pati_Out_Order_Dosage Outpatient dosage. 109

Pati_Out_Order_Group_Relation Outpatient Outpatient Group and Order Relationship Definition Table. 109

Pati_Out_Order_Group Outpatient Order Group Definition Table . 110

Pati_Out_Order_Apply_Relate Outpatient Medical Order Request Form Relation. 110

Pati_Out_Exec Outpatient Order Execution . 110

Pati_Out_Exec_Print Outpatient Medical Order Dispensing Order Execution Print History Table. 111

Pati_Out_Apply_Operation Outpatient Surgery . 111

Pati_Out_Apply_Op_Record Patient Outpatient Surgery Record . 113

Pati_Out_Apply_OP_Emp Outpatient Surgical Staff. 113

Pati_Out_OP_List Outpatient Surgery List. 113

Pati_Out_Aisth_List Outpatient Anesthesia Record. 114

Pati_Out_Apply Outpatient Medical Order Request. 114

Pati_Out_App_Cont Outpatient application content. 115

Pati_Out_App_Index Outpatient application index. 115

Pati_Out_App_SP Outpatient Application Specimen. 115

Pati_Out_Result_Health Outcome of Outpatient Care. 116

Emergency Medical Order. 116

Pati_Emt_Order Emergency Medical Order . 116

Pati_Emt_Order_Item Emergency Medical Order Item . 117

Pati_Emt_Order_Dosage Dosage for Emergency Medicine . 118

Pati_Emt_Order_Group_Relation Emergency Medicine Order Group and Order Relationship Definition Table. 118

Pati_Emt_Order_Group Emergency Medical Order Group Definitions. 119

Inpatient Medical Order. 120

Pati_In_Order Inpatient Medical Order . 120

Pati_In_Order_Item Inpatient Medical Order Item . 121

Pati_In_Order_Dosage Inpatient Dosage . 122

Pati_In_Order_Group_Relation Inpatient Order Group and Order Relationship Definition Form . 122

Pati_In_Order_Group Inpatient Order Group Definition Table. 123

Pati_In_Order_Apply_Relate Inpatient Order Request Form Relation. 123

Pati_In_ItemApplyPattern Inpatient Drug Request Pattern Definition Table. 124

Drug_Org_Pattern Pharmacy and Request Pattern Relationship Table. 124

Pati_In_Apply_Items Inpatient Drug Supply Item Request Form. 124

Pati_In_Apply_Operation Inpatient Surgery . 125

Pati_In_Apply_OP_Record Patient Inpatient Surgery Record . 127

Pati_In_Apply_OP_Emp Inpatient Surgical Staff. 127

Pati_In_OP_List Inpatient Surgery List . 127

Pati_In_Aisth_List Inpatient Anesthesia Record. 128

Pati_In_Apply Inpatient Test Request Form. 128

Pati_In_Apply_Consult Inpatient Consultation Request Subform . 129

Pati_In_App_Content Inpatient Consult Request Contents. 129

Pati_In_App_Index Inpatient Request Indicator . 129

Pati_In_App_SP Inpatient Request Specimen. 130

Pati_In_Result_Health Inpatient Care Outcomes . 130

Inpatient Medical Order Execute . 131

Pati_In_Bill Inpatient Billing . 131

Pati_In_Bill_Item Inpatient Billing Item . 132

Pati_In_Exec Hospital Order Execution . 133

Inpatient Medical Order Print. 134

Pati_In_Order_Print Inpatient Medical Order Print . 134

Pati_In_OrderPrt_Status The current status of the Patient Medical Order Print. 134

PacsLis_Return external interface return table. 135

Lis_Return indicator return table. 135

DiagnoseAssistant assisted diagnosis . 136

DiseaseInfo Disease Information table . 136

DiseaseSymRelate Disease and Symptom Relate Table. 136

SymptomInfo SymptomInfo. 136

DiseaseInfo Disease and Symptom Relate Table. 136

SymptomType Symptom Type Table . 137

Medical Case Medical Record . 138

Medical Case Dictionary. 138

Dict_CaseHis_Tmpl Medical Case Template Master Table. 138

Dict_CaseHis_TmplNode Medical Record Template Record Structure Subtable. 138

Dict_CaseHis_TmplCont Medical Record Template Record Content subtable. 139

Dict_CaseHis_GroupHead The group data main table. 140

Dict_CaseHis_GroupDetail Group Data Detail Table. 140

Dict_CaseHis_Img base image gallery . 140

Dict_FirstIndex_Type Home Content Item Classification (defined in the base code table) 141

Dict_CaseHis_SecretGrade Medical Record Confidentiality Level Table . 143

CaseHisTmpl_EmpDefault Medical Staff Default Medical Record Template . 143

Case Medical Record. 144

Outpatient Outpatient and Emergency Medical Records . 144

Outpatient Outpatient and Emergency Medical Records. 144

Inpatient Inpatient Medical Records . 147

First Page The first page of the medical record. 152

Inpatient Inpatient First Page. 152

Outpatient First Page. 157

Medical Case Lend. 159

Pharmacy. 161

Pharmacy Storage. 161

Inv_Drug_Header_Link Drug Inventory Transaction Link Table . 161

Inv_Drug_Header Drug Inventory Transaction Master Table . 161

Inv_Drug_Item Drug Inventory Transaction Sub-Table . 162

Inv_Drug_Item_Link Drug Inventory Transaction Sub-Table Link Table . 163

Inv_Drug_Item_Batch Drug Inventory In/Out Batch Batch . 164

Inv_Drug_Summ Incoming Drug Summary Table . 164

Inv_Drug_PriceAdjust Drug Price Adjustment History Table . 165

Inv_Drug_Price_Header Drug Price Adjustment File Master Table . 165

Inv_Drug_Price_Item Drug Price Adjustment File Sub-Table . 165

Inv_Drug_Taking_Header Master Inventory Reconciliation Form. 166

Inv_Drug_Taking_Item Inventory Reconciliation Subtable . 166

Inv_Drug_Reqr_Header Drug_Reqr_Item Inventory_Plan Master Table. 167

Inv_Drug_Reqr_Item Drug Inventory Plan sub-table . 167

Inv_Drug_SPHistory Drug Inventory History Table . 168

Inv_Drug_Storage Drug Inventory table. 169

Inv_Drug_Reserve Drug Balance Pre-Distribution Table . 169

Inv_Drug_Month Drug Monthly Ledger . 170

Inv_Drug_Year_Manage Drug Yearly Carryover . 171

Pharmacy Purchase. 172

Pur_Drug_Header Drug Purchase Master Table . 172

Pur_Drug_Item Drug Purchase Sub-Table . 172

Pur_Drug_Paid Drug Purchase Payment . 173

Pur_Drug_PaidMode Drug Purchase Payment Mode. 174

Pur_Drug_Month Drug Purchase Payable Monthly Ledger . 174

Pur_Drug_PaidSub Drug Purchase Payment Document History Table . 175

Inv_Drug_PurFile_Header Drug Purchase Agreement Master Table . 175

Inv_Drug_PurFile_Item Drug Purchase Agreement Item Table . 176

Material Material. 176

Material Storage Material Inventory . 176

Inv_Ma_Header_Link Material Storage Transaction Link Table . 176

Inv_Ma_Header Material Storage Transaction Master Table . 177

Inv_Ma_Item Material Inventory Transaction Sub-Table . 178

Inv_Ma_Item_Link Material Inventory Transaction Sub-Table Link Table . 179

Inv_Ma_Summ Incoming Materiel Summary Table. 179

Inv_Ma_PriceAdjust Materiel Price Adjustment History Table . 180

Inv_Ma_Reqr_Header Materiel Inventory Program Master Table. 180

Inv_Ma_Reqr_Item Material Inventory Plan Sub-Table. 181

Inv_Ma_SPHistory Medicine Inventory History Table. 181

Inv_Ma_Storage Material Inventory Table . 182

Inv_Ma_Reserve Material Inventory Pre-Distribution Table . 183

Inv_Ma_Month Material Monthly Ledger . 183

Inv_Ma_Year_Manage Material Yearly Carryover. 184

Material Purchase. 185

Pur_Ma_Header Material Purchase Master Table . 185

Pur_Ma_Item Material Purchase subtable . 185

Pur_Ma_Paid Material Purchase Payment. 186

Pur_Ma_Paidmode Material Purchase Payment Mode . 186

Pur_Ma_Month Material Purchase Payable Monthly Ledger. 187

Pur_Ma_PaidSub Material Purchase Payment History. 188

Facility Equipment . 188

Facility Card Equipment Card . 188

Facility_CardStyle Facility Card Style Definition . 188

Facility_Category Device Category. 188

Facility_Basic Device Basic Information . 189

Facility_Finance Equipment Financial Information. 190

Facility_Relation Inter-facility Relationships. 191

Facility_Relationships. 191

Facility_Alias device alias table. 191

Facility_Alias device aliases table. 191

Facility_Item_Def The Facility Item Definition Table . 192

Facility_DefItem_Val Device Custom Item Values . 192

Facility Management. 193

Facility_Transaction_Link Device Transaction Link Table . 193

Facility_Transaction Device Transaction Master Table . 193

Facility_Transaction_Item Device Transaction Sub-Table. 193

Facility_Transaction_Item Device Transaction Sub-Table . 195

Facility_Trans_Valadjust Device Value Change Table . 195

Facility_Worth Equipment Value Monthly Ledger . 196

Facility_Work Monthly Ledger of Equipment Workload Earnings . 197

Facility_Reqr_Header The Facility Reqr Master Table. 198

Facility_Reqr_Item The Facility Reqr sub-table. 199

Finance Interface. 201

Finance Foot Finance Staff Checkout. 201

Fin_Emp_Foot Operator Financial Checkout. 201

Fin_Emp_Foot_Sub Operator Financial Checkout sub-table . 201

Fin_Emp_Foot_Sub_CateFee Operator Financial Close Expense Breakdown Table . 202

Fin _Foot Financial Close Table . 202

Fin _Foot_Cont Financial Close Contents Table . 203

Fin _Invoice_InOut Receipt Management . 203

Fin_Invoice_Store Receipt Balance . 204

Workbench Communication. 205

File_Save File save table. 205

Dict_Comm_List Command List. 205

Dict_Comm_List. 205

Bench_Comm_List Bench Command List . 205

Bench_Message_List Bench Message List. 206

Bench_Work Workbench table. 207

Bench_Work_Index Bench index table. 208

Bench_Work_Function Bench Function table . 208

Bench_Work_Link Workbench Index Function Link Table . 209

Bench_Work_Tool Workbench Toolbar Definitions Table. 209

Bench_Config Configuration Definition Table. 210

Bench_Func_Config Function and Configuration Relationships Definition Table . 211

Bench_Work_Config Bench Configuration Definition Table . 211

Bench_Work_Emp Bench-Personnel Relationship Definition Table . 212

Computer_Work Computer_Info Definition Table . 212

Computer_Work_Config Computer Configuration Definition Table . 212

TranFlowCtrl Business Process Control . 213

FlowCtrl_Item Business process control item . 213

FlowCtrl_Grp Business process control group . 213

FlowCtrl_Item_Grp_Relation Business Process Control Item Group Relationship Definition . 213

FlowCtrl_Func_Grp_Relation Business Process Function Control Group Relationship Definition . 214