1. Infectious Medical Waste
Infectious medical waste refers to the waste generated in the course of medical treatment that may contain pathogens, such as surgical blades, syringes, medicine bottles, and patients' secretions. This type of waste must be strictly categorized and collected to prevent the spread of pathogens. Collection containers should be specialized red infectious medical waste containers, and the containers must be airtight to prevent leakage of contaminants.
2. Medical chemical waste
Medical chemical waste refers to toxic, hazardous or corrosive chemical wastes generated in the course of medical activities, such as expired medicines, pharmaceutical packaging, chemical reagents, wastes, waste oils and so on. The categorization and collection of such wastes should follow the different chemical nature and degree of hazard. The collection containers should be specialized yellow medical chemical waste containers, and the containers must be airtight to prevent leakage and contamination of chemical substances.
3. Medical Radioactive Waste
Medical radioactive waste refers to radioactive waste generated during medical activities, such as medical radionuclides, radiopharmaceuticals, radioactive sources and so on. Classification and collection of this type of waste should follow different levels of radioactivity. The collection containers should be specialized lead radioactive medical waste containers, and the containers must be airtight to prevent leakage and contamination of radioactive substances.
4. Medical general waste
Medical general waste refers to the harmless waste generated in the course of medical treatment, such as waste paper, waste plastics, waste metals and so on. The classification and collection of this type of waste should follow the standards for ordinary household waste. The collection containers should be ordinary garbage cans or bags, and the containers must be airtight to prevent the waste from leaking out.
5. Medical wastewater
Medical wastewater refers to wastewater containing pathogens, chemicals, etc. generated during medical activities. Classification and collection of this type of wastewater should follow the different types of wastewater, such as operating room wastewater, outpatient wastewater, ward wastewater and so on. The collection containers should be specialized medical wastewater buckets, and the containers must be airtight to prevent leakage of wastewater and pollution of the environment.
The focus of medical waste classification and collection is to classify and collect medical waste strictly according to different categories, and to choose suitable containers for storage to ensure safe handling and reduce pollution to the environment. When carrying out medical waste collection, medical institutions should formulate appropriate medical waste management systems to ensure that all wastes are handled in a standardized manner. In addition, expired loft disinfectant drugs and other medical waste should be classified and disposed of in accordance with relevant regulations to protect human health and environmental safety.