What are the safety precautions in the production workshop?

Machinery manufacturing and processing work covers a wide range, including transportation, machine tools, agricultural machinery, textile machinery, power machinery and precision instruments and other kinds of machinery manufacturing, generally casting, forging, heat treatment, machining and assembly shop, mixed types of work, but for the operators to do a good job of safety protection are basically the same, because their occupational hazards are more or less the same.

1, productive dust is the main dust operations casting, sand preparation, molding, sand, sand, sand and other processes, can make the dust flying, especially with the sandblasting process to repair castings, dust concentration is very high, the quartz used in the greater harm. In the machining process, the grinding and polishing process of metal parts can produce metal and mineral dust, causing miller's pneumoconiosis.

Welding flux, electrode core and the material being welded, evaporate at high temperature to produce a large amount of welding dust and harmful gases, long-term inhalation of higher concentrations of welding dust can cause welding pneumoconiosis.

2, high temperature, heat radiation machinery manufacturing plant of high temperature and heat radiation is mainly in the casting, forging and heat treatment types of work. Foundry furnace, drying furnace, molten metal, hot castings, forging and heat treatment workshop heating furnace and red-hot metal parts are produced by strong thermal radiation, the formation of high-temperature environment serious heat stroke.

3, noise, vibration and ultraviolet machinery manufacturing process, the use of sand tamping machine, wind tools, a variety of forging hammers, grinding wheels, rivets, etc., can produce strong noise; welding, gas welding, subarc welding and plasma welding ultraviolet light, such as improper protection can cause photophthalmitis.

4, heavy physical labor and trauma, burns in the poor degree of mechanization of enterprises, casting, sand, hand forging are heavy physical labor, even if the use of pneumatic hammer or hydraulic press, due to the need to change the position and direction of the workpiece, the intensity of physical labor is very large, and at the same time, to work at high temperatures, so it is easy to cause thermoregulation and cardiovascular system changes.

5, in the face of different types of work environment, machine shop operators need to choose the right safety shoes according to the different working environment, such as forging workshop due to iron filings, iron slag splash should be wearing high-temperature resistant safety shoes; machining workshop machinery falling, sharp objects piercing the soles of the situation should be wearing anti-smash anti-puncture safety shoes. In addition, according to their own needs to wear appropriate safety and protective clothing, wear helmets for comprehensive protection.


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The production process of a machine is the entire process of making a product from raw materials (or semi-finished products). For the production of machines, including the transportation and preservation of raw materials, production preparation, manufacturing of blanks, parts processing and heat treatment, product assembly, and debugging, painting and packaging. The content of the production process is very broad, modern enterprises with the principles and methods of systems engineering to organize and guide production, the production process as a production system with input and output.

In the production process, any process that changes the shape, size, location and nature of the production object, etc., so that it becomes a finished or semi-finished product is called a process. It is the main part of the production process. Process can be divided into casting, forging, stamping, welding, machining, assembly and other processes, mechanical manufacturing process generally refers to the parts of the machining process and the assembly process of the machine the sum of the process.


Baidu encyclopedia - machinery manufacturing and processing enterprise safety production hidden danger investigation and management guidance