Precautions for uv equipment

Now the UV curing equipment used in the printing plant is generally divided into independent machine and printing linkage integrated machine. Independent machine is a separate operation, self-contained, no operational impact on the printing machine, generally used to docking with the printing machine, there is an independent operating system, but the processing speed relative to the linkage of the machine is slower. Printing linkage machine is integrated with the printing machine, the UV lamps and lanterns installed to the printing machine color group between or receiving paper, the linkage can be fully matched to the speed of the printing machine, and the stability of the printing quality has been significantly improved. From the efficiency level, the process is more economical. But whether independent or linked UV curing machine, their principles and basic structure are the same. For UV equipment can be roughly divided into three parts: ① UV lamps and lanterns part; ② exhaust or water cooling system; ③ electrical control system. In the use of these three parts have certain methods and requirements.

1, UV lamps and lanterns part

First time to use the UV curing machine, UV light box within the UV lamp is fragile. The initial installation should pay attention to a few points: before installation, the lamp should be wiped clean with ethanol, and then wear clean gloves to hold the lamp. Install the lamp hole with a cloth pad to insert the lamp, do not let the lamp touch the metal end plate. After the lamp is installed in place, hold the head of the lamp by hand and let it swing a few times in the card base to see if the lamp is in a free state. Let it have a leap at both ends to prevent swelling and cracking when lighting the lamp. If the hands of sweat or dirt sticking to the lamp after lighting high temperature carbonization, it will be sintered on the quartz glass crystal, which will directly affect the curing effect, shorten the service life of the lamp. Lamp side of the dark or black shaped band, from this band irradiated UV light intensity will be attenuated. Impact on the curing effect, so that the lamp can be turned out at an angle, the transparent part of the face down can continue to use, so that the UV lamp to increase the service life, reduce costs. After the use of lamps in the dry or floating workshop should also be frequently wiped with ethanol. In the UV lamps and lanterns in the reflector (i.e., lampshade) is also very critical, the general reflector inner surface according to the optical level of treatment, the use of dirt will also be stuck on the surface roughness, reducing the efficiency of the reflection, so it should also be in the maintenance of the lamp management system when wiping the reflector should be cleaned up. After a period of time such as the reflector has been unable to clean up, if the activities of the lampshade reflective sheet, should be replaced. Some lampshade reflective layer is in the lampshade inner surface with a polishing machine to throw can not be replaced, then it must be removed to re-polish oxidation, or even replaced, otherwise it will also seriously affect the curing effect. Some lamps in the use of a period of time after the phenomenon of blackening at both ends and startup difficulties, and even can not light up, even if not yet to the service life, should be replaced immediately, which is generally a lamp quality problems.

Generally linked with the printing press UV curing equipment lampshade are shuttered, that is, in the printing press and shutdown can open and close the lampshade in a timely manner, to avoid the printing press shutdown when the UV light and heat directly on the printing press pieces or paper, resulting in damage to the printing press and the occurrence of fire. So in the shutter lampshade UV curing equipment should be checked before the lampshade shutter, view check the lampshade shutter is working properly.

UV curing machine shutter drive electric (motor transmission) and pneumatic (cylinder drive) two kinds of pneumatic shutter relative to the failure rate of the electric to less, can be convenient for manual testing and quick judgment of the failure point. Can be connected to the gas supply in the absence of electricity after manual control of the cylinder solenoid valve manual button, manually open and close the lampshade shutter a few times. If there is a fault to be solved before turning on the UV lamp. Electric shutter to some trouble, first of all, must be powered, which has certain security risks, and then do not turn on the light to manually power the shutter motor. Also to repeatedly make the lampshade shutter work a few times, to exclude hidden dangers before normal operation.

2, exhaust and water cooling system

Because the UV lamp is a high-temperature, high-heat luminescent body, the fire prevention of the printing plant is an important issue, the exhaust cooling is also very critical. So for UV lamps for exhaust cooling or water circulation cooling and is essential. If the UV lamps and lanterns cooling is not timely, the temperature inside the light box continues to rise, not dealt with in a timely manner, light burns the lamps and lanterns, heavy electrical short circuit, injury or fire.

First of all, the wind cooling, UV light box is to use the suction method to suck the heat out of the light box. But not with blowing wind, because the cold wind blowing to the wall of the UV lamp tube will make the lamp inside the mercury or metal condensation leading to arc extinguishing. Fan to the UV light box suction pipe length in the factory, will be matched with the right, in the installation of the best not to have a corner, not to mention 90 degrees below the bend, which will block the wind caused by the temperature inside the light box, but also the fan exhaust pressure to reduce the pressure of a few dozen percent, the result of which reduces the speed of the fan, the light box heat burned lamps and lanterns, and even due to the lack of output power, the fan will be burned out.

Fan outlet also has certain requirements. If the outlet is not directly to the atmosphere (indoor or outdoor atmosphere), but into another exhaust pipe, the requirements of the total pipeline air volume to be greater than the fan air volume, otherwise the total exhaust pipeline not only does not play the role of exhaust instead of the role of wind blocking, so that the heat can not be discharged out at all. So the exhaust air in the installation is generally not arbitrary changes.

While water cooling is better than air cooling security, but not as air cooling is not limited by space. Water-cooled systems also have many more components than air-cooled, the cost will also increase. Failure points are correspondingly more numerous. Water-cooled water temperature is best controlled at about 15 degrees, the water flow should be moderate, not too large. Also often observe the water circuit with or without leakage, seepage points, whether the chiller starts and stops normally, there is no abnormal sound and the working status of the water pump.

Found abnormalities are to be dealt with in a timely manner, otherwise it will also make UV lamps and lanterns problems. However, these problematic aspects of the control function can also be added to the control, such as: light box temperature controller, water flow switch, water level switch and other components, can effectively help us in the work of timely detection of faults.

3, electrical control system

UV equipment electrical control system among the electrical control cabinet is the command of the whole set of equipment, inside the transformer, capacitors, etc. are essential and important devices. UV lamps and some of the settings of the function switch is also mostly in the electrical control cabinet, so the maintenance and use of good electrical control cabinet is also very critical.

First of all, the electronic control cabinet should be placed in a clean and less dusty place, the temperature and humidity should be moderate, there must be enough space for heat dissipation and maintenance. UV lamp light-emitting principle is gas discharge, gas lamps in the start and maintenance of the need for high difficulty voltage. UV lamps are less than 1 kilowatt of power, are relying on ballasts to match the trigger to light up the work. When the UV lamp power is greater than 2 kilowatts when the UV lamp luminous work requires a higher voltage, generally more than 1000 volts. Do not easily open the door of the electronic control cabinet, there should be a good grounding wire. Electrical control cabinet to the UV light box is also connected to the line with high voltage, wiring should be suspended away from the crowd or go underground to do a good job of solid cover, in order to prevent long-term trampling occurs leakage or short-circuit hazard. Light box within the high-voltage line should also be checked regularly to see if there is a hidden danger of damage, such as must be dealt with or replaced. Because the high-voltage line short-circuit is not only harmful to people, but also can make the capacitor breakdown, and even lead to transformer burnout. And maintenance of light boxes and high-voltage lines must also cut off the power supply to prevent accidents.

In the use of UV curing equipment as much as possible do not frequently switch UV lamps, temporary shutdown with half-power way. This for the lamp, transformer, thermostat, water cooling temperature and stop time in the debugging try not to arbitrarily change, it is best to have a person in charge, so that the continuity of the machine and the best performance is guaranteed.